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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 41(211)

Рубрика журнала: Технические науки

Секция: Архитектура, Строительство

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Библиографическое описание:
Sumina A., Khokhlova A., Yudina I.I. FEATURES OF INTEGRATION OF HIGH-RISE BUILDINGS INTO URBAN DEVELOPMENT // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 41(211). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/211/274012 (дата обращения: 29.03.2025).


Sumina Alice

student, National Research University Moscow State University of Civil Engineering,

Russia, Moscow

Khokhlova Agata

student, National Research University Moscow State University of Civil Engineering,

Russia, Moscow

Yudina Irina Ivanovna

lecturer, National Research University Moscow State University of Civil Engineering,

Russia, Moscow



Сумина Алиса Игоревна

студент, Национальный Исследовательский Московский Государственный Строительный Университет,

РФ, г. Москва

Хохлова Агата Александровна

студент, Национальный Исследовательский Московский Государственный Строительный Университет,

РФ, г. Москва

Юдина Ирина Ивановка

преподаватель, Национальный Исследовательский Московский Государственный Строительный Университет,

РФ, г. Москва



This article discusses the features of the design and construction of high-rise buildings when they are erected in the existing urban development, which imposes some restrictions and creates certain difficulties, it discusses examples of solving urgent problems using engineering and technical methods and the choice of structural schemes of high-rise buildings, it identifies the main advantages of methods of integrating the construction of high-rise buildings in urban development.


В данной статье рассматриваются особенности проектирования и строительства высотных зданий при возведении их в существующей городской застройке, которая накладывает некоторые ограничения и создает определенные сложности, рассматриваются примеры решения актуальных задач при помощи инженерно-технических методов и выбора конструктивных схем высотных зданий, выявляются основные достоинства методов интеграции строительства высотных зданий в городскую застройку.


Keywords: high-rise construction, building structure, urban development, integration of buildings, urban appearance, facades of buildings.

Ключевые слова: высотное строительство, структура здания, городское развитие, интеграция зданий, городской облик, фасады зданий.


The driving forces of high-rise buildings should be considered the desire to change the image (status) of the city, the rapid rise in land prices, the intention to create a compact city, as well as globalization, rapid urban renewal and mass migration of people from rural to urban areas. High-rise buildings have a number of advantages that make them very promising for construction in large cities:

  • reducing the environmental impact by reducing the area used for construction, creating a compact urban environment, preventing the expansion of the city by area
  • concentration of infrastructure in a relatively small area
  • increasing the investment attractiveness of the city by developing the infrastructure of office buildings of large companies
  • cost reduction at the operational stage through the introduction of modern engineering systems and energy-saving technologies
  • strengthening the architectural and compositional expressiveness of the urban environment, as high-rise buildings are able to change the appearance of the city, increasing its tourist attractiveness

According to the statistics of the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH - an international organization of high-rise construction, founded in the USA at Lehigh University, Pennsylvania in 1969), today there are 1,478 skyscrapers in the world with a height of more than 200 meters. Of these, 175 new buildings transformed the city last year.

Russian cities, like many other cities in the world, tend to increase the number of storeys of buildings. Buildings with a height of more than 75 m are increasingly appearing in megacities, as well as high-rise development projects are being developed. According to the data of the Russian Cartographic Service "2GIS" (electronic information directory and geoinformation system with maps of Russian cities), by the middle of 2021, more than 2,600 buildings with a height of more than 20 floors were erected in 20 largest cities of Russia.

At the moment, Moscow is considered to be the most actively built-up skyscraper city in Russia. In other million-plus cities, the pace is noticeably lower. The main reason holding back the growth of high-rise construction is the economic reason: the high cost of construction, materials, imperfection of the scientific and technical base, outdated methods of construction and engineering equipment, non-compliance of existing building standards with modern requirements of high-rise construction.

To date, all cities of the Russian Federation with a population of more than a million people have buildings related to high-rise. The leaders in this regard are Moscow, Yekaterinburg and Grozny. In addition, super high-rise buildings (more than 300 meters high) are under construction in St. Petersburg and Grozny. But the integration of such high-rises is not always smooth and aesthetically pleasing.

