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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 41(211)

Рубрика журнала: Технические науки

Секция: Архитектура, Строительство

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Библиографическое описание:
REVITALIZATION OF INDUSTRIAL AND RESIDENTIAL AREAS IN RUSSIA // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. Lebedeva D. [и др.]. 2022. № 41(211). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/211/273918 (дата обращения: 28.03.2025).


Lebedeva Darya

student, National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering,

Russia, Moscow

Karatonova Alena

student, National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering,

Russia, Moscow

Tyulenev Dmitry

student, National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering,

Russia, Moscow

Yudina Irina Ivanovna

lecturer, National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering

Russia, Moscow


This article examines the trends in the revitalization of industrial and residential zones, it identifies the advantages and relevance of this trend, and it provides an analysis of Russian projects for the revitalization of industrial and residential zones.


В данной статье рассматриваются тенденции ревитализации промышленных и жилых зон, выявляются преимущества и актуальность данной тенденции, приводится анализ российских проектов по ревитализации промышленных и жилых зон.


Keywords: revitalization, renovation of an industrial building, reinterpreted space, adaptation, renovation.

Ключевые слова: ревитализация, реконструкция промышленного здания, переосмысленное пространство, приспособление, санация.


At present, due to the increase in population in cities, the problem of revitalization of industrial and residential areas is becoming increasingly urgent. There is a need to look for new urban planning, architectural, structural and engineering solutions, such as: revitalization of industrial zones located within the city, maintaining the planning structure of these zones, reconstruction of industrial workshops and buildings with the creation on their basis of public spaces, commercial and office areas and residential complexes with apartments. In the process of revitalization, an industrial building is reconstructed and the purpose of the structure is changed.

Revitalization in urbanism is the qualitative change of the urban environment in which it becomes more accessible and comfortable for living and social functioning. The basic principle is to rethink the possibilities of old buildings and structures. In order to preserve the identity and authenticity identity of the urban environment in the process of revitalization it is necessary to use a comprehensive approach, which includes several stages:

  1. Analysis of the current situation
  2. Studies including statistical data collection and site development forecasting
  3. Evaluation of the economic attractiveness and social significance of the revitalization project
  4. Elaboration of a development concept
  5. Drafting, negotiation and approval of the territory planning
  6. Implementation of the project

The advantage of the revitalization approach over complete site clearance, which includes the demolition of buildings and structures, is economic feasibility, preservation of the historical appearance of the area, use and integration of existing infrastructure and utilities.

Let us consider in more detail the issue of revitalization of industrial zones.

Industrial sites have special development potential represented by special spatial resources for the development of public spaces. Unused land parcels allow for the creation of demanded spaces on already existing sites.

Revitalization of former industrial sites has the following objectives, which will help to unlock new opportunities for the areas:

  1. Socialization of space
  2. Improving the quality of the urban environment in terms of its functional diversity
  3. Improvement of ecology in the city
  4. Development of local entrepreneurship

Industrial areas have the great advantage of transport accessibility. Industrial areas have a well-developed transport network and public transport and that is why these places will always be popular.

For the most part, industrial buildings are large spaces with high ceilings. Such spaces make it possible to create non-standard places with different forms of leisure activities.

Industrial sites also well supplied with utilities, and the technical equipment of the building makes the revitalization process cheaper than the construction of new buildings. As a rule, factory areas have a specific landscape, which in the process of landscaping can be used to create unique and attractive public spaces for citizens. These buildings are mostly located in enclosed areas. The possibility of creating a very rich independent area in the city comes with this enclosure

In Russia, interest in industrial revitalization has only recently emerged, but it is already gaining popularity in various cities.

There are many examples of revitalization of industrial sites in Russia, examples include such spaces as Flacon Design Factory, ARTPLAY Design Centre, Foodmall DEPO, Vinzavod Centre for Contemporary Art, and Krasny Oktyabr Art Space.

ARTPLAY Design Centre is the first creative cluster in Moscow, established in 2003. Currently, the ARTPLAY Design Centre is located on the territory of a former industrial zone near Kursky Railway Station.


Fig. 1 ARTPLAY Design Centre


The art space hosts various multimedia exhibitions, festivals and events related to art and information technology.

