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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 41(211)

Рубрика журнала: Технические науки

Секция: Архитектура, Строительство

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Библиографическое описание:
DEVELOPMENT OF CONCEPTS OF INFORMATIVE MODELING TECHNOLOGIES IN CONSTRUCTION // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. Profatilo N. [и др.]. 2022. № 41(211). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/211/274471 (дата обращения: 28.03.2025).


Profatilo Nikita

student, National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering,

Russia, Moscow

Fedchuk Dmitry

student, National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering,

Russia, Moscow

Bakastov Maksim

student, National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering,

Russia, Moscow

Yudina Irina Ivanovna

lecturer, National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering,

Russia, Moscow



Профатило Никита Александрович

студент, Национальный Исследовательский Московский Государственный СтроительныйУниверситет,

РФ, г. Москва

Федчук Дмитрий Вадимович

студент, Национальный Исследовательский Московский Государственный Строительный Университет,

РФ, г. Москва

Бакастов Максим Андреевич

студент, Национальный Исследовательский Московский Государственный СтроительныйУниверситет,

РФ, г. Москва

Юдина Ирина Ивановна

преподаватель, Национальный Исследовательский Московский Государственный Строительный Университет,

РФ, г. Москва



This article discusses the issue of software and management of the construction process of buildings and structures of various purposes, it identifies the advantages and disadvantages of software, it lists programs based on new technologies, it reveals the prospects for their use in construction.


В данной статье рассматривается вопрос программного обеспечения и управления процессом строительства зданий и строений различного предназначения,определяются преимущества и недостатки программного обеспечения, перечисляются программы, работающие на основе новых технологий, раскрываются перспективы их использования в строительстве.


Keywords: construction, BIM modeling, integrated management, information technology.

Ключевые слова: строительство, BIM-моделирование, комплексное управление, информационные технологии.


Construction is the engine of the economy all over the world. There are many companies operating around each facility. Some are responsible for the supply of necessary equipment, others are responsible for the supply of construction materials. Engineers, architects, contractors, service customers and many others interact in each project. In the modern world, construction is carried out and controlled using specially designed electronic systems:

  • Team and project management systems
  • Systems for 3D visualization
  • Analytical systems
  • Budgeting and financial reporting systems
  • Document management automation systems
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Project management systems
  • Design Planning systems

In addition to these systems, there are also those that combine several of the presented ones at once, they are called programs for integrated construction management.These programs help in drawing up calendar plans, provide an opportunity to exchange data with estimated and financial programs, to keep accounting, operational, management accounting. With their help, you can control such important aspects of construction production as deadlines, the amount of work performed and accepted (plan-fact analysis), spending and compliance with the budget.

The most frequently selected construction programs are the following:

  • Integrated BIT solution. Construction
  • "1C: Construction Organization Management"
  • "1C: Construction Contractor. Construction Production Management"
  • "1C: Construction contractor. Financial Management"

Nowadays there is a place for such programs in all construction projects. However, it is more convenient to have 1-3 such unified management programs than seven or more. Such integrated management systems are under active development and are already being used in the latest construction projects. One of these programs is called “Digital Construction Management” (DCS) - a cloud platform for the customer, contractors and construction control.

This is one of the most promising construction management systems, it has incredibly large functionality. The main user tools of this program include:

  • Digital monitoring of investment projects, namely: information for managers in the form of dashboards, viewing the schedule of disbursement of funds, view delays for the current date, view construction progress in BIM
  • Fully electronic turnover at all stages of the object's life, namely: creation/importing documents, approval and signing of Executive documentation, signing of documents in electronic form, launch of digital construction control
  • Implementation in practice of the 3D-4D-5D approach in BIM, namely: loading the model in IFC format, creation of a work schedule based on BIM or implementation of binding, adding or correcting model attributes, creation of estimate documentation based on BIM or implementation of binding
  • Implementation in practice of the 3D-4D-5D approach in BIM, namely: loading the model in IFC format, creation of a work schedule based on BIM or implementation of binding, adding or correcting model attributes, creation of estimate documentation based on BIM or implementation of binding

The next actively used program is PlanRadar, it is a platform for construction project management, commercial real estate and facility management. This system, unlike the previous one, does not have the ability to work with TIM, but has a number of other advantages. Work in PlanRadar is centered around drawings and working with them, not working with 3D models.

As a result of this factor, this program provides greater accuracy and convenience in its own way, because the vast majority of domestic builders are accustomed to comparing the technical and dimensional properties of the project with drawings, and not with computer 3D models. In addition, this system provides many different functions for working with drawings that simplify the introduction of adjustments and notes in the design model.

Another promising program is a program for planning and managing construction projects called Adept. The program has great functionality, namely:

  • Work schedule: work schedule based on estimates, planning for any other work, updating the schedule when the estimates change
  • Resource planning: planning of loading of people and mechanisms, adjustment of the schedule for resource opportunities, collection of facts from the construction site there is a possibility of entering, changing and accounting for the volume of work actually performed, plan the actual construction analysis
  • Reports: project analytics, follow-up schedule, analytical reports

Due to the above positive properties of the Adept system, we would like to say that the program has really great opportunities, including in the future. Adept looks quite successful and of high quality, however, the IT sector and the designers of companies should radically rework the working interface inside the program, since it is not intuitive and it is difficult to learn.

