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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 15(269)

Рубрика журнала: Информационные технологии

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Библиографическое описание:
Bogodist A. ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT AS A WAY TO IMPROVE CASE MANAGEMENT // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2024. № 15(269). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/269/326691 (дата обращения: 04.10.2024).


Bogodist Anna

student, Department of Russian History and Archival Studies, Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod

Shemaeva Elena Viktorovna

научный руководитель,

scientific supervisor, candidate of Philological Sciences, associate professor, Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod


The article is devoted to the study of electronic document management as a modern way to optimise office workflow. It considers the main advantages of using electronic document management, such as increasing the efficiency of work, reducing the time for processing documents and reducing the cost of working with management documents. The article also analyses possible problems arising in the implementation of electronic document management.


Keywords: electronic document management, document management optimisation, document, document management, document management organisation, document management problems, electronic document management system.


One of the main carriers of information in an organisation is documents. A document is one of the main tools of business communication. Business documents are also the legal basis for the rights and obligations of partners in business and other activities. The ability to communicate effectively with the help of business documents and to properly carry out office management is one of the key factors of business success.

The document flow of an institution is a set of interrelated procedures that ensure the movement of documents within the institution from the moment of their creation or receipt to the completion of their execution or dispatch. In order to optimise the organisation of document flow, all documents are distributed into different flows.

One of the main carriers of information in an organisation is documents. A document is one of the main tools of business communication. Business documents are also the legal basis for the rights and obligations of partners in business and other activities. The ability to communicate effectively with the help of business documents and to properly carry out office management is one of the key factors of business success.

The document flow of an institution is a set of interrelated procedures that ensure the movement of documents within the institution from the moment of their creation or receipt to the completion of their execution or dispatch. In order to optimise the organisation of document flow, all documents are distributed into different flows.

Nowadays every organisation tries to keep up with the times, that is why they implement information technologies to improve the efficiency of management activities. Electronic document management is an optimal tool for improving office management. With the development of information technology and the transition to digitalisation, more and more organisations understand the need to switch to this method.

The document is the main way of presenting information, both between internal structural divisions and externally interacting with clients and management bodies. Thus, electronic document circulation is the fastest way of information transfer. All over the world, this method of information is considered the most optimal to replace the traditional paper-based document flow.

We propose to consider what electronic document management implies. Electronic document management is document management using an automated information system (electronic document management system). Consequently, it is a way of information exchange created with the help of computer means. Electronic document management significantly facilitates work, it helps:

Store, edit and sort information in one place;

Quickly search for a document in the electronic archive by key request;

Protect confidential information with data encryption;

Unload the time of HR, accounting departments;

Delivery of documents using EDI is much faster than courier delivery.

EDMS implementation in an organisation is done in stages. Different departments or different categories of documents are transferred one by one. Each organisation's electronic document management implementation plan may be carried out differently. However, in general, EDI implementation follows approximately the same scheme.

Let's consider the stages of electronic document management implementation:

1. Setting goals and objectives. Allows you to improve document flow, reduce costs and relieve the department.

2. analysing the document management system. At this stage the current documents used in the company are evaluated, the study of office management regulations, documentation routing, procedures for creating, approving and signing contracts, rules for registration of incoming and outgoing documents, as well as the requirements of Russian legislation to the order of office management.

3. optimisation of office management organisation. If there is no organised work with documents at the enterprise, the necessary regulations are established.

4. Development of the document flow automation project. At this stage, the rules of work with the future EDI system, document flow routes, the procedure for approving and sending documentation are determined.

5. Improvement of software. Most often companies buy an electronic document management system and order software improvements. Some large enterprises order unique services developed specifically for specific organisations.

6. Implementation of the electronic document management system. At this stage, the company prepares workplaces (creation of user accounts, installation and configuration of the necessary software on computers), sets up interaction between users and determines access levels.

7. Training of employees to work with the electronic document management system. For this purpose, instructions and manuals on working with documents and rules for using electronic signatures are developed.

Thus, we can say that the process of introducing electronic document management is quite complicated, but these difficulties can be overcome. The transition to electronic document management is a powerful tool for improving office management. It can significantly increase the speed of work, ensure the reliability and security of the processed information, as well as save resources and improve the efficiency of the organisation. Implementation of this method is justified and recommended for all businesses and organisations seeking modern and efficient workflows.


Список литературы:

  1. Андреева, В.И. Делопроизводство: организация и ведение / В.И.  Андреева. – Москва: КноРус, 2016. – 234 c. – ISBN: 978-5-406-06466-5.
  2. Иритикова, В. Порядок ведения бумажных и электронных журналов регистрации документов // Делопроизводство и документооборот на предприятии. — 2013. — № 12. — С. 41-44.
  3. Системы электронного документооборота: Учебное пособие / Н.Ф. Алтухова, В.В. Лосева, А.Л. Дзюбенко, А С. Бобкова. Москва: КноРус, 2019. 202 с.
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