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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 4(258)

Рубрика журнала: Психология

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Библиографическое описание:
Tkacheva Yu. DEVELOPMENT OF MENTAL PROCESSES IN SENIOR PRESCHOOL CHILDREN OF AGE WITH GENERAL UNDERDEVELOPMENT SPEECHES // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2024. № 4(258). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/258/317541 (дата обращения: 20.02.2025).


Tkacheva Yulia

master's student, Faculty of Preschool, primary and special education, Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod

The effectiveness of the process of forming coherent speech and the formation of mental functions in children with general speech underdevelopment depends both on its timely start and on the chosen method of influence, taking into account the identified disorders in children of this group.

In preschool age, visual memory is most productive and auditory-verbal memory is reduced. Therefore, one of the fundamental principles of learning is the principle of visibility.

The main direction in the process of improving correctional and developmental education is the use of visual modeling. Many methods of preschool and school education are based on it (D.B. Elkonin, L.E. Zhmurova, Yu.F. Garkusha).

The use of the visual modeling method significantly improves the process of producing a coherent speech utterance in children with general speech underdevelopment, and as a result of a specially organized learning process contributes to the development and formation of cognitive activity.

This visual modeling method, such as the use of reference diagrams, has proven to be especially productive. A series of supporting schemes developed for each lexical topic include detailed lexical and grammatical material and are logically complete constructions, i.e. represent an element of an information system.

The basis for compiling a block of diagrams is the thematic principle. In the process of studying one topic, educational material is presented holistically; conditions are created for the activation of cognitive processes in children: as the topic is studied, the volume of material being studied increases, it is enlarged and generalized.

L.A. Wenger, P.Ya. Garkusha, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.R. Luria proved the possibility of direct impact on the development of the child when mastering the actions of substitution and visual modeling. Their use shapes children's mental abilities, their perception, memory, and imagination.

When working with reference schemes on a specific lexical topic, the speech therapist comes to the aid of the methodological system of enlarged didactic units by P.M. Erdniev, which involves solving a set of problems within one lesson, based on age characteristics, the presence of speech pathology, and underdevelopment of mental processes. From this system, for the process of correctional and developmental influence on children with general speech underdevelopment, we use the following provisions:

1) joint and simultaneous study of interrelated issues of the program (actions, operations, etc.);

2) achieving systematic knowledge;

3) the principle of complementarity in the exercise system.

Updating the content of school education has led to a significant increase in the volume of theoretical material, which is very far from the personal experience of children. The requirements for quality indicators of mastering educational knowledge have sharply increased, and children must master them in a shorter time.

All of the above justifies the urgent need to make changes in the process of correctional and developmental pedagogical influence - the introduction of new forms, methods, methods and techniques of work, the use of both traditional and new educational and developmental technologies, paying more attention to the education of school motivation, the development of cognitive activity, individualization correction process, conducting comprehensive diagnostics at all stages of training.

In modern speech therapy, speech disorders are never considered outside of connection with the mental development of the child, therefore the relationship between the speech activity of children and all aspects of their mental development should be the focus of our attention.

The goal of pedagogical activities for the development of mental processes in children of senior preschool age with general speech underdevelopment is to ensure a sufficient level of readiness for learning that meets the requirements of a modern school, in the process of developing the mental functions of children with general speech underdevelopment through the use of support diagrams (drawings).

Achieving the planned results involves solving the following tasks:

- introduction into pedagogical practice of the optimal organization of the educational process, allowing to completely overcome, or in difficult cases, minimize speech and non-speech underdevelopment in children with general speech underdevelopment;

- creating conditions for the correction and development of both speech and non-speech processes in children with general speech underdevelopment;

- the use of techniques and methods aimed at correcting and developing mental processes and speech as a higher mental function.

The organization of the educational process is based on a pedagogically sound choice of curriculum, plans, correctional means, forms and methods of teaching and upbringing, ensuring the readiness of children with general speech underdevelopment for further education at school.

The psychophysical foundations of organizing the process of education and upbringing of children according to K.D. Ushinsky are:

- learning environment;

- the emotional state of the child, his interest in the learning process;

- functional state, which determines the adequacy of the educational load, the correspondence of the content of the educational process to the age capabilities of children;

- the time of pedagogical influence on the child, determined by the teacher’s identification of his characteristics, forecasting the influence of the requirements and learning conditions on him.

The work experience presents theoretical and practical material that provides correctional and developmental influence aimed at the intensive formation of monologue and dialogic activity in the process of using various types of activities.

Didactic material includes test tasks and developmental exercises (Appendix 1), reference pictures and diagrams on all lexical topics (Appendix 2), for the use of which, in terms of the development of mental processes, an algorithm for the activities of a speech therapist has been developed (Appendix 3).

When organizing the educational process, it is necessary to be guided by the principles of clarity of learning, consciousness and activity of children in learning, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the child, the strength of knowledge acquisition and their connection with practice.

The organization of the educational process is built in accordance with the curriculum (thematic, long-term, calendar) and the school schedule.