Let us consider one of the most popular construction management technologies “Building Information Model” (BIM). The presence of this module in the construction of various facilities makes it possible to use a huge number of automated management, analysis and testing tools; provides working and project documentation; improves the construction process, visual management, analyzes the estimated price, evaluates it, and so on.

BIM models have another unique feature that makes organization and construction processes much faster and more convenient: when replacing or changing individual elements and parts of an informative model, the structure and characteristics of certain documents will be updated automatically. This system also provides an opportunity for all project participants to obtain access to information about the object.

The rapid formation and use of this technology in the Russian Federation have occurred relatively recently, but they have been operating abroad for more than ten years. A huge number of players in the construction industry have understood the full significance and effectiveness of BIM design, as a result of which the subsequent development of the investment and construction industry in the Russian Federation and entering a qualitatively new stage becomes possible in the near future.

Figure 1 shows the scope of BIM design, the development of the project begins with the concept and ends with the operation of the facility.


Figure 1 BIM design capabilities


The main problems when introducing BIM technologies into the production process are:

  • High cost of software and training of employees with this program
  • BIM technologies are good for creating an information model, using space and visualizing a construction site, but other software is needed to calculate the technological properties of structures
  • The need to update the personal computers of employees and the technical base of the enterprise
  • The need for a change in the approach to design in general and personnel changes
  • Increasing need to search for specialists in the field of information modeling (BIM-managers)
  • Loss of all accumulated design methods and operating time due to the transition to new software

Despite all the disadvantages, the use of BIM technology and the use of an information model greatly simplifies the work together with the construction object and has a lot of positive aspects over the previous forms of design, namely:

  • Structures developed using BIM are not just a spatial 3D model, but an information model that allows you to generate drawings in automatic mode, analyze the project, and so on, thereby providing unlimited opportunities in order to make the best decision on changing the technological properties of the object or elimination of problems that arise on it during construction, taking into account absolutely all the information that exists about it. BIM supports group design functions, for this reason, specialists from various fields can use this information model during absolutely all stages of construction, which eliminates errors and the possibility of information loss during transmission
  • Reducing project costs and errors by automating most design processes
  • Reduction of the period of time required for the development of the project, since it is possible to carry out certain procedures together
  • BIM-technologies open up the possibility to carry out a detailed construction of engineering systems
  • The process of selecting the necessary equipment becomes the fastest and simplest
  • Automation eliminates human errors in the specification and bill of quantities.
  • The key environmental and economic characteristics of the structure are already formed in the draft design, which makes it possible to preliminarily make corrections to the documentation, if necessary
  • It is possible to accurately calculate the estimate
  • It is possible to manage, optimize construction processes, control the work schedule, the consumption of materials and funds used

All these positive qualities of BIM modeling certainly make us understand that it is simply impossible to ignore such a wonderful development. If we talk about software based on BIM in the market of the Russian Federation, then TeklaStructures, AutodeskRevit, GraphiSoftArchiCad are considered to be more famous and easily accessible.

These software systems differ from each other, they have their pros and cons, but the specifics of the company are of primary importance when choosing software systems. For example, firms that are mainly engaged in the design of reinforced concrete structures will be more suitable for AutodeskRevit. For organizations whose specialty is the creation of metal structures, the TeklaStructures project will be suitable, and for companies engaged in design in the field of low-rise construction, private houses and small objects, you should pay attention to GraphiSoftArchiCad.

In conclusion, we would like to say that unified construction management systems in the future will be an integral tool in the construction of absolutely any objects. They are able to replace a huge number of personnel, save money and time during the construction of a facility, and do the work of designers much more accurately.

These technologies are definitely needed in domestic construction, their convenience and practicality cannot be ignored. In order to improve the construction sector in Russia, it is necessary to increase funding and investment in the development of domestic analogues of informative modeling technologies or in systems based on existing technologies.



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  2. Information technologies in construction. [Electronic resource]. URL: https://yandex.ru/turbo/fb.ru/s/article/440649/informatsionnyie-tehnologii-v-stroitelstve-opisanie-i-vidyi-primenenie-na-praktike
  3. Modernconstruction. [Electronic resource]. URL: https://stroi.mos.ru/builder_science/innovatsii-v-stroitiel-stvie
  4. Building design programs Source of the material: [Electronic resource]. https://proekt-sam.ru/proektprogramms/programmy-dlya-proektirovaniya-zdanij-i-sooruzhenij.html
  5. TheAdeptProgram. [Electronic resource]. URL: https://www.gk-adept.ru/
  6. ThePlanRadarprogram. [Electronic resource]. URL: https://www.planradar.com/ru/
  7. Building codes and regulations: SNIP 3.03.01-87. Load-bearing and enclosing structures. [Text]: regulatory and technical material. – Moscow: [B.I.], 1987. – 195 p. [Electronic resource]. URL: https://files.stroyinf.ru/Data2/1/4294854/4294854672.pdf

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