An example is the famous complex of skyscrapers "Moscow City". Such a concentration of buildings on a small plot of land looks strange in relation to the rest of Moscow's development, which is developing very slowly. The entire glass facade of the buildings does not echo the facades of the surrounding buildings in any way. In the structure of the city, they are lost in relation to even Stalin's skyscrapers, which may be lower, but they benefit more. And even in terms of stylization against the background of Kutuzovsky Prospekt, they look alien.

The requirements of the law for residential skyscrapers are much stricter than for high-rise business centers. Building codes strictly regulate the permissible roll of the building, clearly fix the types of windows possible for installation on floors above 75 meters, fire safety rules and the rigidity of the building structures. The historic continuation of the era of high-rise buildings in Moscow was the block of residential skyscrapers Headliner, located 450 meters from the business center "Moscow City". The block consists of modern buildings of different storeys, which makes the complex look more advantageous. The tallest house reaches 175 meters, while the tallest skyscraper "Moscow City" is 373.7 m high.

Unlike rounded blue-mirror office "candles", warm tones and angular shapes are present in the decoration of houses. The ensemble of 10 residential Headliner skyscrapers is incomparably cozier than the glass and metal of the business center. In addition, it is in no way inferior to it in terms of transport accessibility and the level of infrastructure development.



Fig. 1. Complex Moscow City»                                                 Fig. 2. LCD "Headliner"


Currently, problems related to the integration of high-rise buildings into existing urban development are coming to the fore all over the world. How to correctly, effectively and concisely integrate a high-rise building into the existing urban environment?

During the construction of the "Torre Reforma" in Mexico City and the "Hearst tower" in New York, the main task was to integrate the new building into the existing building of historical value. Despite the common purpose of these objects, there were significant differences in their design schemes. In the first example, a suspended ceiling made of a composite frame was used, which allowed the historical building to remain intact, and in the second example, only the facade was preserved, and the new tower is located directly inside the historical building.



Fig. 3. Torre Reforma                                       Fig. 4. Hearst Tower


When operating a high-rise building, facade care is important. It is necessary to clean it in a timely manner from dust, snow, ice – automated systems or operational services are used for this. Elevator mechanisms in a high-rise building must meet high safety and comfort requirements, and their serviceability is ensured by continuous monitoring of the technical condition. The issue of collecting household garbage can be solved in various ways, for example: a special garbage chute, manual garbage collection by floor-by-floor maintenance services, vacuum garbage disposal systems.

It is important to identify the relationship between the choice of the constructive solution of the building and the task of integration into the existing building. According to the purpose of integration, the buildings are grouped as follows:

  • integration with historical buildings
  • integration of the building with the transport infrastructure of the city
  • integration with the recreational area of the city
  • formation of pedestrian space, in places of its absence or shortage

The continental climate of Russia creates difficulties in the design of high-rise buildings. In summer, it is necessary to prevent overheating, and in winter to ensure a comfortable temperature in the premises. These problems are successfully solved, for example, in Manitoba Hydro Place, located in Canada in similar climatic conditions with the European part of Russia. The glass facades facing east and west are equipped with automatic blinds that do not allow overheating, the atrium is completed with a solar collector on the roof through the entire height of the building: in winter it allows you to heat the air, and in summer it removes heated air from the premises outside.



Fig. 5. Manitoba Hydro Place                      Fig. 6. Manitoba Hydro Place


For Russia, there are serious problems associated with the infrastructure of a high-rise building. Among them: modernization of engineering systems, transport accessibility, landscaping of the adjacent territory, the use of modern building maintenance systems.

A high-rise building strongly affects the existing transport infrastructure of the city: the increase in population density, the need for more parking and parking, the expansion of road networks is required due to the increased number of cars. Worthy examples are "Toranomon Hills" and "Abeno Harukas" in Japan. In the first example, an expressway runs under the building, and in the second example, a metro station is integrated into the building.



Fig. 7. Toranomon Hills                                                                   Fig. 8. Abeno Harukas


In conclusion, it should be said that the construction of high-rise buildings in the modern world is becoming increasingly important, as it is economically profitable and multifunctional structures that help solve the problem of urbanization and give the appearance of urban ensembles uniqueness and expressiveness. However, it is necessary to continue developing the scientific and technical base in this area, which in the future will allow solving problems related to the peculiarities of construction and operation of high-rise buildings in the urban environment by more effective methods.



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