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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 17(229)

Рубрика журнала: Технические науки

Секция: Архитектура, Строительство

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Библиографическое описание:
Chernenkiy D., Savichev I., Yudina I.I. SAFETY TECHNIQUES FOR WORKING WITH ASBESTOS // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2023. № 17(229). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/229/288127 (дата обращения: 30.03.2025).


Chernenkiy Denis

student, National Research Moscow State Construction University,

Russia, Moscow

Savichev Ivan

student, National Research Moscow State Construction University,

Russia, Moscow

Yudina Irina Ivanovna

lecturer, National Research Moscow State Construction University,

Russia, Moscow



Черненький Денис Романович

студент, Национальный Исследовательский Московский Государственный Строительный Университет,

РФ, г. Москва

Савичев Иван Евгеньевич

студент, Национальный Исследовательский Московский Государственный строительный университет,

РФ, г. Москва

Юдина Ирина Ивановна

преподаватель, Национальный Исследовательский Московский Государственный Строительный Университет,

РФ, г. Москва



This article is devoted to the issue of identification and assessment of asbestos, it describes the safety precautions when working with asbestos, it provides a comparative analysis of some aspects of French and Russian safety methods when working with asbestos.


Данная статья посвящена вопросу идентификации и оценке асбеста, дается описание техники безопасности при работе с асбестом, приводится сравнительный анализ некоторых аспектов французских и российских методов безопасности при работе с асбестом.


Keywords: asbestos; materials containing asbestos; safe work; comparative analysis; France; Russia.

Ключевые слова: асбест; материалы, содержащие асбест; безопасная работа; сравнительный анализ; Франция; Россия.


Asbestos is a group of natural fibrous minerals that are widely used in various industries and products due to properties such as fire resistance, heat insulation, strength and low cost. However, it is known that working with asbestos can cause serious health problems such as lung cancer, mesothelioma and other diseases of the respiratory system. These diseases can develop decades after exposure and have no cure.

The first step to working safely with asbestos is to identify and evaluate the presence, location, type, condition, and volume of materials containing asbestos in the workplace or home. This can be done by conducting a visual inspection, examining building records, consulting experts, or testing samples. Materials containing asbestos can be classified into two categories: easily pulverized and not pulverized.

Easily comminuted materials containing asbestos are those that can easily crumble or turn to powder when pressed by hand when dry (pipe insulation, ceiling tiles, and fire retardant materials. Easily comminuted materials containing asbestos pose a higher risk of fiber ejection if integrity is compromised. and require more stringent controls.

Non-shredding materials containing asbestos are those that are more resistant to damage and less likely to shed fibers while maintaining integrity (asbestos-cement products, vinyl floor tiles, roof tiles and brake pads). Non-grinding materials containing asbestos can become easily crushed if they are damaged by mechanical actions such as drilling, cutting or grinding.

The condition of materials containing asbestos is also important to consider as it indicates the potential for fiber release. Asbestos-containing materials that are damaged, degraded, worn, or broken are more prone to shedding fibers than those that are intact, sealed, or encapsulated.

The volume of materials containing asbestos refers to the amount and surface area of ​​materials containing asbestos present in a given area. The greater the volume of materials containing asbestos, the greater the potential for exposure and contamination.

The second step for working safely with asbestos is the development and implementation of a control plan that defines methods and procedures for preventing or minimizing exposure to asbestos fibers during work processes involving materials containing asbestos. The control plan should be based on a risk assessment that takes into account the type, condition and volume of materials containing asbestos; nature and duration of work processes; number and characteristics of employees; availability and effectiveness of engineering controls; use and maintenance of personal protective equipment (PPE); monitoring the concentration of asbestos in the air; decontamination of workers, equipment and work areas; and disposal of asbestos waste.

The control plan should also indicate who is responsible for completing each task; what training and supervision is required; what documentation and records are needed; what emergency procedures are in place; what communication methods are used; what consultation mechanisms are in place; what evaluation criteria are applied; and what corrective actions are taken when problems occur.

The third step in working safely with asbestos is the application of engineering measures and work practices that reduce or eliminate the formation and spread of asbestos fibers during work with materials containing asbestos. Engineering controls are physical or mechanical devices or systems that isolate or remove a hazard from a worker. Work practices are methods or procedures that minimize or prevent contact with a hazard.

Here are some examples of engineering measures for dealing with asbestos:

• Fencing: creating a physical barrier around the ISA to prevent access and disturbance.

• Encapsulation: Applying a sealant or coating to the MCA to prevent fiber separation.

