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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 16(228)

Рубрика журнала: Технические науки

Секция: Архитектура, Строительство

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Библиографическое описание:
Sevryukov V., Smirnov I., Yudina I.I. HEATING SYSTEMS FOR PRIVATE HOUSES // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2023. № 16(228). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/228/287147 (дата обращения: 20.10.2024).


Sevryukov Vladimir

student, National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering,

Russia, Moscow

Smirnov Ilya

student, National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering,

Russia, Moscow

Yudina Irina Ivanovna

lecturer, National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering

Russia, Moscow



Севрюков Владимир Дмитриевич

студент, Национальный Исследовательский Московский Государственный Строительный университет

РФ, г. Москва

Смирнов Илья Игоревич

студент, Национальный Исследовательский Московский Государственный Строительный университет

РФ, г. Москва

Юдина Ирина Ивановна

преподаватель, Национальный Исследовательский Московский Государственный Строительный университет

РФ, г. Москва



This article describes the various heating systems for private houses that currently exist; the advantages and disadvantages of some options are considered, the classification of heating systems in terms of efficiency, and the classification of heating systems by coolant are also considered; the optimal option for heating a private house is determined depending on the region of residence.


Данная статья описывает различные системы отопления частных домов, существующие в настоящее время; рассматриваются преимущества и недостатки некоторых вариантов, рассматриваются также классификация систем отопления по показателю коэффициента полезного действия, и классификации систем отопления по теплоносителю; определяется оптимальный вариант отоплению частного дома в зависимости от региона проживания.


Keywords: heating systems, advantages and disadvantages, boiler, coolant, heating source.

Ключевые слова: системы отопления, преимущества и недостатки, котёл, теплоноситель, источник нагрева.


Since ancient times, man has set himself the task of providing himself and his family with warmth. People used different ways to keep warm, from fires and stone stoves to modern boilers. Nowadays, there are many options for heating systems for private houses, and we will consider and talk about them in general terms, compare and choose the best option.

Despite this many different heating systems in private homes, their structure is similar. Every system has a boiler. It is a closed metal vessel in which the process of heating the coolant by a heating source to a certain temperature and its subsequent supply to the pipes takes place. Types of boilers differ according to the type of energy source used: electricity, liquid and solid fuels, gas.

One of the simplest solutions for heating a private house are electric boilers and electric fireplaces. The system works on the principle of electromagnetic induction, where a conductor is wound on a pipe with a ferromagnetic core, through which current flows, heating the core, which in turn transfers heat to the coolant.

In terms of efficiency, the most effective source of heating is electric, since the coolant is heated directly from the core. An electric boiler allows you to convert almost all energy into heat, due to the lack of pumps it is completely silent, fully automated and has the ability to accurately control, which means it is convenient. Heating with electricity is also the most environmentally friendly way. But despite the cheapness of the equipment, the electricity bill will be large. This disadvantage can be offset by alternative energy sources on your site, but this is only available in sunny or windy areas, and you will have to pay quite a lot for such equipment. However, such an investment will save on heating bills, so with funds and a suitable location, generating electricity from solar panels or wind turbines and then converting it into heat is the best solution.

Gas heating is the most popular solution at the moment. In this option, the house is connected to the central heating system, or an underground or above-ground tank with liquefied petroleum gas is installed from which pipes are led to the boiler room. The principle of operation of a gas boiler is that due to the combustion of gas, a heat exchanger is heated through which the coolant passes. This option has an efficiency of up to 90 percent, the amount of harmful emissions is very low, and the cost of gas is very low. Despite all the advantages, the system is one of the most dangerous, it is also quite difficult to install due to the explosive nature of the substance, and when designing a house, space restrictions increase due to the high fire hazard. Installing this heating system is very expensive. In addition, during operation, careful pressure control is required, but this is the only thing that causes inconvenience. However, this system is the most common. Savings on fuel over time cover the cost of equipment, so a gas boiler is a profitable investment. If you follow simple precautions, a gas boiler will never pose a threat. Gas heating is a versatile solution due to its convenience and low fuel cost, and is therefore the best option for locations where self-generating electricity is not profitable.

But, if there are problems with gasification in the region, a liquid fuel source of heating is considered a good replacement for gas. Fuel oil, diesel fuel, gasoline, diesel and liquefied gas can be used as fuel. The difference between them lies in the degree of viscosity, flammability and the presence of solid particles. Among all the options for price and quality, diesel is the most optimal.

A typical liquid fuel heating system is arranged as follows: a system pump is connected to the storage where the fuel is located. Fuel that has undergone special training needs to determine the intensity of its supply. To do this, it is sent for verification to the boiler controller, which checks its quality and density. Next, the fuel enters the preparation chamber for connection with air and heating. After this process, the mixture is injected into the furnace, where it is ignited with an electrode. The resulting heat accumulates in a metal heat exchanger, which in turn transfers it to the coolant.

