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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 17(271)

Рубрика журнала: Экономика

Секция: Менеджмент

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Библиографическое описание:
Slynko A. METHODOLOGY FOR COMPILING THE NOMENCLATURE OF CASES IN THE ORGANIZATION // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2024. № 17(271). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/271/329852 (дата обращения: 25.02.2025).


Slynko Alyona

student, Department of Russian History and Documentation, Faculty of History and Philology, Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod

Shemaeva Elena Viktorovna

научный руководитель,

scientific supervisor, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor, Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod



Слынько Алёна Александровна

студент, кафедра российской истории и документоведения, историко-филологический факультет, Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет,

РФ, г. Белгород

Шемаева Елена Викторовна

научный руководитель, канд. филол. наук, доц., Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет,

РФ, г. Белгород



The article deals with the relevance of maintaining and managing documentation in organizations. Documents are a valuable source of information containing data on the organization's past activities and interactions with other organizations. The rational use of this information improves the quality and efficiency of creating new documents. The process of forming and compiling the nomenclature of cases is described. The lack of properly organized documentation can lead to interruption of production and take up a lot of time to find the necessary information. Proper management of the nomenclature of cases plays an important role in ensuring effective and high-quality work of the organization and the enterprise as a whole.


В статье идет речь о актуальности сохранения и управления документацией в организациях. Документы являются ценным источником информации, содержащей данные о прошлой деятельности и взаимодействии организации с другими организациями. Рациональное использование этой информации повышает качество и эффективность создания новых документов. Описывается процесс формирования и составления номенклатуры дел. Отсутствие правильно организованной документации может привести к прерыванию производства и отнимать большое количество времени на поиск нужной информации. Правильное ведение номенклатуры дел играет важную роль в обеспечении эффективной работы качественной работы организации и предприятия в целом.


Keywords: nomenclature of cases, storage, formation.

Ключевые слова: номенклатура дел, хранение, формирование.


The main types of work that ensure the correct organization of documents in office work are the compilation of case nomenclatures and the formation of cases. The document storage system in each educational institution is based on the nomenclature of cases, which is designed to organize the storage of documents, accounting for cases opened in each calendar year, and setting the terms of their storage. In order for documents to be easily found, after execution they are grouped into cases with different storage periods. The classification reference book, which determines the order of distribution of documents in cases, is the nomenclature of cases.

The nomenclature of cases is a systematic list of names of cases filed in an organization, indicating the terms of their storage, issued in accordance with the established procedure [1].This term includes several key concepts that suggest that, firstly, all cases included in the nomenclature of cases should be arranged in a certain order, secondly, they should have a fixed shelf life and, finally, the nomenclature itself, as a document, should be executed in accordance with the established procedure. The fulfillment of these conditions allows you to outline the grouping of executed documents into cases and their formation, establish the systematization of cases in structural divisions or in the organization as a whole, fixed by special indexes, determine the retention periods of documents and cases, organize the accounting of cases in structural divisions of organizations, effectively and quickly search for the necessary documentary information for operational use. The nomenclature of cases is the basis for compiling inventories of permanent and long-term storage cases (over 10 years) and an accounting document for temporary storage cases in the organization's archive.

There are three types of case nomenclatures: standard, approximate and individual case nomenclatures of a particular organization. The standard nomenclature of cases establishes the composition of cases filed in the office of the same type of organizations, and is a normative document. The approximate nomenclature of cases establishes the approximate composition of cases filed in the office of the organizations to which it applies, indicating their indexes, and is of a recommendatory nature.

Standard and approximate case nomenclatures are used to compile an individual case nomenclature. In the nomenclature of the organization's cases, from the standard or approximate nomenclature of cases, the headings of cases provided for by them are transferred, which are supposed to be opened in the office of the organization, concretized taking into account its specifics.

The shelf life of each case in the nomenclature is determined by the "List of documents indicating the shelf life" with reference to the corresponding article of the list. Questions about the retention periods of files are resolved by the archivist of the enterprise and can be clarified by the expert commission of the enterprise or the central expert commission. The retention periods provided for by the standard or approximate nomenclature of cases are transferred to the specific nomenclature of the enterprise without changes [2].

Within the framework of document management, the nomenclature of cases is used in practice at the enterprise to systematize documents in order to complete the archival fund with high-quality documents, controls and provides the necessary methodological and practical assistance to the documentation support service of management.

The work of developing the nomenclature of cases should begin with the publication of the appropriate administrative document of the head of the organization on the development of the nomenclature of cases. This document should specify specific deadlines for submitting to the Management Documentation Support Service (DOW) and the archive by each structural unit all lists of primary documents that may be formed depending on the specifics of its activities in the next office year. Also, the order must specify those responsible for the execution and reliability of the information provided, as well as the deadlines for submitting the draft consolidated nomenclature of the organization's affairs to the expert commission for consideration and approval by the head. The technical school has a large number of structural divisions, a schedule for the delivery of draft nomenclatures of cases and documents formed in them for the purpose of their systematic consideration can be attached to the order.

When starting to develop the nomenclature, the position and charter of the organization and its structural divisions, staffing and structure of the organization, plans and reports on its work, nomenclature of cases for previous years, classifiers, inventories of permanent and long-term storage cases were studied.

After examining the documentation, the composition, content and number of originals and copies of the documents were revealed. Since it is difficult to make up the nomenclature of cases of the entire college to only one person responsible for its development, all heads of structural divisions are involved in this work, because they know best the documents with which they work and which are in their custody. In addition, individual nomenclatures of business units are compiled.

Next was the work of compiling the headings of the cases and the identified documents. They had to be classified according to the established classifier of cases in the correct sequence. The next stage in the development of the nomenclature of cases was the definition of a document, according to which work was to be done to identify the correspondence of the titles of cases and the corresponding shelf life of the document. Such a document was the "List of standard management archival documents" [3].

After the appropriate articles were identified for the headings of the cases and the retention periods of the documents were entered, the definition of the division indexing system and the establishment of case indexes followed.

All the information found was entered into a table that has a unified form. It consists of 5 graphs. Upon completion of the work on the development of the nomenclature of cases, it was sent for verification by the head of the archive and signed by the head of the Documentation support department of the Documentation Management. In conclusion, I can say that I have considered an interesting and useful topic: the methodology for compiling the nomenclature of cases. The nomenclature of cases is an important tool for organizing and structuring document flow in an organization. The paper considered the basic principles and requirements that the nomenclature of cases should meet. The nomenclature of cases should be unique, structured and detailed. Important criteria in the compilation of the nomenclature of cases are its simplicity, clarity and ease of use.

Thus, the methodology of compiling the nomenclature of cases is an important tool for the effective organization of document management. It allows you to structure and organize documents, providing convenience and efficiency of working with them. It is important to take into account the specifics of a particular organization when compiling the nomenclature of cases and regularly update it in accordance with changes in the organization's activities.



  1. ГОСТ Р 51141-98 «Делопроизводство и Архивное дело. Термины и определения» – Доступ из справ.-правовой системы «КонсультантПлюс».
  2. "Основные Правила работы архивов организаций" (одобрены решением Коллегии Росархива от 06.02.2002)
  3. Приказ Росархива от 20.12.2019 N 236 "Об утверждении Перечня типовых управленческих архивных документов, образующихся в процессе деятельности государственных органов, органов местного самоуправления и организаций, с указанием сроков их хранения"

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