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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 25(237)

Рубрика журнала: Социология

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Библиографическое описание:
Makhmutova K. THE ESSENCE OF INTERNATIONAL CONFLICTS // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2023. № 25(237). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/237/297224 (дата обращения: 28.03.2025).


Makhmutova Karolina

Master's student 2 courses, Department of Sociology and Organization of Work with Youth, Institute of Scientific Sciences and Mass Communications, Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod

Kovalchuk Olga

научный руководитель,

Scientific adviser, Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology and Organization of Work with Youth, Institute of Social Sciences and Mass Communications, Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod


Interethnic conflicts are an important area of ​​sociological research. Within the framework of this article, an analysis of the concept of "international conflicts", its essence, as well as the manifestation of interethnic conflict in the world.


Keywords: interethnic conflict, conflict, conflict situation, functions of interethnic conflict, assessment of interethnic conflicts.


From a sociological point of view, interethnic conflict is considered as one of the forms of relations between nationalities, they are characterized by states of mutual claims that tend to spread confrontations often to open conflicts. In the specifics of any conflict, one can single out the fact that this conflict will be unique.

Intercultural communication implies interpersonal communication between representatives of different cultures, as well as building cultural contacts. To enrich the national self-consciousness, it is necessary to build the process of interpersonal communication of representatives of different cultures, only in this way will the enrichment of self-consciousness take place.

In all conflicts there are consequences, the consequences of an interethnic conflict can take on a humanitarian catastrophic character, it is an expression of various contradictions for resolving emerging problems that are due to the presence of obstacles as a realization of the needs of national development. The subjects of interethnic conflict differ in:

- national factor;

- national level;

- level of material support;

-status of their state-territorial position;

-socio-economic situation;

- degree of participation in political decision-making.

All of the above will determine the tension and conflict state affecting the state of interethnic relations.

Ethnic conflicts are divided into functions, these functions will have both positive and negative roles in the life of opposite conflicting parties.

Design features:

-the conflict allows you to assess in detail the features of the opposite parties involved in it;

-arising due to the imperfection of the organization of activities, the fulfillment of obligations by the parties to the conflict, management errors, etc. completely and partially eliminates the conflict;

- conflict can serve not only as a destructive source, but also as a development of various aspects of the activities of the conflicting parties;

-the conflict allows to weaken the psychological tension, which is the reaction of opposite parties to the conflict situation;

- the conflict can also improve the quality of the activities of the parties and stimulate their progress.

Destructive functions:

- the negative impact of most conflicts on individuals, the psychological state of the parties that take part in the conflict;

- unfavorably developing conflicts can be accompanied by psychological and physical violence.

The nature of an interethnic conflict depends on its goals. On this basis, conflicts are divided into: realistic, mixed and unrealistic.

The severity of the conflict is associated with the duration of the conflict, long-term conflicts become chronic due to the duration, and short-term ones are acute.

Thus, as a definition of interethnic conflict in this work, we will understand it as a kind of social conflict, which is caused by the national interests of subjects in the political, economic, political and other spheres of the development of society.



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