The advantages of this system are: the value of the efficiency reaches 75-85 percent, which is a rather high value, the service life can reach 30 years, the installation of a diesel boiler does not require permission from supervisory organizations, you can use different types of fuel for one boiler. But there are also disadvantages. One of the biggest disadvantages is the high price of equipment, as well as the cost of diesel. The system is also quite noisy and not environmentally friendly, there is a need for a large space under the fuel tank. In addition, regular maintenance is necessary, since soot and soot settle in a significant amount on the walls of the chimney, and an unpleasant odor appears.

In addition to a liquid fuel heating source, a solid fuel heating source is a worthy replacement for gas. Firewood, coal and charcoal, pellets, briquettes and wood waste serve as fuel. A solid fuel boiler contains a furnace inside, in which the process of fuel combustion takes place, as a result of which the walls of the heat exchanger are heated, transferring heat to the heat carrier. Good boilers have a two or even a three-way flue design, due to which the flue gas flow travels a longer distance, increasing the heated area per unit of fuel burned and increasing the efficiency. Solid fuel stoves and fireplaces also work, they are a good solution for heating a small area.

A solid fuel heating system has many advantages. One of the main advantages is a high efficiency, the value of which reaches 85 percent, cheap and easily available fuel, simple design, no need for electricity, and there is also a large selection of boilers. However, there are also disadvantages. The biggest disadvantages of this system are low environmental friendliness, boilers are highly polluting, high fire hazard, constant monitoring and throwing of fuel, as well as a special room for its storage. In addition, as in systems with an oil boiler, it is necessary to clean the chimney.

Systems with liquid fuel and solid fuel heating sources are a good solution only in the absence of gasification at home, in many respects they lose to gas, and especially in terms of convenience, because in both cases it is necessary to clean the equipment, and in solid fuel you also need to manually supply fuel.

The heating source is best chosen depending on the region in which the person lives. Depending on the place of residence, there are different restrictions that affect whether the chosen type of heating will be profitable or not. So, in areas with a relatively warm and sunny climate, it is very beneficial to use an electric boiler, but in areas with a cold climate, in the presence of gas, a gas boiler, and in its absence, solid or liquid fuel.

Heating systems are also classified according to the coolant. The heat carrier (heat agent) is a substance that transfers heat from the boiler to the radiators. It must have important properties such as good heat tolerance, safety (the coolant must be harmless), and must have a long service life. There are several types of heat agents - these are liquid and gaseous. The main example of a liquid heat carrier is water, antifreeze, and the main example of a gaseous one is air. Let us consider each fluid coolant.

Water is one of the most accessible types of coolant. It is better than any antifreeze, however, it cannot always be used. The advantages of water include: non-flammability, high heat capacity, low cost, easy circulation through the system, and its environmental friendliness. But water has quite a few drawbacks. The main disadvantage is that a person can use water as a coolant only in those cases when he constantly lives in a private house. The second drawback is that the oxygen contained in the water oxidizes the system. The third is corrosion of the heating system. The fourth minus is the change in the chemical composition of water. Well, the fifth minus is that if the electricity is turned off, then the water easily freezes during the cold period of time.

Antifreeze is a low freezing liquid that can operate at temperatures below 0 degrees. It is the best choice for cold climates. We list the advantages: it tolerates frost well, is not harmful to others, does not require draining when it gets warm, evaporation is slower than that of water. We list the disadvantages: it is less thermally conductive and more viscous than water, which means that a boiler and circulation pumps of high power are required, and it is also necessary to use a closed tank.

The circulation of the liquid coolant can be natural, with forced movement and combined. In natural circulation, the heat agent moves due to the difference in densities and masses of hot and cold substances. Forced motion systems use circulation pumps to provide speed and pressure. In the case of combined circulation, a low-power pump is installed, the system can work both with and without a pump due to natural forces. In all cases, the heated liquid circulates in a closed circuit. Entering the batteries, it slowly cools down, and then goes back to the boiler. Also, an expansion tank is always used for excess liquid that occurs when the volume increases when heated.

Unlike liquids, a gas has a low density, heat capacity and thermal conductivity, which is expressed in a low heat transfer rate. The use of air coolant in pipes is not rational, since from the alternation of heating with cooling, they expand and contract, which weakens the joints, and cracks form in the walls. As a result, there is a violation of the distribution of air and, as a result, uneven heating of the premises. It is much better to use a fan to distribute air masses throughout the house through the ventilation system. Such a system allows you to quickly and evenly heat the room, and it also has a high efficiency, but there is a need for regular maintenance and filter replacement. The significant demand for electricity makes this system unprofitable for a small home. In addition, the system costs a lot and can only be installed during the construction period.

Each coolant has advantages over others in different situations. Air shows itself best in large houses. At the same time, water is a good solution for heating a building with permanent residence in it. But for cottages where people live temporarily, it is best to use antifreeze, since it does not need constant monitoring.

People living in urban apartment buildings cannot choose the type of heating system. But a person who owns a private house has a great choice. And everyone wonders which one is the most economical.

In conclusion, it should be said that the optimal solution for every situation cannot be deduced from existing heating systems. Each type has its advantages and disadvantages, but each performs better than others under certain conditions. The selection of a heating system should be based on several factors: financial, resource endowments, cost of heating, needs for automation and convenience, feasibility, safety, and the need for system power and efficiency. And it is on the basis of them that you can choose the perfect option for your home.



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