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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 17(229)

Рубрика журнала: Психология

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Библиографическое описание:
Nikitin N., Govorov P. PSYCHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR IN ADOLESCENCE // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2023. № 17(229). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/229/286502 (дата обращения: 04.10.2024).


Nikitin Nikita

Student, Mining Institute, North-Eastern Federal University,

Russia, Yakutsk

Govorov Petr

Student, Mining Institute, North-Eastern Federal University,

Russia, Yakutsk


This article discusses what kind of behavior, in whatever form it manifests itself, is behavior aimed at causing harm or damage to another living being. The growth of aggressive tendencies in the adolescent environment is one of the most acute social problems of our society. The relevance of this problem is the instability and tension of the social, economic, political and environmental situation that has developed in recent years in Russia, the demonstration in the media of scenes of violence and aggression, which cause the growth of various deviations in the personal development and behavior of people of different ages, dysfunctional child-parent relations, age characteristics of adolescents. The purpose of the study isto study and analyze the psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of aggressive behavior in adolescence, andto follow the features of aggressive behavior in adolescence.  Research methods are theoretical (analysis of literary sources on the problem of research), empirical (testing: the method "Self-assessment of mental states" (G.Y. Eysenck) and the Questionnaire for the identification of aggressive behavior (Bassa-)), methods of quantitative and qualitative data processing.


Keywords: "aggression", "aggressiveness", "aggressive behavior", "program for the prevention of aggressive behavior".


The word "aggression" comes from the Latin "aggressio", which means "attack", "attack". The "Great Psychological Dictionary" gives the following definition of the concept of "aggression" - "motivated destructive behavior that contradicts the norms (rules) of coexistence of people in society, harms the objects of attack (animate and inanimate), brings physical damage to people or causes them psychological discomfort (negative experiences, a state of tension, fear, depression, etc.)".  [6, p. 12]

The concept of aggression is characterized by the following features:

- Intentional, purposeful harm to the victim;

- Only conduct that involves causing harm or damage to living organisms can be considered as aggression;

- The victim must have the motivation to avoid such treatment.

Many authors separate the concepts of aggression as a specific form of behavior and aggression as a personality trait. In the case of aggression as a personality trait, it is about aggressiveness as a component of the personal structure. "Aggressiveness" in the "Great Psychological Dictionary" is defined as "the tendency of a person to act hostile and aggressive." [5, p. 112]

Aggressiveness is a relatively stable personality trait, expressed in readiness for aggression, as well as in the tendency to perceive and interpret the behavior of another as hostile. A key role in the development of aggressiveness belongs to individual, personal character traits. They are understood as stable traits of character and inclinations. [7, p. 68]

There are three main positions in relation to aggressiveness: biological, social, humanistic. These approaches do not contradict each other. Aggressiveness has a biological basis, but society can also provoke the manifestation of aggressiveness. At the same time, the personality has the ability to partially control its aggressiveness through volitional acts, as well as resin formation.

Andgressive behavior" is as follows: "it is, first of all, an outwardly expressed action directed against another person. Usually, this behavior is short-term (transient) in nature and changes depending on the characteristics of the situation or the change of one situation by another. " They describe aggressive behavior in the form of:

1) actions as such (offensive, attack, attack);

2) actions against a certain object, including a person who becomes a victim of aggression;

3) actions taking into account the situation - its specifics, contributing to an aggressive attack or provoking it.

Thus, at the present stage, aggressive behavior is considered from various positions:

1) the theory of instinct assumes aggressive behavior as an integral property of all living beings, realized in the struggle for life;

2) the theory of motivation implies that an external stimulus is necessary for the implementation of aggressive behavior;

3) the theory of biased aggression states that a deliberately harmless object is chosen for the implementation of aggressive behavior, which always expands the scope of aggression, projecting it outwards;

4) cognitive theory assumes the presence of a cognitive-affective mechanism. In this case, the nature of a person's interpretation of someone's actions has a decisive influence on his emotions and behavior. In turn, negative affective reactions lead to a shift in cognitive processes;

5) the theory of social learning considers aggressive behavior as a set of previously learned models of behavior. Theories of social learning consider aggressive behavior as a reaction to the corresponding social situation. The theory implies that changing social conditions automatically changes the nature of aggressive behavior, possibly eliminating it entirely. [3, p. 45]

Having considered various approaches to the definitions of "aggression", "aggressiveness", "aggressive behavior", it is possible to distinguish their semantic differences. Aggression is a form of behavior aimed at insulting and harming another person. Aggressiveness is a stable personality trait, expressed in readiness for aggression. Aggressive behavior is an outwardly expressed action aimed at causing damage to another person. [8, p. 127]

Therefore, in order to achieve the set goals of preventionand aggressive behavior of adolescents in the conditions of secondary school.

The program includes the following blocks:

The first block includes a theoretical aspect. It is about raising the awareness of adolescents about the concept of aggressive behavior and the ability to recognize their own aggressive reactions, as well as finding methods and means to reduce aggressive behavior.

The second block is focused on working with the emotional sphere of adolescents. Classes in this block form a positive emotional attitude in students, contribute to the development of internal self-control, self-discipline, develop the ability to express their emotions and accept the emotions of others, contribute to self-disclosure and creative self-expression, emotional discharge and reduce the manifestation of aggressive behavior.

The third block is behavioral, forms in adolescents the ability to accept another person, teaches them to look for a constructive way out of the situation, contributes to the expansion of their behavioral repertoire and creates conditions for the formation of a final system of ideas in adolescents about the ways, methods and techniques of getting out of an aggressive state.

Thus, the directions of activity of the educational psychologist, his methods and forms of work were considered, diagnostics were carried out to identify aggressive behavior, the need to develop a prevention program was determined, since the problem of aggressive behavior in the classroom is present.

Based on the results of the techniques, a program was developed to prevent aggressive behavior of adolescents.

The implementation of the program will provide effective social and pedagogical assistance in the prevention of aggressive behavior of adolescents.



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