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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 37(249)

Рубрика журнала: Психология

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Библиографическое описание:
Khudyakov D. PREVENTION OF ADOLESCENT ALCOHOLISM // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2023. № 37(249). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/249/305759 (дата обращения: 20.10.2024).


Khudyakov Dmitry

master's student, Department of General and Clinical Psychology, Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod


This article provides a theoretical analysis of adolescent alcoholism and its prevention. The most effective ways of prevention of adolescent alcoholism are considered.


Keywords: prevention, adolescents, alcoholism, addiction, dependence.


Every year the problem of teenage alcoholism is being raised by psychologists more and more. The age at which a teenager first tried alcohol is rapidly decreasing. Due to the current trend, the most effective method of combating this problem has been and remains the timely prevention (prevention) of adolescent alcoholism.

According to scientists such as Kupriyanova, Uglanova and Mushnikov the prevention of alcohol dependence is one of the most important and effective ways to prevent non-infectious pathology. Despite the fact that this method is not used for the first time, its early inefficiency was associated with insufficient consistency [1].

Prevention of alcohol dependence can be primary, secondary and tertiary. The types of prevention, their characteristics and tasks are schematically presented in Table 1.

Table 1.

Types of prevention of adolescent alcoholism

Type of prevention



Primary prevention (prevention)

This is a set of measures that are aimed at preventing alcohol consumption. This form of prevention is aimed at working with the part of the population that is not yet familiar with the consequences of alcohol consumption. Primary prevention programs include anti-alcohol propaganda, involvement of children in creative, useful activities, and leisure activities.

1) introduction of elements of primary prevention in the school course, lectures and talks about the dangers of alcohol;

2) identification of risk groups based on the results of the diagnosis of adolescents;

3) informing parents about the problem of alcohol consumption.

Secondary prevention

The secondary prevention program is designed directly for the risk group. The focus of the secondary form of prevention is on children, adolescents and young men, as well as people prone to alcohol consumption. The identification of child alcoholism and the provision of assistance to adolescents who have a tendency to alcoholism is the main goal of secondary prevention.

1) identification of addictions and creation of programs for working with children at risk;

2) creation of rehabilitation centers;

3) conducting lectures and practical classes for parents of this group.

Tertiary prevention

It is aimed at helping those who already suffer from alcoholism. It includes diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation.

The goal is to prevent the subsequent disintegration of the personality and maintain the individual's legal capacity. In this situation, we are talking about a disease. A teenager falls under the supervision of specialists with an already formed disease.

1) rehabilitation through various methods;

2) creation of mutual assistance groups;

3) interaction with anonymous groups of alcohol addicts [3].


Having considered the types of preventive work, let's move on to its stages. Preventive work includes three stages:

1. Diagnostic.

2. Information and educational stage.

3. Personal growth trainings with elements of correction of individual personality traits and behaviors [2].

The first stage includes an analysis of the psychological characteristics of the teenager and his environment. The second stage is to educate the teenager in various fields of knowledge, such as psychosexual development, interpersonal relationships and others. The goal of the third stage is to develop self-improvement skills, and if available, to improve them.

During preventive work, it is important to focus on the following areas of activity:

1. Anti-alcohol education. The purpose of the work when using this direction is to form a negative attitude to the use of alcoholic beverages by conducting various classes, lectures, debates or conversations.

2. Organization of teenagers' free time. The presence of poorly organized free time among adolescents is one of the main reasons for the formation of harmful habits, including the use of alcoholic beverages, so its organization should be a priority not only for teachers, but also for parents.

3. Mediation activities. This direction intersects with the first one and consists in attracting specialized specialists to thematic classes, for example, narcologists or police officers.

Thus, teenage alcoholism is one of the most important problems when working with young people. The methods of combating it remain unchanged. The main method when working with alcoholism in adolescents is its prevention. To obtain the best result, all subjects of the adolescent's relationships should be involved in the prevention process. Also, do not forget that during prevention, you cannot use any one specific method, that is, there must be complexity.



  1. Kupriyanova Yu.M., Uglanova N.N., Mushnikov D.L. Modern problems of preserving and strengthening the health of studying youth // Electronic scientific and educational bulletin "Health and education in the XXI century". 2014. Vol. 16, No. 3. pp. 10-12.
  2. Matusevich, M. S. Organization of prevention of addictive behavior in adolescence / M. S. Matusevich, L.P. Makarova, N.N. Plakhov // Young scientist. - 2014. - № 3 (62). – Pp. 958 – 960.
  3. Mosina, O. A. Analysis of the problem of alcohol consumption in the adolescent environment / O.A. Mosina, M.A. Kushch // Scientific and methodological electronic journal "Concept". - 2016. – Vol. 29. – pp. 65-69.
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