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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 6(218)

Рубрика журнала: Физика

Скачать книгу(-и): скачать журнал часть 1, скачать журнал часть 2, скачать журнал часть 3

Библиографическое описание:
Sezbek Zh. THE USE OF MODERN PEDAGOGICAL TECHNOLOGIES IN TEACHING PHYSICS // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2023. № 6(218). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/218/280880 (дата обращения: 23.02.2025).


Sezbek Zhaniya

Master student 2nd year, physics teacher, Karaganda University named after E.A. Boketov,

Republic of Kazakhstan, Karaganda



Съезбек Жания

магистрант 2 курса, преподаватель физики, Карагандинский университет им. Е.АБокетова,

Республика Казахстан, г. Караганда



Teaching physics in lessons today cannot be presented only as theoretical lessons, so it is necessary to maintain interest in physics, to use a variety of ways and methods to stimulate learning activities. The modern lesson of physics on the basis of application of pedagogical technologies gives the chance to pupils to acquire new knowledge independently. Independent activity in search and selection of information is now an important means of motivation, a condition for personal development. So the article deals with the process of application of information and communication technologies (hereinafter - ICT), as a modern pedagogical method of teaching. The object of the article is modern technologies of learning in physics classes.


Преподавание физики на уроках сегодня нельзя представить только как теоретические занятия, поэтому необходимо поддерживать интерес к физике, использовать разнообразные способы и методы стимулирования учебной деятельности. Современный урок физики на основе применения педагогических технологий дает возможность учащимся самостоятельно приобретать новые знания. Самостоятельная деятельность по поиску и отбору информации в настоящее время является важным средством мотивации, условием развития личности. Итак, в статье рассматривается процесс применения информационно-коммуникационных технологий (далее - ИКТ), как современного педагогического метода обучения. Объектом статьи являются современные технологии обучения на уроках физики.


Keywords: physics, learning, modern technology, ICT, pedagogy, application, lessons.

Ключевые слова: физика, обучение, современные технологии, ИКТ, педагогика, применение, уроки.


At the present time in the conditions of modern school teaching methodology is going through a difficult period associated with changes in the goals of education. All these circumstances require new pedagogical research in the field of methods of teaching subjects, the search for innovative means, forms and methods of learning associated with the development, implementation in the educational process of modern educational and information technology. To realize the cognitive and creative activity of a schoolchild in the learning process, modern educational technologies are used, giving the opportunity to improve the quality of education, more efficient use of class time. As A.M. Farhodovna notes modern educational technologies are focused on individualization, distance and variability of educational process, academic mobility of students, regardless of age and education level [1].

It is difficult to imagine studying physics without laboratory works, because physics is an experimental science. It is impossible to show experiments that require sophisticated equipment, which is simply not available in the physics classroom. In this case the computer, which allows you to conduct laboratory work, helps. In them, the student can change the initial parameters of the experiments at his or her own discretion. Observe how the phenomenon itself will change as a result, analyze what they see, draw appropriate conclusions. In the modern education system traditional forms of learning are supplemented by virtual learning tools based on new modern technologies. Among them, augmented and virtual reality technologies are worth mentioning. Such technologies can change the nature of the learning process, motivate the learner, improve the quality of education, immerse the learner in the information and educational environment. S.S. Olimovich, A.M. Farkhodovna studied such a problem as merging their own devices and augmented reality technology in teaching. It was shown that by using this integration when teaching high school students and students in various educational circles, it is possible to improve the quality of teaching at different stages of physics learning [2]. It is obvious that in the future the use of this technology will only increase, offering positive changes for the development of spatial visualization skills.

There are unique opportunities in the use of computer technology in the study of physics. The effectiveness of the use of computer technology in the classroom depends on many factors, including the technology itself, the educational software used, and the teaching methods used by the teacher. In a modern classroom, computing equipment with a multimedia projector, an interactive whiteboard or a demonstration screen must be used, not only different units and devices for carrying out demonstration experiments. The introduction, use of ICT in the classroom will be beneficial to the teacher and his / her students. The teacher gets an opportunity to design a learning environment, as well as the opportunity to implement completely new forms and methods of teaching. By applying information technology to their lessons, the teacher has great opportunities to:

- supporting and directing the development of the student's personality;

- creative search and organization of joint activity of students and teachers;

- use of independent and intellectual forms of work [3].

The work of students with computer models and virtual laboratories is necessary because they can set up physical experiments and conduct research, form research skills. Students have great opportunities to develop competence in independent search of information, the use of ICT turns the performance of many experimental tasks into micro-research, stimulates the development of creative thinking of students, develops the ability to solve various situations in real life, increases interest in physics, and develops research skills. The active position of the student can be only in the presence of interest in the subject. The student, in turn, increases the effectiveness of independent work, gets access to non-traditional sources of information. In front of him / her appear absolutely huge opportunities for creativity, acquiring and fixing various skills. The use of ICT in the teaching of physics makes it possible to solve the following tasks more successfully:

- develop students' creative abilities and abstract thinking through the use of a wide range of visual information presentation possibilities;

- develop independent thinking by using various methods of processing and presenting information;

- develop teamwork and communicativeness in the process of data exchange among students when discussing or creating joint video projects;

- foster cognitive interest, using the natural urge of schoolchildren to computer technology;

- to develop modern teaching methods focused on individual cognitive needs of an individual.

