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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 13(267)

Рубрика журнала: Технические науки

Секция: Архитектура, Строительство

Скачать книгу(-и): скачать журнал часть 1, скачать журнал часть 2, скачать журнал часть 3, скачать журнал часть 4

Библиографическое описание:
Пацакула Т.Н., Уваров И.Ю., Юдина И.И. ОСОБЕННОСТИ ТРУБОПРОВОДНОГО ТРАНСПОРТА ПОВЫШЕННОЙ НАДЕЖНОСТИ XXI ВЕКА // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2024. № 13(267). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/267/324199 (дата обращения: 15.03.2025).


Пацакула Тимофей Николаевич

студент, Национальный Исследовательский Московский Государственный Строительный Университет,

РФ, Москва

Уваров Илья Юрьевич

студент, Национальный Исследовательский Московский Государственный Строительный Университет,

РФ, Москва

Юдина Ирина Ивановна

преподаватель, Национальный Исследовательский Московский Государственный Строительный Университет,

РФ, Москва



Timofey Patsakula

student, National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering

Russia, Moscow

Ilya Uvarov

student, National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering

Russia, Moscow

Irina Yudina

teacher, National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering

Russia, Moscow



В данной статье рассматривается проблема надежности трубопроводного транспорта; дается краткая информация об использовании трубопровода в конце 19-го начале 20 века; рассматриваются стальные трубы, в том числе, с полиуретаном в качестве основного элемента современных трубопроводов.


This article considers the problem of reliability of pipeline transport; it provides a summary of the use of pipelines in the late 19th and early 20th centuries; and it examines steel pipes, including those with polyurethane as the main element of modern pipelines.


Ключевые слова: трубопроводный транспорт, надежность, стальные трубы, стеклопластиковые и полимерные трубы, нержавеющие трубы.

Keywords: pipeline transport, reliability, steel pipes, fiberglass and polymer pipes, stainless steel pipes.


The Big Russian Encyclopedia defines the concept of "Pipeline transport" as follows: it is "a highly specialized type of transport, including oil pipelines, gas pipelines, ammonia pipelines, hydraulic transport of minerals, sea pipelines, pneumatic mail, etc. for transportation of liquid and gaseous, as well as solid materials" [2].

Russia has a huge resource potential spread over a large territory, which allows it to meet the current and future needs of the economy. The available structure, quality of resources, and the amount of reserves that are directed to their economic development influence the economic potential of the country, including the social development of the regions of the Russian Federation. At present, the modern energy system of the country is highly dependent on the reliability of pipeline transport. However, laying new pipelines requires billions of dollars of expenditure. Experts also note that a significant part of transport pipelines have long exceeded their standard service life of 25 years. The average age of many operating pipelines in Russia is 27-30 years [7]. Consequently, there is a problem of pipeline transport reliability, the solution of which would ensure the stability of transport and supply of Russia's regions with the most important resources. In addition, pipeline accidents can lead to serious consequences for both the environment and human health.

The idea of using a pipeline belongs to Russian scientist D.I. Mendeleev, who explained the principles of its construction and its possibilities for pumping oil and oil products. With the development of pipeline projects, the development of pipe production began. The first pipe furnace welding mills in Russia appeared in the 70s of the XIX century. During this period of time cast iron pipes were used for water pipelines. Gradually, iron pipes began to be manufactured for various industries. In Russia, initially, pipes were produced by the method of overlay furnace welding, the essence of which is that in the manufacture of overlay pipes, the edges of the iron sheet are bevelled, so that when rolled up into a pipe, there was no thickening at the place of the seam during welding.

At the beginning of the 20th century in Russia, the oil industry and public utilities formed the demand for pipe products: 90 per cent of all products consumed were in these sectors of the economy.  Machine-building, construction and some other sectors of the economy use pipe products in smaller volumes.  Pipes used in mechanical engineering were of the highest quality, but this market was rather closed and there was no mass demand for pipe products. Apart from cast iron and iron pipes, pipes made of other materials (copper, brass, lead, etc.) were also manufactured and used, which were also not in mass demand. At the beginning of the 20th century, despite the high development of knowledge about the physics of materials, the ability to calculate the stress from compression and elongation of the pipe, external and internal pressure, resistance to bending, etc., this knowledge was rarely used in the calculation of the pipe wall thickness.

At the beginning of the last century, mankind created asbestos-cement pipes, which are still widely used in engineering systems. And in the forties of the last century, pipes made of polymeric materials began to be used in construction. Since then, a gradual displacement of pipes made of traditional materials began. The invention of high-temperature polypropylene made a real revolution in the sphere of pipelines. By the mid-1990s, the share of polypropylene was constantly increasing and was, for example, 69.3 per cent in Switzerland, 50.8 per cent in Finland and 46.2 per cent in Germany.

At present in Russia, the inevitability of renewal of existing engineering networks is obvious.  The efficiency of resource utilization and introduction of innovations have a significant role to play. After all, one of the causes of pipeline accidents is metal corrosion due to environmental impact on pipes: water, moisture. The result of such effects is the destruction of the pipe. Therefore, it is necessary to learn how to properly protect pipelines from such effects and to learn how to adequately monitor their condition.

