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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 16(228)

Рубрика журнала: Социология

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Библиографическое описание:
Dolgaya V. AWARENESS OF YOUTH ABOUT LEISURE IN BELGOROD // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2023. № 16(228). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/228/286544 (дата обращения: 12.03.2025).


Dolgaya Veronika

Student, Department of Sociology and Organization of Work with Youth, Belgorod National University,

Russia, Belgorod


This article examines the problem of insufficient awareness of young people in Belgorod about cultural events and leisure activities in the city. It is also said that there is potential and interest among young people in leisure activities in Belgorod, but more awareness and promotion is needed. This phenomenon is confirmed by the results of the author's pilot study conducted among the students at the Belgorod State National Research University.


Keywords: youth, leisure, awareness, students, events, interest, social network, cultural centers.


Introduction. Leisure is one of the important means of forming the personality of a young fellow. It directly affects the industrial and labor sphere of human activity, since recreational and restorative processes that relieve intense physical and mental stress occur most favorably in leisure conditions.

Since our topic talks about the awareness of young people in the city of Belgorod, it is necessary to consider that in this region there are many circles / sections, events that affect the interests, spiritual needs and embody the cultural component of youth. However, many people may not even know about existing meetings, plans, unless, of course, you are a member of any student association of your university [1].

Based on this, the purpose of this article is to identify the reasons for the lack of full awareness of youth about leisure in the city of Belgorod, the study of the cultural interests of the younger generation.

Methodology and methods. Leisure activities of young people have repeatedly become the object of research by domestic and foreign scientists and have been the object of many pedagogical and psychological approaches to the study of the problem under consideration.

Thus, A. Zharkov, T. Kiseleva made a significant contribution to the scientific analysis of the theory and practice of leisure activities. The research of these authors is important for improving the theory and methodology, as well as the organization of leisure activities of young people [2, 3].

A comprehensive analysis of leisure problems considering various problematic aspects of youth is presented in the works of B. Tregubov, V. Chuprov [4, 5]

To study the problem in detail, we conducted a sociological study «Awareness of youth about leisure in Belgorod». The study was conducted by the method of a mass online survey. The object of the study was the youth of the Institute of Social Sciences and Mass Communications aged 18 to 30 years, the study was representative by gender, course.

Research Results and Discussion. The study showed that respondents do not know about the events that are held in the cultural centers of the city «October» and «Сenter for Youth Initiatives». The respondents’ answers to these two questions gave the same answer in most cases – «no» (52% and 40%, respectively) (Figure 1,2).

This choice can be easily explained. Modern youth does not really know what these centers are and what they are needed for, as a result, they do not even get carried away with them.


Figure 1. Do you know about the events held at the «Center for Youth Initiatives»?


Figure 2. Do you know about the events held at the cultural center «October»?


The next two questions are related to leisure activities. To the question «How often do you attend leisure activities? » the respondents gave the answer as follows: «several times a year» – 36%, «2-3 times a month» – 26%, «once a month» – 22%, «2-3 times a week» and «once a week» – 8% respectively (Figure 3).

As we can see, the most relevant answer is several times a year. This may lead us to the idea that either modern youth is not sufficiently aware of leisure activities or does not want to attend them.


Figure 3. How often do you attend leisure activities?


When asked where it is preferable for young people to find out leisure activities in Belgorod, more than half of the respondents (63%) noted the option «in social networks», however, a fourth of all respondents preferred the option «in messengers» (Figure 4).

As the main messenger, respondents noted the option «Telegram» (82%), and as a social network 76% – «VKontakte». In fact, the choice of these two options is obvious, since the current situation in the country leaves no choice to use, for example, as a social network, any other, since they are prohibited in the Russian Federation. In defense of Telegram, an argument can be made by virtue of a high-quality news messenger during a Special Military Operation.


Figure 4. Where is it preferable for you to find out leisure activities in Belgorod?


Conclusions. Summing up, we can say that young people are little informed about the leisure activities of Belgorod, although there is potential and interest in this. Thanks to the author’s research, we were able to reveal that the youth at the Belgorod State National Research University in their answers to the questions confirmed the hypotheses put forward by us, which we have analyzed in this article.



  1. Zharkov, A. D. Teoriya i texnologiya kul`turno-dosugovoj deyatel`nosti [Tekst] / A. D. Zharkov. – M.: Izdatel`skij Dom MGUKI, 2007. – 480 s.
  2. Kiseleva, T. G. Social`no-kul`turnaya deyatel`nost` [Tekst] / T. G. Kiseleva, Yu. D. Krasil`nikov. – M.: MGUKI, 2004. – 539 s.
  3. Makeeva, E. A. Tvorcheskij potencial sovremennoj rossijskoj studencheskoj molodezhi / E. A. Makeeva, M. A. Litvinova // Molodoj ucheny`j. – 2015. – № 8 (88). – S. 827-829.
  4. Tregubov, B. A. Svobodnoe vremya molodyozhi: sushhnost`, tipologiya, upravlenie [Tekst] / B.A. Tregubov. – SPb.: B.i., 1991. – 159 s.
  5. Chuprov, V. I. Social`noe razvitie molodyozhi: teoreticheskie i prikladny`e problemy` [Tekst] / V. I. Chuprov. – M.: Znanie, 1994. – 157 s.

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