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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 17(271)

Рубрика журнала: Психология

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Библиографическое описание:
Bronnikova O.A., Markov A.V. CHARACTERISTIC FEATURES OF THE VALUE-SEMANTIC SPHERE OF STUDENTS WITH WITH DIFFERENT PROFESSIONAL ORIENTATION // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2024. № 17(271). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/271/328823 (дата обращения: 25.03.2025).


Bronnikova Olga Alexeevna

student, Faculty of Psychology of Institute of Pedagogy, Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod

Markov Alexander Vladimirovich

scientific advisor, Senior lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages, Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod


To identify the features of the value-semantic sphere in students, an empirical study of terminal values ​​was carried out. The purpose of the empirical study: to study characteristics of the value-semantic sphere with different professional orientation. The results of the study indicate that we found four negative and one positive correlations between the indicators of terminal values, meaning-life orientations and professional types. The higher the propensity of students to the professional type "Human - sign system", the lower the need for social approval of their behavior. The higher the propensity of students to the professional type "Human - artistic image", the stronger is the desire for approval from others and the weaker is the perception of oneself as a strong personality.


Keywords: professional orientation, terminal values, meaning and life orientations, students.


Terminal values and meaning-life orientations are the most important components of the value-meaning sphere of personality, form the core orientation of students' personality. Professional orientation in students is bright and definite and becomes the core of this age stage. In psychology there are certain differences in the concept and structural components of professional orientation. Each scientist fills the structure of professional orientation with its own content.

E. F. Zeer understands professional orientation as an integral quality of personality that determines the approach to the profession, the need for professional activity and preparedness for it [2, p. 416]. EF Zeer suggests identifying certain components of professional orientation - "motives (intentions, interests, inclinations, ideals); value orientations (meaning of labor, salary, welfare, qualification, career, social status); professional position (attitude to the profession, attitudes, expectations, readiness for professional development); socio-professional status" [1, p.480]. Terminal values are beliefs about how it is preferable to behave in each situation according to a certain way of acting [3, p. 487]. According to OV Solovyova, meaning-life orientations are usually understood as a way of building a person's own life with an inherent system of values, meanings and goals [4, p. 3]. NG Ivanova believes that realizing one's own meaning-life orientations, "a person searches for his/her place in the world, reflects on the meaning and purpose of life activity" [5, p. 54]. According to NA Kanaeva, by the beginning of adolescence, in the period of student life, meaning-life orientations are formed into a complete, integrated system, which is closely related to other personality characteristics [6, p. 201].

Therefore, the analysis of theoretical literature has shown that the value-sense sphere of students has differences depending on the professional orientation. In students of professional orientation "human - artistic image" the most attractive are values related to health. Students with the professional type "human - human" are distinguished by the effectiveness of life or satisfaction with self-realisation, as well as a high locus of control.

Purpose of the study- to identify the features of the value-semantic sphere of personality of students with different professional orientations.

Research methods: terminal values questionnaire (I.G. Senin), test of life-meaning orientations (D. Krambo and L. Maholik, adapted by D.A. Leontyev), differential diagnostic questionnaire (E.A. Klimov, adapted by A.A. Azbel ). Statistical processing of data was carried out using the Spearman criterion. Mathematical data processing was carried out using the statistical analysis computer program Jamovi, version

The study was conducted on the basis of the National Research University "BelSU" in Belgorod. The study involved 30 third- and fourth-year students of the Faculty of Psychology aged 19 to 21 years, of which 3 were boys and 27 were girls.

At the initial stage of our research, we studied the severity of indicators of the professional type of students using a differential diagnostic questionnaire (E.A. Klimov, adapted by A.A. Azbel).

The most pronounced indicators of the professional type of students are “Man - an artistic image” (Mx = 8.3) and “Man is a person” (Mx = 8.2). Considering that the maximum score that can be obtained separately for each indicator in this method (max = 12 b), respondents have a level above average, that is, they give preference to professions that require knowledge of the psychological laws of emotional influence on people, and also have interest in professions that primarily involve communication between people. On the “Man - Nature” scale (Mx = 5.9), the indicator reaches an average level of expression, which indicates little interest in work aimed at living nature objects. On the scale “Man is a sign system” (Mx = 4.7), the indicator reaches a low level of expression, which means a propensity for professions related to texts, documents, various databases, and mathematical calculations. On the “Man - Technology” scale (Mx = 2.7), the indicator reaches a low level of expression, that is, students reject professions related to the creation, maintenance or operation of technical devices.

Next, let's switch to discussing data on the distribution of students by levels of terminal values in percentage terms.