• HEPA filtration (High Efficiency Particulate Air or High Efficiency Particulate Arrestance - high efficiency particle retention): Use of high efficiency filters to capture asbestos fibers from the air.

• Wet methods: Applying water or a wetting agent to the MSA to reduce dust generation.

• Negative pressure: creating a lower air pressure inside the work area than outside to prevent contaminated air from escaping.

Here are some examples of working methods for working with asbestos:

• Planning and scheduling: planning work in advance and doing it at a time when fewer people are present or exposed.

• Isolation and Signs: Isolate the work area from other areas and post warning signs to inform others of the hazard.

• Cleaning and disinfection: cleaning and disinfection of the work area, equipment, tools, clothing and workers before, during and after work.

• Waste management: collect, store, transport and dispose of asbestos waste in a safe and correct manner.

The choice of engineering measures and methods of work depends on several factors, such as:

• Type, condition and volume of materials containing asbestos

• Nature and duration of work

• Availability and feasibility of control options

• Cost effectiveness and effectiveness of control options

• Regulatory requirements and standards

The fourth step in working safely with asbestos is the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) that protects the worker from inhaling or ingesting asbestos fibers. Personal protective equipment is a measure of last resort and should only be used when engineering measures and work practices are insufficient or unacceptable to reduce exposure to an acceptable level.

The main types of personal protective equipment for working with asbestos:

1. Respirators: Devices that protect the respiratory system from inhaling asbestos fibers. Respirators can either be purifying (filtering) or supplying (providing clean air). The choice of respirators depends on several factors, such as:

- Concentration and size of asbestos fibers in the air

- Type and duration of work activities

- Fit, comfort and maintenance of respirators

- Medical condition and employee training

- Requirements and standards of regulatory bodies

2. Protective clothing: garments that cover the body, head, arms and legs to prevent contact with asbestos fibers. Protective clothing can be either disposable (single use) or reusable (washable). The choice of protective clothing depends on several factors, such as:

- Level of pollution and impact

- Type and duration of work activities

- Comfort and durability of clothes

- Decontamination and disposal methods

Workers who use personal protective equipment when working with asbestos should follow the following general guidelines:

• Wear personal protective equipment that is appropriate for the task, fits well, is in good condition, and meets regulatory standards.

• Check personal protective equipment before each use for defects or damage and replace if necessary.

• Put on personal protective equipment before entering the work area, following a specific order (eg boots, coveralls, gloves, respirator).

• Remove personal protective equipment after leaving the work area, following a specific order (eg gloves, coveralls, boots, respirator).

• Dispose of disposable personal protective equipment in sealed bags or containers labeled “asbestos waste”.

• Decontaminate reusable personal protective equipment by wet wiping or vacuuming with a HEPA filter, or laundering in a special laundry.

• Store personal protective equipment in a clean and dry place away from sources of contamination.

• Check the fit and tightness of respirators before each use and follow the manufacturer's instructions for cleaning and maintenance.

• Be medically examined and authorized before using respirators and report any signs or symptoms of respiratory problems.

The fifth step in working safely with asbestos is to monitor worker exposure to asbestos fibers and conduct medical surveillance to identify any adverse effects. Exposure monitoring and medical surveillance are complementary measures that provide information on the effectiveness of control measures and the health status of workers.

Exposure monitoring consists of measuring the concentration of asbestos fibers in the air breathed by workers while working with materials containing asbestos. Exposure monitoring can be either personal (air sampling in the worker's breathing zone) or zonal (air sampling at a fixed location). Exposure monitoring can be either static (sampling at one point in time) or continuous (sampling over a period of time). Exposure monitoring can be either qualitative (indicating the presence or absence of asbestos fibers) or quantitative (indicating the amount or mass of asbestos fibers).

Exposure monitoring can be used for various purposes such as:

• Assessing the potential for impact and the need for control measures

• Evaluation of the effectiveness of control measures

• Comparison of actual exposure with exposure limits

• Identification of sources and routes of exposure

• Investigation of complaints or incidents

• Providing feedback to employees and employers

Exposure monitoring should be carried out by qualified professionals using appropriate methods and equipment that meet the standards of the regulatory authorities. Exposure monitoring should be planned and documented in accordance with a sampling strategy that takes into account factors such as:

• Type, condition and volume of materials containing asbestos

• Nature and duration of work activities

• Number and characteristics of employees

• Sample variability and representativeness

• Frequency and timing of sampling

• Analytical methods and quality assurance procedures

Medical surveillance consists of examining the health of workers who are exposed or potentially exposed to asbestos fibres. Medical surveillance may include medical examinations, tests, questionnaires, interviews, review of medical records, or any combination of these. Medical surveillance can be used for various purposes:

