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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 16(228)

Рубрика журнала: Социология

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Библиографическое описание:
Dostova T. PROBLEM OF STUDENT EMPLOYMENT // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2023. № 16(228). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/228/287606 (дата обращения: 19.10.2024).


Dostova Taisia

student, faculty of socio-theological, Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod


In the article presented to your attention, the identification and analysis of problems related to the employment of students is carried out. The author identifies several problems, and comes to the conclusion that they are related to the imperfection of the education system – professional knowledge is laid, but there is no training in life nuances.


Keywords: employment, employment, vocational education, students, educational institutions, practice, work experience.


Education today is not only a right, but also a duty, because a decent, stable future depends on education. Education is an object of investment and income will depend on the right education.

The issue of employment of graduates of secondary vocational and higher educational institutions is the most relevant today. Every second student and his parents face it, the time of graduation is coming. There are many problems related to the employment of students, and we will try to sort out the most basic of them.

Today, educational institutions have no obligation to employ their graduates. Unfortunately, state statistics on student employment are not kept – statistics are kept only by educational institutions, sometimes changing it in order to raise the prestige of the educational institution. An obstacle to employment is the disproportionality of the number and directions of training to the needs of the labor market. This creates prerequisites for an increase in unemployment. As a result, an active and educated part of the youth is forced to work in another profession or receive the status of unemployed.

Another problem is the lack of a mechanism for interaction between employers and an educational institution. The exception is narrowly focused specialties, mainly in technical, when there are agreements between the educational institution and employers on the passage of internships and internships by students [2, p. 108].

In the USSR, it was easier to find employment: after graduation, young specialists were assigned to a place of work that could be far from home. The planned economy allowed for the personal distribution of graduates of educational institutions based on the needs of the economy for specialists in various industries. This method, in our opinion, was the most effective, since each graduate was provided with a job, and the state received workers.

A good form of employment is targeted training – when the employer pays the cost of training, and the student is obliged to work for a certain period with this employer. However, this form of training is often used for those who already have an education, work experience, and the training itself is necessary for career advancement.

In general, the problem of modern Russian education is that professional competencies are laid, and no one is engaged in personal growth. As a result, a person may have high-quality knowledge, but not be able to apply it in practice, not be able to communicate with other people, achieve career results, etc.

We think that a future specialist in any field should have the following competencies:

- know and understand the specifics of their work;

- be able to set and achieve personal, professional goals;

- self-development.

Also, the problem of employment of young professionals is most often associated with the lack of experience of yesterday's students. Employers want to immediately see a specialist with experience and knowledge [6, p. 22-25]. Most employers require at least minimal experience, however, where to get experience when no one takes a job without it. A vicious circle comes out.

Another problem follows from this – the remuneration of yesterday's graduates is below the market level of wages offered for specialists with experience. This problem is relevant for almost all professions [3, pp. 96-98]. A good option, in our opinion, is to pass an internship and internship in one organization in order to increase job security after graduation. During the internship, the student will get acquainted with the specifics of the work, join the team and establish himself as a responsible specialist [7, p. 603].

We think it is difficult for students to adapt to the needs of the labor market. During the training, the market could change, and yesterday the actual profession became unclaimed. In the 2000s, the specialties of accountants, economists, lawyers were very popular, as a result of which the labor market was oversaturated with specialists of these professions. After President Vladimir Putin gave the mood that the country needs specialists in technical specialties, the labor market shifted towards engineers, architects, etc. This problem is of a national nature and depends on the socio-economic and political situation in the country.

Until recently, there was a problem of employment of bachelor students. In 2010, the traditional five-year plan of study was replaced by a two–level system of higher education - bachelor's and master's degrees. Training at the age of 4 became unusual, employers were not sure of the competence of such specialists. However, over time, this stereotype has dissipated, but the problems with employment have remained the same.

Another problem is the inability of children and their parents to navigate the needs of the market, unwillingness to see the abilities and gravitations of their child. Most schoolchildren are guided by the wishes of their parents, the opinions of teachers, relatives. Young people are guided by irrational principles and, as a result, make the wrong choice of a future profession. This discrepancy leads to a lot of problems, both for the individual and for society as a whole. The wrong choice of profession leads to further dissatisfaction with work, and, accordingly, a decrease in the quality of life.

Poor financial situation, commercial training, low scholarships force students to look for work during their studies. This has both positive and negative features. As positive – the student acquires general personal and professional competencies, negative – it is difficult to combine work with study.

Thus, the state shifts the issues of employment of graduate students to students. Educational institutions provide assistance in employment, but it is so formal that it does not meet the needs of all graduates in the profession. Indeed, 5-10% of students can be helped, the rest either get a job by themselves, or go to work not in their specialty.

As part of the study, a survey was conducted of 20 young people aged 20 to 25 years with different education: managers, lawyers, teachers, doctors, trade and catering organizations. Out of 20 people, only 12 work by profession. Of these, 4 stated that they had a different idea about their future profession and were ready to change it to another one. 8 people do not work according to their education, because they could not find a suitable job. 17 respondents stated that the educational institution did not provide them with employment assistance, despite the fact that educational institutions claimed such assistance. When applying for employment, problems arose due to lack of work experience, however, 2 of the respondents stated that it was easier for them to get a job in the organization where they had an internship.

In general, we can say that many graduates do not work according to their profession. In recent years, Russian society has undergone changes in the labor market and in the higher education system. The vital needs of young people are growing every year, and the opportunities to meet them are decreasing, so graduates of educational institutions go to work in another profession.

As a conclusion, I think it is possible to suggest the following. In our opinion, there is a need for a state program to stimulate organizations to provide jobs for young professionals. In turn, schoolchildren need to be informed about the state of the labor market in order to have an objective idea of the prospects of the profession.

Another measure is the interaction of the employment service bodies with employers on the formation of an electronic bank of vacancies and a database of graduates of educational institutions.

It would be ideal to return to the system of distribution of graduates of educational institutions with the obligation to work out a certain period of time; in-depth internship, rather than formal attendance and performance of "bring-give" work, job quotas for young professionals. Also, as an incentive for employers to accept young professionals, it would be possible to introduce preferential taxation.



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