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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 13(225)

Рубрика журнала: Технические науки

Секция: Архитектура, Строительство

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Библиографическое описание:
Belyaev N., Voronin N., Yudina I.I. APPLICATION OF WELDING TECHNOLOGIES IN MODERN CONSTRUCTION // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2023. № 13(225). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/225/284595 (дата обращения: 30.03.2025).


Belyaev Nikolay

student, National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering,

Russia, Moscow

Voronin Nikita

student, National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering,

Russia, Moscow

Yudina Irina Ivanovna

lecturer, National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering,

Russia, Moscow



Беляев Николай Кириллович

студент, Национальный Исследовательский Московский Государственный Строительный Университет,

РФ, г. Москва

Воронин Никита Романович

студент, Национальный Исследовательский Московский Государственный Строительный Университет,

РФ, г. Москва

Юдина Ирина Ивановна

преподаватель, Национальный Исследовательский Московский Государственный Строительный Университет,

РФ, г. Москва




This article describes the latest welding technologies used in modern construction; it defines their advantages and limitations for use in the construction process, it examines the areas of practical application of each type of welding; it describes the process of welding control and quality control of welds, it touches on the issue of ecology during welding in the construction industry.


В данной статье дается описание новейших сварочных технологий, применяемых в современном строительстве; определяются их преимущества и ограничения для применения в строительном процессе, рассматриваются области практического применения каждого из вида сварки; дается описание процесса контроля сварки и контроля качества сварных швов, затрагивается вопрос экологии при сварочных работах в строительной отрасли.


Keywords: gas tungsten arc welding, arc welding with powder wire, arc welding in a closed environment, laser welding, friction welding with mixing, safety technique, weld check, quality control.

Ключевые слова: газовая вольфрамовая дуговая сварка, дуговая сварка порошковой проволокой, дуговая сварка в замкнутой среде, лазерная сварка, сварка трением с перемешиванием, техника безопасности, проверка сварного шва, контроль качества.


Welding is the process of joining different structural elements or different materials that has been widely used in construction for many years.

Welding involves melting the metal surfaces to be joined and allowing them to cool and solidify, resulting in a strong bond between the materials. With increasing demands for stronger, more efficient and durable designs, the welding industry has developed new technologies to meet these needs.

One of the latest welding technologies is gas tungsten arc welding, also known as tungsten inert gas welding, which is a precision welding process in which a non-consumable tungsten electrode is used to obtain a weld. A protective gas, usually argon, is used to protect the welding zone from atmospheric contamination. Gas tungsten arc welding is ideal for welding thin materials and allows you to get high-quality welds with an excellent appearance.

The next latest technology is gas arc metal welding, also known as metal inert gas welding, which is a fast and efficient welding process that uses a melting wire electrode to make a weld. A protective gas, usually a mixture of argon and carbon dioxide, is used to protect the welding zone. Gas-arc metal welding is ideal for welding thicker materials and it is known for its high performance and ease of use.

Powder wire arc welding is a semi-automatic welding process that uses a continuously fed flux core wire electrode. The flux core provides a protective gas supply that protects the welding zone, eliminating the need for an external protective gas. Arc welding with powder wire is ideal for welding thick materials and allows you to obtain high-quality welds with excellent penetration.

Metal arc welding in a protective environment, also known as spot welding, is a manual welding process that uses a flux-coated melting electrode. The flux forms a protective gas that protects the weld area. Metal arc welding in a protective environment is ideal for welding in remote places and it is known for its ability to create strong welds on dirty or rusty materials.

Laser welding is one modern welding technique that can be used in construction. Laser welding is based on the use of a laser beam to melt and connect metal elements.

Advantages of laser welding include high accuracy, speed, and control of thermal effects on materials. In addition, laser welding can be more efficient and reliable for joining thin metal sheets than other welding techniques. Laser welding is fast and accurate and it provides high quality welds.

Another new technology is friction-stir welding, which uses a rotating tool to create heat and friction that soften and hold metal surfaces together. Friction stir welding is ideal for welding aluminum and other lightweight materials.

In construction, laser welding can be used for welding thin metal sheets, as well as for welding pipes and other structures. However, due to the high cost of the equipment and the difficulty of laser welding, it is usually used only for specialized projects where high accuracy and quality of the connection is necessary.

Moreover, laser welding requires the use of special equipment and trained personnel, as well as compliance with certain safety measures. For example, it is necessary to provide good ventilation around the welding site and use special protection for the eyes and skin.

Thus, while laser welding may be useful in some construction applications, it is not always the most efficient and affordable welding method. It is important to choose the most appropriate welding method depending on the specific needs of the project and ensure the safety and reliability of welding in all cases.

Each welding method has its own advantages and limitations, let us consider the main ones.