• Identification of early signs or symptoms of asbestos-related diseases

• Provision of diagnostic, therapeutic and advisory services

• Assessing the relationship between exposure and health effects

• Providing advice and consultations to employees and employers

• Collection of epidemiological data for scientific purposes

Medical supervision should be carried out by qualified medical personnel who have knowledge and experience in occupational medicine and asbestos-related diseases. Medical surveillance should be based on a protocol that takes into account factors such as:

• Type, level and duration of exposure

• Latent period and progression of asbestos-related diseases

• Availability and reliability of diagnostic tests

• Ethical and legal issues related to informed consent, privacy and data protection

Let's pass to comparison of some aspects of the French and Russian methods of safety at the work with asbestos.

1. Comparison of legal and regulatory frameworks.

Both France and Russia have adopted comprehensive legal regulations for the management of occupational risks associated with asbestos. These regulations cover aspects such as:

• Ban or restriction on the use, production and import of asbestos and materials containing asbestos

• Identification and evaluation of materials containing asbestos in buildings and workplaces

• Notification and permission to work with asbestos

• Classification and certification of workers and contractors for asbestos

• Development and implementation of control plans and work procedures

• Provision and use of engineering controls and PPE

• Exposure monitoring and medical surveillance of workers

• Decontamination and disposal of asbestos waste

• Control and verification of compliance with regulations

• Education and training of workers and employers

However, there are also some differences between the two countries regarding their regulatory approaches, such as:

• France has banned all types of asbestos since 1997, while Russia still allows the use of chrysotile (white) asbestos under certain conditions.

• France has adopted a lower exposure limit (MAL) for asbestos fibers than Russia: 10 fibers per liter versus 100 fibers per liter.

• France has established a National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Safety and Hygiene (ANSES), which provides scientific advice and support for the prevention of asbestos risks, while Russia does not have such an institution.

• France has implemented a national program for the elimination of asbestos related diseases (PENA), which aims to improve the diagnosis, treatment and compensation of injured workers, while Russia does not have a comparable program.

Both France and Russia have developed technical standards for various aspects of asbestos management, such as:

• Methods and criteria for the identification and evaluation of materials containing asbestos in buildings and workplaces

• Procedures and equipment for sampling and analysis of asbestos fibers in air, materials and biological samples

• Requirements and specifications for engineering controls, personal protective equipment, decontamination equipment, waste management, etc.

• Guidelines and protocols for exposure monitoring, medical supervision, medical examinations, etc. However, there are also some differences between the two countries regarding their technical standards, such as:

• France has adopted stricter standards for some engineering controls than Russia: for example, France requires a negative pressure drop of at least 5 Pascal (Pa) between the work area and the environment, while Russia only requires 2 Pa.

• France has adopted more comprehensive standards for some aspects of medical surveillance than Russia: for example, France requires periodic chest x-rays, lung function tests, blood tests and biomarkers for all exposed workers, while Russia only requires chest x-rays.

• France has adopted more specific standards for some types of asbestos work than Russia: eg France has separate standards for removing, enclosing or enveloping ISAs; maintenance or repair of ISAs; demolition or reconstruction works related to the ISA; etc., while Russia has only one general standard for all types of asbestos work.

2. Comparison of technical standards for different asbestos jobs

Both France and Russia have developed technical standards for various aspects of asbestos management, such as:

• Methods and criteria for the identification and evaluation of materials containing asbestos in buildings and workplaces

• Procedures and equipment for sampling and analysis of asbestos fibers in air, materials and biological samples

• Requirements and specifications for engineering controls, personal protective equipment, decontamination equipment, waste management, etc.

• Guidelines and protocols for exposure monitoring, medical supervision, medical examinations, etc.

However, there are also some differences between the two countries regarding their technical standards, such as:

• France has adopted stricter standards for some engineering controls than Russia: for example, France requires a negative pressure drop of at least 5 Pascal (Pa) between the work area and the environment, while Russia only requires 2 Pa.

• France has adopted more comprehensive standards for some aspects of medical surveillance than Russia: for example, France requires periodic chest x-rays, lung function tests, blood tests and biomarkers for all exposed workers, while Russia only requires chest x-rays.

• France has adopted more specific standards for some types of asbestos work than Russia: for example, France has separate standards for removing, enclosing or enveloping materials containing asbestos; maintenance or repair of ISAs; demolition or reconstruction works related to the ISA; etc., while Russia has only one general standard for all types of asbestos work.

3. Comparison of practices to ensure worker safety

Both France and Russia have implemented various practices to ensure the safety of asbestos workers, such as:

• Carry out a risk assessment before starting any work with materials containing asbestos.

