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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 28(240)

Рубрика журнала: Психология

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Библиографическое описание:
Isakov A. THE TYPES OF INFLUENCE OF SOCIAL NETWORKS ON MODERN TEENAGERS // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2023. № 28(240). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/240/299828 (дата обращения: 10.03.2025).


Isakov Alexander

student, department of psychology Kuban State University of Physical Education, sports and tourism,

Russia, Krasnodar

Anisimova Olga

научный руководитель,

Associate Professor, Kuban State University of Physical Education, sports and tourism,

Russia, Krasnodar


The article deals with the types of influence of social networks on modern teenagers. There are some of the types of influence of social networks on adolescents in the article.


Keywords: influence of social networks, teenagers, physical, mental and social health.


Social networks have a significant impact on various aspects of people's lives and society [5, p. 48]. The study of these types of influences can help in a deeper understanding of how social networks influence our culture, behavior, opinions, motivation [4, p. 571].

The influence of social networks on modern teenagers can manifest itself in different forms. The following are some of the influences social media has on teenagers:

1. Increasing the level of social activity and communication.

2. Ability to receive information and news. Social networks are an important source of information for teenagers who can get news, public opinion and other useful information from various sources.

3. Risk of encountering negative content. Social networks can have a negative impact on adolescents, including through the publication of negative content such as violence, sexual exploitation and bullying.

4. The risk of addiction to social networks. Teenagers can become addicted to social media, spending too much time on it and missing out on opportunities to actually connect with friends and family, play sports and other activities. This can lead to poor physical health, decreased activity and productivity, and sleep disturbance.

5. Impact on self-esteem and lifestyle. Social media can influence adolescents' self-esteem, including through comparing themselves to other social media users who may represent an idealized lifestyle. This can lead to a deterioration in self-esteem, the appearance of complexes and fear of not meeting social standards [2, p. 120].

Studying the different types of influence of social networks on today's teenagers is an important step to understand how social networks affect their physical, mental and social health, as well as to develop effective strategies for using social networks [3, p. 209].

A detailed study of each type of social media impact on teens can help identify the benefits and risks of social media use, as well as determine what measures need to be taken to ensure the safety and productive use of social media [1, p. 26].

An obvious and repeatedly researched risk is dependence on the Internet. Despite the fact that this term is quite common in everyday life, researchers note the difficulties associated with the definition of the phenomenon of Internet addiction [5, p. 49].

Cyberbullying is a complex problem that can occur for many reasons. One of the main reasons is anonymity on the Internet. The Internet provides users with the ability to hide their identity and act anonymously. This can lead to the fact that people become more aggressive and do not feel responsible for their words and actions. Anonymity can also lead people to feel free to express their ridicule, insults and threats, which can become a form of cyberbullying.

Cyberbullying can have serious consequences for the victim, both mentally and physically. It is very important to take measures to prevent cyberbullying and provide support to victims. For example, you can run campaigns to educate people about online ethics, increase empathy and respectful communication, create channels for reporting cases of cyberbullying and seeking help.


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