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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 16(228)

Рубрика журнала: Технические науки

Секция: Архитектура, Строительство

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Библиографическое описание:
Platonova M., Khazanova A., Yudina I.I. THE INFLUENCE OF FACADE INSULATION ON ENERGY SAVING AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY OF THE BUILDING // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2023. № 16(228). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/228/287181 (дата обращения: 12.03.2025).


Platonova Maria

student, National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering,

 Russia, Moscow

Khazanova Anastasia

student, National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering,

 Russia, Moscow

Yudina Irina Ivanovna

lecturer, National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering,

Russia, Moscow



Платонова Мария Александровна

студент, Национальный Исследовательский Московский Государственный Строительный Университет,

РФ, г. Москва

Хазанова Анастасия Юрьевна

студент, Национальный Исследовательский Московский Государственный Строительный Университет,

РФ, г. Москва

Юдина Ирина Ивановна

преподаватель, Национальный Исследовательский Московский Государственный Строительный Университет,

РФ, г. Москва



В данной статье рассматривается вопрос влияния утепления фасадов на энергосбережение и энергетическую эффективность здания, определяются преимущества и недостатки современных утеплителей, перечисляются материалы, используемые в России и за границей.


This article discusses the influence of facade insulation on energy saving and energy efficiency of the building, it identifies the advantages and disadvantages of modern insulation; it lists materials used in Russia and abroad.


Ключевые слова: энергосбережение, теплоизоляционные материалы, утепление фасадов.

Keywords: energy saving, thermal insulation materials, facade insulation.


Currently, energy conservation is one of the priorities. This is due to the shortage of basic energy resources, the increasing cost of their extraction, as well as global environmental problems. Therefore, there is a need for reasonable energy saving. The easiest way to reduce environmental pollution is to save energy by insulating facades with energy—saving materials.

Today, facade insulation is widely popular, and in construction and reconstruction it occupies an important place. Modern thermal insulation materials of high quality are used to insulate facades, due to which it is possible to significantly reduce heating costs, in cold and cooling, in the hot season. The problem is that the walls of buildings do not retain enough heat, and this in turn increases heating costs. Facade insulation will protect the building from temperature changes and the effects of precipitation. In addition, it will increase the life of the building.

In ordinary, insufficiently insulated houses with large heat losses through enclosing structures, most of the energy (up to 70 percent) goes to heating, and the remaining ~ 30 percent goes to the life support needs of the building. Therefore, we can say that the owners of such a house heat the street. The same cannot be said about European countries, no one will be surprised by the thickness of the insulation in the walls of 300-400 millimeters and the sealed contour of the building itself, because they try to minimize heat loss as much as possible. The main indicator of the economic efficiency of additional home insulation is the payback period of the insulation system. When the cost of mainline gas is growing faster than inflation, it can be assumed that in the future the gas price will be equal to the price of other energy carriers (which are also growing). Therefore, when calculating the payback period of insulation, the prospect at current gas prices that they will remain at the same level in the future, for 10-20 years, is inappropriate.

Recently, both in the world and in Russia, energy saving issues have become particularly relevant. In this regard, the Government of the Russian Federation has developed a Concept to stimulate the conservation of energy resources. In 2009, the federal law "On Energy Conservation and Energy Efficiency Improvement" was adopted, as well as amendments to a number of existing legislative acts aimed at improving the energy and environmental efficiency of the economy.

In this regard, the old insulation materials began to improve and new ones appeared. These materials are divided into heat-insulating, sound-insulating, waterproofing and other types. At the moment, the most commonly used insulation materials are:

1. Stone wool. This insulation is absolutely non-flammable, as it is made of real stone. They isolate only the most fire-hazardous places, and for ordinary residential buildings, insulation with stone wool will be a waste of money. The advantages include noise insulation, hygroscopicity, durability and the ability to withstand heavy loads. Of the minuses, only installation problems can be distinguished, due to seams at the joints, and a high price, due to the severity of production.

2. Mineral wool. The advantages of this material include durability, pliability to processing, easy installation and fire resistance. It is worth noting that it is made from slag production waste, and due to the fact that there are more than enough raw materials, the insulation has become widespread. But in Europe, its use was quickly banned, because the fibers, getting into the lungs, remain there, digging into them with needles. And you can only fight this by securely hiding the cotton wool behind the cladding. In Russia, it is the main thermal insulation material, so it is used everywhere.

