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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 40(210)

Рубрика журнала: Психология

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Библиографическое описание:
Gorbunova E., Koroleva M., Yudina I.I. THE PROBLEM OF BULLYING AND ITS SOLUTIONS // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 40(210). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/210/273377 (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).


Gorbunova Elizaveta

student, National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering,

Russia, Moscow

Koroleva Maria

student, National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering,

Russia, Moscow

Yudina Irina Ivanovna

lecturer, National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering,

Russia, Moscow



Горбунова Елизавета Александровна

студент, Национальный Исследовательский Московский Государственный Строительный Университет,

РФ, г. Москва

Королёва Мария Вадимовна

студент, Национальный Исследовательский Московский Государственный Строительный Университет,

РФ, г. Москва

Юдина Ирина Ивановна

преподаватель, Национальный Исследовательский Московский Государственный Строительный Университет,

РФ, г. Москва



This article discusses the problem of bullying children in schools and at home, which is relevant today in our country and in the world, as well as possible solutions to this problem.


В данной статье рассматривается актуальная на сегодняшний день в нашей стране и в мире проблема буллинга детей в школах и дома, а также возможные пути решения данной проблемы.


Keywords: bullying, schoolchildren, teachers, Unified State Examination, suicide, problems, problem solving.

Ключевые слова: буллинг, школьники, педагоги, ЕГЭ, суицид, проблемы, решение проблем.


Creating favorable conditions for the life of children, their development, upbringing and education, along with their protection from violence and abuse, is the main task of society and educational authorities, both in our country and in the world.

However, today there is one common problem. school students face is the problem of bullying. Bullying is the aggressive harassment of one person by another(s).

In Russia in 2019, «Mikhailov & Partners. Analytics» agency conducted a study, the results of which revealed that 52 percent of schoolchildren are bullied. Adolescents complained of psychological (32 percent) and physical abuse (26.6 percent) by their peers. Most often they could be offended for their appearance and nationality. Also, in most cases, the victims of bullying were children with disabilities the disabled children. During the study, an interesting fact was noted - approximately 19.7 percent of respondents spoke about bullying by teachers.

However, High School of Economics researchers in their "Monitoring the Economics of Education" in Russia for 2020-2021 found that 60 percent of teachers do not see any problem with bullying in schools. Interviewed parents said that some educational institutions, in order not to spoil their reputation, expel students who violate discipline and show interest only in “good” school students.

Usually, teachers do not always have sufficient knowledge to help the child in solving this problem. “What are you telling me, figure it out yourself!”, “Next time, don’t mumble, give back!”, “Well, think about it, they call names - you also tell them something offensive.” After hearing such phrases in his direction, the school student loses all hope for calculated help.

But parents, too, in most cases do not have the competence to protect or somehow help their child. Adults believe that the child can dramatize or simply deceive them to get attention. But it is desirable to immediately react to such things and act immediately.

To solve such problems, education authorities can, firstly, begin to conduct testing before hiring a future teacher. Based on the test results, it can be determined whether the applicant will be able to cope with upcoming duties, incidents, difficult school students or not. In addition to the test, it is possible to conduct a personal conversation between a psychologist and a future teacher to assess the psychological state, which we consider the most effective.

Secondly, educational authorities can solve this problem by introducing special master classes for teachers, as well as lectures on combating bullying, which will help improve the competence of teachers in this matter.

Thirdly, educational authorities can introduce testing not only for teachers, but also for school students to identify the presence of bullying between school students. This will help prevent violence in the early stages. Instead of testing, you can conduct a psychological conversation, that is, selectively invite a school student from the class to a psychologist and start asking him about the emotional atmosphere of the class, the atmosphere, and the strange behavior of peers.

Fourthly, educational authorities can install "anonymous booths" in educational institutions. Somewhere in the hall there may be a box in which school students and teachers will add anonymous appeals in order to promptly report bullying in their class. Further, the psychologist will extract letters and solve this problem with the help of psychological support, conversation.

Emotional pressure must come to an end. We must reduce the rising percentage of bullying in schools. Humiliation must be nipped in the bud. Adults need to be more interested in learning, the emotional state of their child, ask how he feels, and most importantly, learn to trust his child.

Another problem that is very relevant at the moment in society is teenage suicide due to problems with learning. In 2021, the Investigative Committee cited Rosstat data on suicide cases among adolescents: “... in 2021, the number of child suicides increased by 37.4 percent compared to 2020 and amounted to 753 cases.” Maria Lvova-Belova's report "On the activities of the Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President of the Russian Federation" also cited data on repeated suicide attempts - 92.5 percent of cases.