Thus, some physical phenomena and processes are just as difficult to demonstrate in school conditions. For example, it is impossible to show atoms and molecules, radiation due to the lack of instruments in the school physics room. This leads to the fact that some students have difficulty learning physics because they are unable to mentally visualize the necessary processes and phenomena. Computer programs allow creating models of physical phenomena, changing conditions of the process, changing this or that process. Information technologies are also often used at physics lessons in the following directions:

- multimedia scenarios of lessons or fragments of lessons;

- preparation of didactic materials for the lessons;

- use of ready-made software products for their discipline;

- work with electronic textbooks at the lesson;

- searching for necessary information on the Internet in preparation for lessons and extracurricular activities;

- searching for necessary information on the Internet directly in the class;

- working with web materials in class;

- developing tests using off-the-shelf software;

- using computer simulators for the organization of knowledge control.

It is important to combine and use a multimedia projector, which makes the recordings clearly visible, crisp, and clear to everyone in the classroom. Computer models in physics lessons easily fit into a traditional lesson and allow organizing new types of learning activities. For independent solutions in class or at home, offer tasks, the correctness of which they can check by setting up computer experiments [4]. Independent verification of the results obtained with the help of a computer experiment strengthens the cognitive interest of students, makes their work creative, and in some cases brings it closer to the nature of scientific research.

Thus, the emergence of multimedia presentation technologies (e.g., projectors) has revolutionized the field of education. Interactive presentations, or they can be called as an electronic educational poster, which allows you to display the necessary information: graphics, text, sound, of such technologies, where you can connect the auditory attention and visual. Compared to conventional polygraphic posters, interactive electronic posters provide more opportunities for organizing the educational process. K. Oltinoy notes the following features of interactive presentations in teaching physics:

- ease of use - multimedia does not require knowledge of programming;

- availability of bright animations of phenomena, processes, and illustrations from physics;

- allows organizing group work (use on the interactive whiteboard, demonstration screen) as well as individual work (work at a personal computer, tablet);

- the educational material of the programs is presented in the form of logically completed separate fragments, which allows the teacher to distribute the time of the whole physics lesson rationally [5].

The structure of the interactive presentation can look like a visual outline, textbook (consisting of different levels of tasks, interactive pictures, animations, video fragments), constructor (allowing the teacher and the student to make notes over the learning material), a collection of laboratory works. The use of information technology gives students the opportunity to be better and more deeply involved in the process of learning. As a result of the use of training programs is an individualization of the learning process. Each student, according to his or her individual abilities, is given the opportunity to study the material that most interests him or her. Examples of such assignments can be found on the websites:

- https://simplescience.ru/collection/physics is an accessible, interesting illustrated physics video for grades 7, 8, and 9. A large number of qualitative and computational problems, as well as examples of parsed solutions to high school problems.

- https://100ballov.kz/mod/url/view.php?id=1077 is a collection of animations of physical processes in optics, waves, mechanics, and thermodynamics. There is a theory for each of the proposed topics, a visual close-up experiment. In turn, high cognitive activity of students can be directed to the process of research, here it is very effective to apply interactive laboratory works, allowing to simulate and investigate a physical process. By changing one of the parameters, you can clearly see what happens to the whole system.

- https://www.getaclass.ru/course/fizika-v-opytah-i-eksperimentah - this resource contains a large number of physics reference tables. There is also a brief physical encyclopedia for children, a large encyclopedic dictionary, and biographies of physics scientists. The electronic textbook is very effective to use for laboratory works on physics.

The number of sites containing such materials is constantly growing, so we can list here only some of the most interesting resources. In addition, virtual laboratories are gaining more and more popularity among the new learning tools. The reasons for this are as follows. First, schools are not always able to equip real laboratories to conduct educational experiments in various disciplines. This is due to financial issues as well as student safety issues. In addition, not all experiments are possible to put on the basis of a training laboratory. In such cases, the use of virtual laboratories is an excellent way out of this situation. They allow you to set up experiments in physics many times with minimal cost and absolutely safe for others. And with the development of information technology, the use of virtual laboratories in the educational process is becoming more and more accessible. Secondly, such learning tools are indispensable when it is impossible to access real installations, for example, in distance education, which is also becoming more and more widespread with the development of ICTs.

Thus, modern information technologies make it possible to implement any form of educational activity and open up great prospects for the creation of original and sometimes principally new curricula in physics. At present the educational process at school is dominated by the presence of pupils' research activity and the creative process of their solution of educational tasks. The teacher's activity acquires advisory and creative character in order to develop learning and research activities of students in two directions: theoretical and methodological and specific use of scientific knowledge in solving applied problems. The use of the above-mentioned technologies makes it possible to increase the practical, competence-oriented orientation of learning.



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  2. Olimovich S.S., Farkhodovna A.M. The Elements Of Organization Of The Educational Process On The Basis Of New Pedagogical Technologies // The American Journal of Applied Sciences. – 2020. - 2(9). - 164-169.
  3. Asadovna F.K. Modern pedagogical technologies of teaching physics in secondary school // European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences. – 2020. - 8(12). - 85-90.
  4. Zainasheva G.N., Malatsion S.F. The use of active teaching methods for the formation of general educational and professional competencies in the course «Physics» // Bulletin of the Kazan State Power Engineering University. - 2011. – 7(4). - 127-134.
  5. Oltinoy K. Use of modern technologies in teaching physics // International Scientific and Current Research Conferences. – 2022. - 1(1). – 86-88.

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