3. Basalt wool. The advantages of this material primarily include a long service life – up to 50 years. It is resistant to physical impact, has a minimum weight, is environmentally friendly and also easy to install. But the high cost, in comparison with other materials, often repels developers from using it.

4. Foam concrete. A high level of thermal insulation, due to the cellular structure and low density of the material, low weight, minimal water absorption, long service life and fire resistance are just some of its advantages. Due to the excellent ease of installation, it is ideal for the embodiment of any architectural idea. Even without any experience in construction, you can independently build a frame of a house made of foam concrete. However, the unattractive appearance, its fragility, the need for finishing with special compounds, as well as concrete reinforcement, often repels potential buyers. The difficulty in its installation is the first problem faced by builders.

5. Aerated concrete. The price of this material varies greatly, but not without reason. The higher the cost of the model, the greater its compressive strength is. Large blocks of aerated concrete significantly accelerate masonry, and the correct geometry of the block reduces the number of seams that need to be sealed. Aerated concrete is easily processed, does not burn, does not rot and is durable. It can be used as insulation, but often, especially in central Russia, it is used only for the construction of a wall. Although this reduces the cost of construction, it is worth considering that aerated concrete has a low bearing capacity, if the material is not expensive. Non-compliance with technology can lead to cracks, and it also requires prolonged drying. The material is quite finicky, so developers need to think a lot before using it.

6. Expanded polystyrene. To begin with, it is worth telling about the differences with foam. Expanded polystyrene has a higher density and acts as the best insulation, because it has a lower thermal conductivity than foam. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that both materials are flammable, so they often do not pass fire safety techniques.

The main insulation used in Russia is mineral wool products, the volume of consumption of which is more than 65 percent. Expanded polystyrene is used in 20 percent of insulation works, and glass wool materials account for only 8 percent of civil construction.

At the moment, Russia can afford to maintain the same volumes of exports and consumption of energy resources, since it has the largest reserves of these very resources. The same cannot be said about Europe. It has long begun to develop the field of thermal insulation materials. This is mainly due to the almost complete lack of own resources and the rise in prices for them from suppliers. Therefore, they pay enough attention to both the interior and exterior decoration of buildings and improve their skills in the production of insulation materials every year.

Now in Europe, there are such thermal insulation materials as:

1. Fiberglass and basalt Rockwool insulation. It is worth noting, good sound absorption, water resistance, dimensional stability and, most importantly, the optimal price-quality ratio of this material. This material does not contribute to the development and spread of fire, as well as the release of toxic gases. It starts to burn only if the temperature rises above 1177 degrees, so it will withstand a fire of any residential building, the combustion temperature of which is about 800-900 degrees. Nevertheless, the structure, which consists of brittle glass threads, strongly clogs the environment and creates a real threat to health.

2. Foamed polymers. They have proven themselves very well as a heat insulator. After the foam solidifies, a durable porous coating is formed, which has excellent heat and sound insulation properties. Foamed polymers are indispensable in many construction technologies, in particular the insulation of hollow building structures and the finishing of surfaces with complex relief. The material is not affected by moisture and is recommended for insulation of underground-based facilities and basements.

3. Foiled polyethylene foam. The material has a low coefficient of thermal conductivity. It is an inert material that does not enter into chemical reactions, lightweight and waterproof, it will not be eaten by mice, most importantly inexpensive. However, it also has a very significant drawback. If the temperature rises above 100 degrees, then the material begins to melt, and consequently burn. Therefore, they use it in rooms with a high specific fire load. And also, it is worth noting that foiled polyethylene foam works as a heat insulator only if there is at least 2-3 centimeters of a layer of air in front of the foil layer.

European countries have really gone ahead in the development of the field of heat insulators, while trying to make the insulation of houses as effective as possible. However, not all methods meet the environmental requirements applied in Europe, but they do an excellent job of conserving resources. Europeans understand that it is much more profitable to build a house from good and high-quality materials than to overpay for heating and enter the planet into a crisis of energy resources.

In conclusion, it should be said that due to the constantly rising energy prices, the construction of an energy-saving house is a very important task. Such construction should be considered in the long term. It should be borne in mind that due to constant inflation and the non-renewable energy reserves of our country, the construction of such residential premises is extremely important right now, before we have time to face a shortage of minerals.

It cannot be unequivocally stated that Europe has the best strategy for lifting its economy. They just use for this what they have now, however, like Russia. As long as we have energy reserves, we can afford to pay less attention to improving technologies. But it's worth noting one very important thing, nowadays it's time to stop thinking about the environmental aspects of construction, and start thinking about the direct saving of the resources of our planet.



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