Gas tungsten arc welding allows high-quality welds with excellent appearance, but slower and is a more time-consuming process than other methods.

 Gas-arc welding of the metal works quickly and efficiently, but can produce welds of lower quality than other methods.

Arc welding with powder wire is versatile and it can be used on thick materials, but at the same time, due to the fault of welding, a lot of smoke is formed and it takes more time to adjust.

Metal arc welding in a protective environment is ideal for welding in remote locations, but works more slowly and less efficiently than other methods. Welding is widely used in construction, from large-scale construction projects to small production work. Gas tungsten arc welding is commonly used to weld thin materials such as aluminum sheet metal.

Gas-arc metal welding is commonly used to weld thicker materials such as steel beams and columns.

Arc welding with powder wire is commonly used in heavy manufacturing, such as the manufacture of pressure vessels and offshore structures.

Metal arc welding in a protective environment is typically used for welding at construction sites where the power supply may not be available, such as for repair work in remote locations. The welding industry is constantly developing, and new technologies are being developed to improve the efficiency of welding processes. One such technique is laser welding, which uses a powerful laser beam to melt and fuse metal surfaces together.

The areas of practical application of each of the types of welds are very wide. Gas tungsten arc welding can be used:

- welding thin materials, such as aluminum sheet metal;

- welding, for example, in the aerospace and in medical industries;

- welding non-ferrous metals such as copper and brass.

Gas-arc welding of metal can be used:

- welding thicker materials such as steel beams and columns;

- welding in large volumes of production, for example, in the automotive and shipbuilding industries;

- welding non-ferrous metals such as aluminum and magnesium.

Arc welding with powder wire can be used:

- in the manufacture of pressure vessels and offshore facilities;

- welding of thick materials, for example, in shipbuilding and bridge construction;

- in the mining and oil and gas industries.

Metal arc welding in protective medium can be used:

- welding in remote places, where there may be no power supply, for example, during repair work at construction sites;

- welding of dirty or rusty materials, for example, during construction and maintenance of pipelines and tanks;

- welding materials of irregular shape, for example, when repairing heavy equipment and mechanisms.

Welding in construction is essential for communication between different structural elements. For example, welding seams provide a secure connection between metal structures such as beams and posts. Without welding, these elements can weaken or even collapse over time, which can lead to serious consequences for the safety and reliability of the building.

Welding is widely used to link different materials, such as metal and concrete. For example, welding can be used to secure metal rods to a concrete surface, providing a stronger and more secure joint than other attachment methods.

There exist significant factors that are necessary for successful welding work. The most important factors should be taken into account when planning and performing welding projects in construction.

Let us consider each of these factors in more detail.

Safety is of paramount importance when it comes to welding, since the process involves high temperatures, intense lighting and the possible release of hazardous vapors and gases. It is necessary to discuss the risks associated with welding and the steps that can be taken to reduce these risks. These steps include:

- the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) such as helmets, gloves and respirators to protect the welder from hazards such as high temperature, light and vapors;

- the need to properly ventilate the work area to remove vapors and gases that may pose a risk to the welder or others in the vicinity;

- to ensure that all equipment is properly grounded and electrical cables are in good condition to avoid the risk of electric shock.

- taking precautions to prevent fire hazards, such as storing flammable materials away from the work area and using fire extinguishers.

Welding control and quality control is an integral stage of construction work. Welds must meet certain standards to ensure their strength and structural reliability. Let us list various methods of weld control and quality control, they are:

- visual inspection in which a trained inspector visually examines the weld for defects such as cracks or porosity;

- radiography, in which X-rays or gamma rays are used to examine the inside of the weld for defects that may be invisible on the surface;

- ultrasonic inspection, in which high-frequency sound waves are used to check the inside of the weld for defects.

- magnetic particle control, in which particles are used to detect surface or slightly subsurface defects in ferromagnetic materials.

Sustainability is increasingly important in the construction industry, and welding can play a role in achieving sustainable green construction methods through methods that include the following principles:

- the use in the welding process of recycled materials such as scrap metal or reclaimed steel;

- the reduction of waste and energy consumption during welding process due to improvement of welding methods and equipment;

- the use of environmentally friendly coatings or other treatment methods to protect welds from corrosion and other damage.

In conclusion, it should be noted that welding is a critical process in construction, and advances in welding technology have enabled industry to produce stronger and more durable structures. Each welding method has its advantages and limitations, and the choice of welding method depends on the specific application and material used, since welding works play an important role in ensuring the reliability and safety of buildings, and it can also contribute to sustainable green construction by using recyclable materials and reducing energy consumption during the welding process.

With the development of new technologies such as laser welding and stir friction welding, the welding industry is ready to continue to evolve and provide even more efficient welding solutions for construction applications. It is critical that construction professionals keep abreast of the latest developments in welding technology to properly use the best practices for their specific needs.



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