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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 15(227)

Рубрика журнала: Экономика

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Библиографическое описание:
Dolgov A. ECONOMIC SECURITY IN RUSSIA // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2023. № 15(227). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/227/286097 (дата обращения: 28.03.2025).


Dolgov Alexey

Student, Department of Economics and Management of Investment and Construction Activities, State University of Management,

Russia, Moscow

Kostikova Yulia

научный руководитель,

Scientific supervisor, Senior Lecturer of the Department of English, State University of Management,

Russia, Moscow


The article is devoted to the topic of Russia's economic security in modern times. Importance of import substitution, IT sector, IT crimes for economic security.


Keywords: economic security, import substitution, IT, cybercrime, information security, information literacy.


In the context of the instability of the world economy and a large number of sanctions against Russia, the problem of ensuring national economic security has become particularly relevant. The level of Russia's economic security, which tends to increase, has dropped sharply since 2014 to critical levels. An integrated approach is needed to improve economic security in Russia. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures and decisions to restructure the system of economic security of the state. The purpose of the article is to determine the state and prospects for improving the economic security of Russia. This can be achieved by solving the following tasks: a review of existing methods for assessing the country's economic security, conducting a SWOT analysis of the economic security of modern Russia, and developing proposals for its improvement. Based on the study, a list of the most dangerous threats to the modern Russian economy was determined, which included: the low level of the country's industrial production; dependence of the economy on imports of goods and exports of raw materials; low standard of living of the population; the rapid development of the shadow economy and corruption; lack of civilian science and innovative development. The main directions for improving the level of Russia's economic security today and in the future are aimed at reindustrialization based on innovation and import substitution, at the perfect restructuring and renewal of many branches of government and their representatives. Thus, to solve the problem of economic security of modern Russia, it is necessary to create its own production and build an innovative oriented model of the economy. This will ensure the economic security of modern Russia and its stable development in the future. Recently, the sanctions imposed by the European Union and the United States are one of the most important threats to the economic development and security of Russia.

These sanctions are as follows:

1. Ban on loans from foreign banks;

2. Prohibition of entry to certain foreign countries (such as the United States).

USA, Canada, Australia and EU countries);

3. A ban on opening certain Russian bank accounts in foreign countries;

4. Ban on the import of high-tech equipment into Russia;

5. Embargo on food from the EU and the USA.

Russia has significant natural resources and scientific technologies. Therefore, it is especially important to develop import substitution and domestic production.

Russia has great potential to enter the top five world producers and exporters not only in the energy sector, but also in a number of engineering technologies and agricultural technologies.

New technologies attract with a relatively simple way of committing a crime and a high chance of getting away with impunity, acting anywhere in the world. The offender not only steals assets, but also transfers them abroad, so there is a threat to the economic security of Russia. IT crimes have a low detection rate, despite efforts to correct the statistical cards. Most IT crimes are committed using the Deepweb network, which is entered only using special software or an anonymous browser, such as TOR, or other special programs that provide relative hiding of the IP address and its location. Russia takes the 2nd place in the world in the use of Darknet.

Cryptocurrencies are of great importance for the economic security of the country. In Russia, there are still discussions about the attitude towards cryptocurrency. The recognition of cryptocurrencies without state control poses a threat to economic security, since the system will have uncontrolled, fiduciary funds and the stability of the system will be greatly weakened by crime and cybercrime. The withdrawal of assets into the shadow economy and abroad is becoming a serious problem for the state. In Russia, there is no unified statistics on the number of crimes related to cyber fraud. There are no general statistics on the amount of damage from IT crimes against companies and citizens.

Thus, the complexity of detecting, investigating and proving favors the use of new technologies in the commission of IT crimes, while latency and the lack of high-quality statistics complicate the search for solutions to problems with the most applied mechanisms for their implementation. From the calculations of Positive Technologies, it became known that in 2021 the losses of the Russian economy from the activities of hackers amounted to 7 trillion rubles. This is a huge number. Most often, hackers attack government institutions (they account for 20% of the total number of attacks), followed by industry (14%), medical (8%), financial organizations (6%) and IT organizations (9%). In 2021, 38% of organizations in Russia were subjected to targeted attacks on a specific program, calculated in Kaspersky Lab. The worst thing for business and the economy as a whole is cybercrime associated with data leaks from internal systems, leaks caused by malware attacks, experts say. According to Sberbank, telephone and computer scammers steal from the accounts of Russians from 3 billion to 5.5 billion rubles a month. The bank estimates the damage for the whole of 2020 at more than 62 billion rubles. In eight months of 2022, 390,000 cyber fraud cases were initiated. Such huge regular financial losses do not pass without a trace for the country's economy, which means they are one of the direct threats to the economic security of Russia.

To solve existing and future problems in the field of cybersecurity, a number of the following set of measures suggests itself: Creation of an effective state institution for the adoption and regulation of a set of measures that ensure comprehensive security (economic, digital, etc.), with operational coordination of the actions of the competent authorities; Creation of a legal framework and mechanisms to increase efficiency in the disclosure of IT crimes committed from abroad, using international institutions; Providing conditions for the functioning of the state partnership, organizing interactions; Increasing investment in the provision and development of integrated security in the country's cyberspace, including the development of its own computer production complex; Development of a clear state policy regarding digital currencies. For example, the use of public investment in the monetary circuit, the implementation of social policy, etc.; Restrict access to prohibited sites, platforms, browsers, the use of gray SIM cards, suspicious calls, etc.; Ensure the creation and instillation in society of the rules for compliance with digital “hygiene and its prevention”. Increase the digital literacy of the population.

The solution of these issues will help combat crime and create a powerful tool for building a modern economy that meets new structural and technological challenges at a time when the technological structure and geopolitical contours, the borders of states and unions are changing.

The digital economy cannot solve some of the structural problems of the economy, but it should not be ignored. State regulation of the introduction of digitalization into the economy will give a lot of positive effects both in the economic sphere and in law enforcement, and will reduce the negative effect of the crisis in the world order. To overcome and reorganize in accordance with the requirements of the time, the solution of this problem will allow Russia to successfully survive and take the most advanced positions in the world.



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