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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 5(217)

Рубрика журнала: Экономика

Секция: Менеджмент

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Библиографическое описание:
Mammadova L.E. ORGANIZATION OF MANAGEMENT OF INVESTMENT PROJECTS IN FOOD INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2023. № 5(217). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/217/280944 (дата обращения: 29.03.2025).


Mammadova Lala Elchin

master's student, department of tourism industry organization and ecology, Azerbaijan Technological University,

Azerbaijan Republic, Gandja sity


Project management in the overall management system plays a significant role, it allows the management of the enterprise to plan and implement the project. In each case, it is necessary to take into account the specific specifics of the investment project under consideration. The most complex projects require a serious approach to management. At the same time, the role of the main project manager also increases, it is he who is responsible for the implementation of this project.


Keywords: project, management system, Investment opportunities.


The main goal of project management is to optimize the movement of financial and cash flows, effectively solve problems that arise between business entities in the process of implementing an investment project. The content of project management lies in the answer to the question of how to skillfully manage this movement and relationships.

Regulation and development of connections between project elements, which ensure the achievement of the goals set before the project, is in the project management system. The amount of resources and their use allows you to achieve the goal set before the project, and directly affects the implementation of the project. Because of this, the problem of optimal resource management may arise. The subject approach to managerial activity is directly related to resource management. Project management includes management strategy and tactics, as in any other type of management.

Management tactics include the selection of optimal solutions and management methods and techniques that are acceptable in a specific economic situation. Project management as a management system consists of two subsystems: the managed subsystem (object of management) and the managed subsystem (subject of management). Project management at different stages of the life cycle. Usually, even before making a decision on the implementation of the project, all aspects of its implementation are considered throughout the entire life cycle. The management of the pre-investment phase contains the following steps.

Investment opportunities of investment are considered at the first step of investment. The starting point for investment-related activities is the identification of investment opportunities. This may lead to the start of the mobilization of investment funds.

The most effective stages of the project are identified in the next step. To this end, each project is subject to analysis. The following types of project analysis are most common:

1) financial and commercial - examine the costs and results that apply to certain firms participating in the project;

2) environmental and social.

The public at large, not the firms involved in the project, are interested in the environmental and social impacts of the project. Determining the potential effectiveness of the project is the main goal of the project analysis.

The system of indicators that reflect the ratio of costs and results in relation to the project participants is the effectiveness of the project. They can be classified as follows:

1) indicators of commercial (financial) efficiency. They take into account the consequences of the implementation of the financial project for its direct participants;

2) indicators of budgetary efficiency. They reflect the financial implications of the project for the federal, regional or local budget;

3) indicators of economic efficiency. They take into account the costs and results associated with the implementation of the project, which go beyond the direct financial interests of the participants in the investment project and allow for cost measurement. Initial investment planning is included in the next step.

The main objectives of the project, the basic terms, potential participants and possible risk factors are strategic planning decisions that are the initial prerequisites for the pre-investment phase of the project.

Planning in the investment phase is one of the fundamental concepts. Project planning in the investment phase is continuous. All types of work are subject to planning: construction and installation works, purchase of technologies, materials and equipment, delivery of finished facilities to the customer, etc. The project implementation plan, on the basis of which the work schedule is developed, is a single base for continuous planning of work on the project.

The third step is the initialization of the works. First, the project manager accepts and approves the plans for the project, solves the problem of logistics, and then he gives instructions to start work. Adjustment of the intensity of investments and control over the implementation of work is carried out at the fourth step. The process of performing the work planned in the pre-investment phase can be characterized by many parameters. Criteria that determine changes in the state of the project are used by all control systems in the investment phase of the project. Achievement of control points (stages) in the implementation of the calendar work plan (schedule); expenditure of financial resources; resource costs and efficiency of their use; the amount of income received - all these criteria are most often used to determine the changes that occur.

The fifth step is regulation. In its content, the regulation is identical to the corresponding step in the pre-investment phase. The execution of the project is unchanged if the project manager considers that the deviations of the main indicators of the project from the planned ones, identified at the previous step, are insignificant. Otherwise, he decides to adjust the project implementation plans. The operational phase follows after the completion of the investment phase. In it, the project is at the stage of exploitation of its results.

The task of the project manager includes the implementation of the following steps: analysis of production possibilities; planning; initialization of production (start). The first step is a comparison of the indicators that are planned at the pre-investment stage, as well as the results that were achieved at the investment stage. In case of detection of serious deviations, they proceed to the second step, in another - to the third. At the second step, the plans set in the pre-investment phase are adjusted in accordance with the production capabilities that can be achieved. The start-up of the commissioned facility and the management of the work associated with this start-up - all this happens in the third step. These activities include operational and demonstration tests.

Thus, we can conclude that project management in the overall management system plays a significant role, it allows the management of the enterprise to plan and implement the project. In each case, it is necessary to take into account the specific specifics of the investment project under consideration. The most complex projects require a serious approach to management. At the same time, the role of the main project manager also increases, it is he who is responsible for the implementation of this project.



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