• Development and implementation of control plans that define the methods and procedures to be used

• Application of engineering controls such as enclosure, encapsulation or wet methods to prevent or reduce fiber shedding

• Use of personal protective equipment such as respirators and protective clothing to protect the respiratory system and skin

• Monitor worker exposure to asbestos fibers and conduct medical surveillance to identify any adverse effects

• Cleaning and decontamination of the work area, equipment, tools, clothing and workers before, during and after work

• Dispose of asbestos waste in a safe and correct manner in accordance with regulations

However, there are also some differences between the two countries regarding their practical implementation, such as:

• France has more resources and capacity to deal with asbestos than Russia: eg France has more skilled and certified workers and contractors; more accredited laboratories and analytical methods; more available and accessible engineered controls and personal protective equipment; etc.

• France has more stakeholder awareness and involvement in asbestos work than Russia: eg France has more active involvement of social partners, authorities, professional associations, scientific institutions, etc. in the development and implementation of asbestos policies and programs

• France has more evaluation and feedback mechanisms for dealing with asbestos than Russia: eg France has more regular checks and audits of compliance with regulations and standards; more systematic collection and analysis of exposure and health data; more evaluation of the effectiveness and impact of control measures; etc. [2; 5]

4. Comparison of common problems in ensuring the safety of workers

Both France and Russia face some common challenges in ensuring the safety of asbestos workers, such as:

• Lack of reliable and complete information on the presence, location, type, condition and volume of materials containing asbestos in buildings and workplaces

• Difficulty in identifying and reaching all affected or potentially affected workers, especially those who work independently, informally or in retirement

• Complexity and variability of work situations with materials containing asbestos, which require different levels of skill and intervention

• Latent period and non-specificity of asbestos-related diseases that make diagnosis and attribution difficult

• Social and economic costs and consequences of asbestos-related diseases for workers, employers and society

However, there are also some differences between the two countries regarding their specific concerns:

France faces a higher burden of asbestos-related diseases than Russia: for example,

- France has more cases and deaths from mesothelioma and lung cancer than Russia

- France has more claims and lawsuits from asbestos victims than Russia

- France has more pressure and demand from public opinion and civil society for equity and prevention of asbestos than Russia

Russia faces a higher risk of exposure to asbestos than France: for example,

- Russia still produces and uses chrysotile asbestos while France has banned all types of asbestos

- Russia has less stringent regulations and standards for working with asbestos than France

- Russia has less awareness and education about the dangers and risks of asbestos than France

In conclusion, it should be said that:

1. Safe handling of asbestos requires the identification and assessment of the presence, location, type, condition and volume of materials containing asbestos; developing and implementing a control plan that defines methods and procedures to prevent or minimize exposure to asbestos fibres; application of engineering controls and work practices that reduce or eliminate the formation and spread of asbestos fibres; use of personal protective equipment that protects the worker from inhaling or ingesting asbestos fibers; monitoring worker exposure to asbestos fibers and conducting medical surveillance to identify any adverse effects; decontamination and disposal of asbestos waste in a safe and correct way.

2. Both France and Russia have adopted comprehensive legal regulations for the management of occupational risks associated with asbestos, but there are some differences between the two countries in terms of their regulatory approaches, technical standards, practical implementation and specific issues.

3. Asbestos is a global public health problem that requires coordinated action from all stakeholders to protect workers and the public from its harmful effects. Further research is needed as well as collaboration and innovation to improve knowledge, prevention and management of asbestos-related diseases.



  1. ANSES (2019). Asbestos: regulation and impact on health [Electronic resource]. URL: https://www.anses.fr/en/content/asbestos-regulations-and-health-effects (accessed 25.03.2023).
  2. Andujar P., Pairon J.-C., Renier A., ​​Descatha A., Clin B. Asbestos-related diseases in France: epidemiology and prevention perspectives. Public Health Archives. 2018.c. 1-10.
  3. Kashansky S.V., Domnin S.G., Oshchepkov E.V., Kovalevsky E.V., Panov V.G. Production and consumption of asbestos in Russia: aspects of health and trends // International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Ecology. 2017.c. 801-814.
  4. Kashansky S.V., Kovalevsky E.V., Panov V.G. Asbestos-related diseases in Russia: legal aspects and practice of compensation for occupational diseases caused by asbestos exposure in the workplace. 2018.c. 1-9.
  5. NF X 46-020 (2017). Identification of materials and products containing asbestos in buildings - Objective and general methodology. AFNOR.
  6. GOST R ISO/IEC 17025-2019 (2020). General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories [in Russian]. Standartinform.

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