The main element of pipelines that is currently used and will be used in the near future is steel pipes. Glass-fibre reinforced plastic and polymer pipes cannot compete with them yet, as they are used in appropriate climatic conditions of the south of our country. Steel pipes have high strength, are relatively cheap, have been introduced into mass production, and are characterized by their technological application. Low corrosion resistance of steel pipelines is one of the problems of their operation. At the same time, as M. Khodyrev, General Director of LLC "Enterprise "Truboplast" notes, at the present stage the task of preserving the issue of the safety of the inner surface of the welded joint and the near-seam zone of the pipe surface is being resolved [9].

OAO Urals Pipe Plant has now mastered the production of steel pipes lined with polyurethane, which will be used as slurry pipelines. Polyurethane has anti-corrosion properties, high resistance to hydro-abrasive wear. The use of polyurethane as an internal coating increases the reliability of the pipeline and increases the service life by 10 times compared to other materials. Steel pipes with polyurethane are highly resistant to chemicals, electrical damage, humidity and ultraviolet rays. The use of this material with steel pipe also allows to reduce metal consumption while maintaining strength characteristics [6].

 At the current stage of economic development, imperfect and outdated operational processes are being addressed. For example, Pipe Metallurgical Company (TMK) announced the completion of the second stage of modernization of the pipe heat treatment equipment at the Pervouralsk Novotrubny Plant in 2024. This will make it possible to produce pipes of higher precision without scale on the surface, as well as to process pipes up to 23 meters long, and the estimated economic effect of the modernization will be about 180 million rubles per year [4].

A new plant for the production of seamless stainless steel pipes has been built in the Orel region. Stainless steel for pipes will be smelted from scrap and primary materials of domestic production [5].

Capacity for automatic application of temporary preservation coating on pipe products is being built up. Additional capacities allow applying preservation coating to the outer surface of tubing and casing pipes. The applied composition not only improves the marketable appearance of the products, but also protects the pipe metal, increasing its resistance to atmospheric influences and allowing them to be stored for up to 12 months in the open air [7].

Hidden mechanical damage can cause pipeline accidents. This becomes especially true when construction works are carried out near pipelines or when pipeline routes are disturbed. Therefore, one of the main tasks is to minimize accidents in pipeline systems, especially in the housing and utilities sector (pipe bursting, repair works). This problem is solved by the introduction of GOST R, when manufacturing plants will have to undergo the procedure of confirmation of compliance of their pipes with the requirements of the standard, and in general it will be possible to reduce the percentage of counterfeit and falsified pipe products in the domestic market [8].

Lipetsk Pipe Company "Svobodny Sokol" started to produce new pipes made of high-strength cast iron with spheroidal graphite, which will be used for the reconstruction of the water supply network. These pipes are designed for a long service life of 50 to 100 years, they are resistant to corrosion and low temperatures. A special feature is that the reconstruction of the water supply network will be carried out with the use of locking joints for pipes, which is an alternative to cement reinforcement blocks in combating the effects of hydraulic axial pressure. All this will make it possible to start the restoration of disturbed amenities in various communities in our country [3].

In conclusion, the pipeline transport of the 21st century will have increased reliability due to all the steps taken in the field of modernization of equipment, production and operational processes.



  1. Analysis of new trends in the pipe industry. Chronicle of work of the industry for the last four months. Electronic resource: https://www.prometall.info/intrigi/trendi/analiz_novykh_trendov_v_trubnoy_promyshlennosti
  2. Big Russian Encyclopedia // Electronic resource: https://old.bigenc.ru/.
  3. Efremov I. "Svobodny Sokol" makes a significant contribution to the defense capability of the country // 24 Chernozemye: results of the year, December 20, 2023. Electronic resource: https://chr.plus.rbc.ru/news/659fb4307a8aa9a44ad55562
  4. Corporate news of PJSC Pipe Metallurgical Company (TMK) for 2024// Electronic resource: https://finviewer.ru/tmk-group/news/2024/.
  5. In the Orel region it is planned to build a seamless pipe plant for 3-5 billion rubles// Electronic resource: https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/5380600.
  6. Ural Turbine Works Open Joint-Stock Company: https://checko.ru/company/uraltrubprom-1026601502740
  7. State of pipelines in Russia: old vs. new // Journal "Extractive Industry" Electronic resource: https://dprom.online/oilngas/sostoyanie-truboprovodov-v-rossii-staroe-protiv-novogo/
  8. Approved a new national standard of pipe products for housing and utilities// RosTeplo.ru - all about heat supply in Russia. Electronic resource: https://www.rosteplo.ru/news/2022/03/09/1646826533-utverjdyon-novyj-nacionalnyj-standart-trubnoj-produkcii
  9. Khodyrev M. Pipelines of increased reliability of the XXI century // Territory Neftegaz. 2006. №6. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/truboprovody-povyshennoy-nadezhnosti-xxi-veka

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