At the beginning and end of the year, all aspects of children’s oral speech and the level of development of their cognitive activity are diagnosed.

So, achieving effectiveness in correctional and developmental work is possible only through the interaction of all participants in the pedagogical process, whose activities are aimed at solving common pedagogical problems.

Children with speech pathology in the process of overcoming speech disorders and underdevelopment of cognitive processes need auxiliary aids. The use of the visual modeling method significantly improves the process of producing a coherent speech utterance in preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment, updates and activates their cognitive activity.

The technique of visual modeling serves as one of the ways to plan a coherent statement and is used in working on all types of monologue speech: retelling, composing a story, descriptive and creative story.

In speech therapy work, modeling acts as a method of cognition, on the one hand, and as a program for analyzing new phenomena, on the other.

The inclusion of supporting schemes in a large block on one lexical topic during the learning process helps to expand and clarify the vocabulary, develop an understanding of the grammatical structures of a speech utterance, and maintain consistency in it.

To develop color perception in the process of representing reference patterns, squares of different colors are used to indicate, for example, the temperature regime of the weather: blue - cold weather (cold), green - cool weather (cool), yellow - warm weather (warm), orange - hot weather ( hot). An example of inflection is immediately given, a sentence consisting of two words is replaced with a sentence of one word. In the same way, the color of an object is called based on a diagram depicting several multi-colored stripes (lines). When describing an object, the child selects and names a strip that matches the color of the object. An auxiliary task is also offered that reinforces the “Color in…” task (fruits or vegetables, for example) on reusable sheets specially made for each child, etc.

The formation of auditory and visual perception when using reference schemes occurs in parallel. The name of an object, phenomenon, for example, body parts of a bird or animal, correlates with the visual image presented in the diagram. At the same time or subsequently, exercises such as “What is not completed”, “Recognize an object by its silhouette” (integrity of perception) are given.

The inclusion in correctional work of exercises for the development of spatial concepts contributes to the development and clarification of the lexical and grammatical components of oral speech, and also contributes to the formation of non-speech mental functions (attention, memory, thinking).

In the process of using supporting diagrams when composing descriptive stories, for example, about a bird, animal, insect, the right and left parts of the body are differentiated: “The right wing of the bird is lowered, and the left is raised.” Or: “The butterfly flew to the flower that is in the upper right corner.” Such tasks are reinforced to.

It is even more difficult for preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment to perceive time. Children do not distinguish between seasons, time of day, do not imagine the duration of the year, month, week, hour, minute, second, do not know their names, as well as the names of the days of the week. Using supporting diagrams (drawings), for example, stylized symbols of the seasons (winter - snowflake, spring - flowering branch, summer - bright sun, autumn - yellow leaf), you can fix in the child’s mind and memory both the names of the seasons and their main ones signs.

In almost the same way, children become familiar with the names of the time of day and their sequence. Hand movements (from left to right) work out the trajectory of the sun across the sky. On the support diagrams, morning is depicted with a picture of the sun in the lower left corner, day - at the zenith, at the top, evening - in the lower right, night - an empty card or a black card. At the same time, there is an accumulation of vocabulary on the topic “Daily Routine” - subject and verbal, and the development of oral speech.

In the process of developing time concepts, for example, the following technique is used to form the perception of the length of a minute. Children are asked to reproduce the text (on any lexical topic) when working in pairs. An hourglass is displayed. The child must have time to cover as many supporting patterns as possible with the story within one minute. There is a competitive element here - which of the children in the pair uses the largest number of supporting patterns in the story.

Corrective work on the development of temporal concepts is carried out by a speech therapist and a group teacher for two years in the process of studying the lexical topics “Seasons”, “Daily Routine”, etc., during specially organized games.

Particularly great importance in the process of development and formation of oral speech in preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment is given to the formation of the functions of attention and memory.

At the center of consciousness, according to L.S. Vygotsky, is memory, i.e. the ability to receive, store and reproduce information. In childhood, it is one of the main mental processes, a necessary condition for a child’s learning, acquired.

The mental functions of attention and memory are closely related, interdependent, and inseparable from each other. Therefore, their formation occurs in the process of exercises alone.

The use of supporting schemes in the process of oral speech development presupposes compliance with the logical sequence of presentation of speech material and prevents the presence of omissions of semantic links; visual support makes it possible to overcome lexical and grammatical difficulties.

The cognitive processes of human consciousness also include imagination (fantasy). This is the mental process of creating something new in the form of an image or idea.

It has been noticed that if the child’s imagination is not specifically developed, then in the future, along with a decrease in the activity of this function, the child’s personality becomes impoverished, interest in creative activity fades and, accordingly, the level of the child’s mental activity decreases.

The problem of developing the creative imagination of children is relevant because this mental process is an integral component of the child’s creative activity and affects his behavior and the formation of his personality as a whole.

The use of support schemes develops independent work skills in children, develops spatial and temporal concepts, all types of memory and attention, thought processes, and imagination.



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