The Flakon Design Factory is also a pioneer ofrevitalizationin Russia, which now has many similar locations under its ownership. The retail, exhibition and office centre is located on the site of the former Kalinin Crystal Plant. Initially, there were plans to completely redevelop the factory site and build a business centre, but with the onset of the crisis in 2008, the entrepreneur abandoned this idea and decided to simplify the concept. In 2011, the Russian version of Forbes magazine included the enterprise in its list of 14 projects that changed the face of Moscow for the better in the previous 20 years.


Fig. 2 Flacon Design Factory


Foodmall DEPO is one of the most unusual revitalized places. On the territory of the former Miusskiy Tram Depot, they decided to make an unusual place that was sorely lacking in the centre of Moscow.


Fig. 3 Foodmall DEPO


A total of 75 restaurants and 60 farm stalls operate within the Dépo. An average of 27,000 guests visit it every day. The food mall also hosts various concerts and workshops.

A unique art cluster has appeared on the territory of the former nationally renowned chocolate factory Krasny Oktyabr. Krasny Oktyabr is home to fashionable clubs, gastronomic restaurants, offices, art galleries, exhibition halls, co-working spaces, beauty salons, a gym and even a hotel. It is already one of the capital's favorites. The unusual location and the successful concept attract many visitors every day.


Fig. 4 Red October Art Cluster


As practice shows, the revitalization of industrial sites has long been gaining momentum in Russia's big cities. Such places get huge potential in development due to spacious premises, transport accessibility and historical overtones.

Let us consider in more detail the issue of revitalization of residential areas.

During the Soviet era, in almost every Russian city, at a time of urbanization and a general influx of people into cities, the growing demand for housing was met by industrial construction. Neighborhoods were built with standardized residential buildings and basic infrastructure, such as polyclinics, grocery shops, schools, and kindergartens. These districts, as they are now called "dormitories", were meant exclusively for housing and leisure time of the inhabitants of these districts and the majority of the inhabitants worked in other parts of the city at the industrial enterprises. The dormitory districts were not designed to be economically efficient or profitable. At the same time they met the requirements and ideas of comfort, life and the arrangement of human life in a communist society.


Fig. 5 Brateevo district, Moscow


After the collapse of the USSR and the country's transition to a market economy, it became clear that the Soviet bedroom community model contained several critical flaws. Firstly, the large courtyard and neighborhood areas were in need of funding and maintenance. Secondly, these areas lacked pedestrian zones, recreational facilities, and various retail uses. These shortcomings in a market economy create an unfavorable environment both for job creation and for attracting investment into the area. As a consequence, the most active development is in places where shopping centers, historical and recreational areas are located. At the same time, the sleeping areas have turned into deserted and uncomfortable courtyards filled with cars.

This situation leads to the following negative consequences: inefficient use of the territory, heavy burden on the city budget, low commercial attractiveness of the area. Against the backdrop of new, more comfortable housing, which attracts a wealthy and solvent population, the old Soviet districts are marginalized and there is a dysfunctional social environment. The dormitory districts are also causing increased pressure on the city's transport system.

Soviet mass housing stock accounts for almost half of the total housing stock in Russia, so the option of solving the above problems by demolishing them and building them from scratch is not possible. A softer and more affordable way to solve these problems is revitalization. In the context of a residential area, revitalization means breathing new life into the area, redeveloping it as a multifunctional space, attracting a permanent flow of people, creating new jobs and points of attraction.

The following urban planning tasks are being addressed as part of their vitalization of Soviet areas:

1. Compaction of low - and middle-rise residential and office buildings with commercial premises on the ground floors and shaping these buildings into new streets within the existing neighborhoods;

2. Clear delineation of areas of responsibility - creation of new private areas bounded by the facades of the buildings;

3. Providing a pedestrian connection to neighboring areas, thereby ensuring that the area is included in the city;

4. Cosmetic renovation of the facades of typical buildings, visual separation of the facades of long buildings into several smaller ones.

If successful, these objectives will bring commercial space into the neighborhoods to create recreational facilities, shops and workplaces. The newly formed streets will become places of permanent pedestrian activity. The pedestrian connectivity of the neighborhoods should be an additional factor in attracting pedestrian flows. Overall, neighborhoods should become more 'human', more economically viable for the city, and more attractive to live in.

In conclusion it should be noted that revitalizations a promising solution to urban planning problems. This is due to the high rate of development of megacities in Russia, the need to improve the environmental situation in cities by removing polluting industries and creating a livable and functional environment on their territory.



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