On the “Prestige” scale, 3.3% have high scores, 46.7% have average scores. Low scores for 50% - half of the students lack the human desire for recognition, respect, and approval from others. On the “Financial situation” scale, 3.3% have a low level, 26.7% have a high level. The average level is 70% - most students strive for a higher level of material well-being. On the “Creativity” scale, 6.7% have high scores, 26.7% have low scores. The average scores are 66.7% - most students are characterized by a desire to realize their creative potential. On the “Social Contacts” scale, 6.7% have high scores and 23.3% have low scores. Average scores are 70% - most students strive to establish favorable relationships with other people. On the “Self-Development” scale, 6.7% have a low level, 10% have high scores. The average scores are 83.3% - most students are characterized by a desire for the fullest realization of their abilities in the sphere of professional life. On the “Achievement” scale, low scores were found in 10%, high scores in 13.3%. The average scores are 76.7%, which indicates that students carefully plan their lives, setting specific goals at each stage and believing that the main thing is to achieve these goals. On the “Spiritual Satisfaction” scale, 13.3% have high scores and 16.7% have low scores. The average scores are 70% - most students are characterized by a desire to understand the subject of their work as deeply as possible. On the “Preservation of Individuality” scale, 3.3% had low scores, 36.7% had high scores. Average scores are 60% - most students try to have a job or profession that could emphasize the originality and uniqueness of their personality.

Thus, terminal values ​​among students have the following features - a level of expression above average for the indicators “Preservation of individuality” and “Financial situation”, a low level for the indicator “Prestige”, an average level for the indicators “Creativity”, “Social contacts”, “Development” yourself”, “Achievements”, “Spiritual satisfaction”. In percentage terms, the average level of expression of all indicators of terminal values, with the exception of the “Prestige” indicator, in which most students have a low level of expression.

Let's consider the result of the analysis of connections between terminal values, terminal values and professional types of students (Figure 1).


Figure 1. Correlation galaxy of connections between indicators of terminal values, life-meaning orientations and professional types of students


To identify correlations between the studied indicators, we used the nonparametric mathematical method, the Spearman rank correlation coefficient, since an abnormal distribution was found for several variables. As a result of the correlation analysis, 4 negative correlations were found between indicators of terminal values, life-meaning orientations and professional types (Figure 1).

The indicators of terminal values “Prestige”, “Social contacts”, “Self-development” are inversely related at the significance level p≤0.05 with the professional indicator “Human being a sign system”. The strongest feedback is found in the indicator “Social contacts” with the indicator of the professional type “Man - sign system” (r=-0.473, with p≤0.01). In other words, the higher the students’ inclination towards the professional type “Man is a sign system” is developed, the weaker the desire to establish favorable relationships with other people will be expressed. The indicator of life-meaning orientations “Locus of control-I” is inversely related at the significance level p≤0.05 with the indicator of the professional “Man is an artistic image” (r = -0.369), which may mean that the more pronounced the tendency towards the professional type “Human” - artistic image”, the weaker the confidence in the ability to control the events of one’s own life will be expressed. The indicator of terminal values “Prestige” is directly related at the significance level p≤0.05 with the indicator of professional “Man is an artistic image”. In other words, the higher the students’ inclination towards the professional type “Man is an artistic image” is developed, the stronger the desire for recognition, respect, and approval from others will be expressed.

In the course of this study, the following conclusions were formulated:

Terminal values among students have the following features - a level of expression above average in terms of the indicators “Preservation of individuality” and “Financial situation”, a low level in terms of the indicator “Prestige”, an average level in terms of indicators “Creativity”, “Social contacts”, “Self-development”, “Achievements”, “Spiritual satisfaction”. In percentage terms, the average level of expression of all indicators of terminal values, with the exception of the “Prestige” indicator, in which most students have a low level of expression.

Students' life-meaning orientations have the following features - an average level of expression for all indicators of life-meaning orientations. As a percentage, the majority of students have an average level of expression on the scales “Process of Life”, “Performance of Life”, “Locus of Control-I”, “Locus of Control-Life”, as well as a low level of expression on the scale “Purpose in Life”.

Having studied the professional types of students, we determined that students are characterized by the professional types “Man is a person” and “Man is an artistic image,” that is, students give preference to professions that require knowledge of the psychological laws of emotional influence on people, and also have an interest in professions that involve the influence of people on each other. This is explained by the characteristics of the sample, since students of the Faculty of Psychology took part in the study.

Having studied the nature of the connection between terminal values, life-meaning orientations and professional types of students, we found four negative and one positive correlations between indicators of terminal values, life-meaning orientations and professional types. The higher the students’ inclination towards the professional type “Man is a sign system”, the lower the need for social approval of their behavior. The higher the students’ inclination towards the professional type “Man is an artistic image”, the stronger the desire for approval from others and the weaker the idea of themselves as a strong personality.



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