According to a study by the authorized person Maria Lvova-Belova, in 2021-2022, the number of schoolchildren per teacher-psychologist was 607 people. Moreover, such data do not meet the standard of 300 students. Every year, the vacancies of "teacher-psychologist in an educational institution" increase by 6.1percent.

Among the top causes of childhood suicides are problems with learning. The introduction in 2009 of the Unified State Examination has become a great excitement and anxiety for school students.

This cruel experiment doomed about two thousand children's lives. And all due to the fact that the environment of a teenager creates a big stir around these exams. Adolescents can not cope with the pressure from their parents, the academic load and take their own lives. Perfectionism, high demands and expectations from the child, which put pressure on his psyche and provoke him to suicidal thoughts.

Teachers press, parents intimidate their children, but they just need support. The significance of the Unified State Examination is greatly exaggerated: “Yes, you won’t pass the Unified State Examination”, “You won’t pass, you don’t have to come home”, “You won’t achieve anything if you don’t pass this exam.” Because of this, a teenager has thoughts in his head: “All or nothing.” A matter of life and death.

The psychological preparation of teachers is also very important. Teachers in schools believe that school student grades are an indicator of their performance that they want to keep at the right level, but this indicator cannot be more important than children's lives.

School students have no privacy. They spend all their time preparing for this cruel exam. Not only do teachers at school load enough homework, not sparing children, but schoolchildren also have classes with tutors, courses, webinars. And when to live?

Every year, higher education institutions raise scores for admission to the budget or even reduce places, complicate the exam. Teenagers are hammered into the idea that entering a higher educational institution is their main goal in life, without achieving which they are doomed to failure.

To solve the problem of suicide due to study, the educational authorities can, firstly, no matter how trite it may sound, try to create a new state exam that is not so shocking for schoolchildren. We must try to find another system for evaluating knowledge, because of which children will not suffer.

It is also necessary to introduce psychological lectures, both for school students and their parents, and for teachers, where the topic of the exam would be raised. Schoolchildren, parents and teachers need to be explained that this is not the end of life. Children can easily retake the exam in a year or not take it at all. Teachers should be told that schoolchildren need support, they should not be intimidated. It is also necessary to increase the number of psychologists in schools who will help school students cope with this stress. Usually there are one or two psychologists per school, which is extremely insufficient for a thousand children.

As a solution to the problem, it is possible to introduce additional teachers specializing specifically in the Unified State Examination into the staff of the educational institution. They will be able to advise schoolchildren on subjects, help them with exam preparation, like a tutor or courses, only free of charge and from the state. In most cases, teachers do not have sufficient competence to help school students with assignments from the Unified State Examination, so each school student hires a tutor, enrolls in paid courses, and their parents give a lot of money for training.

Abroad, not only anti-bullying organizations and support at the legislative level are widespread, they not only work with the consequences, but also try to prevent manifestations of aggression in the early stages.

In many countries, prevention against bullying starts very early. Teachers receive special training, where they are taught special methods of bullying prevention.

Buddy Benches are special benches for elementary school students. Children can sit on them when they are sad and want to find a friend. The teachers keep an eye on these benches and help those who sit on them to join other children.

“Personal and Social Education” lessons are weekly classes where, among other things, problems in the team are discussed. As a rule, school students together try to solve the problem of a particular student. This creates a sense of cohesion and team spirit and reduces the risk of bullying.

In 2016, the first anti-bullying law in schools was issued in the UK, but so far it only works in Northern Ireland. In addition, the Education and Inspection Act mandated schools to take steps to encourage good behavior and prevent all forms of bullying among school students.

In the US, bullying is dealt with at the legislative level. In 1999, the state of Georgia adopted the first law, and other states followed it - each has its own rules for dealing with bullying.

For example, in the state of Georgia, you cannot use gadgets for the purpose of bullying. The state of Nevada has criminalized verbal or written threats and bullying of schoolchildren. Even a special Public Observatory was created - Bully Police USA, which evaluates the quality of laws in the field of bullying and supports students who have been bullied. In addition, the police and the judiciary are actively involved in the fight against bullying on school campuses.

There is no federal bullying law in the US. But if bullying is related to any kind of discrimination, public schools are required to treat the issue as a violation of civil rights. You can find all of the US bullying laws on the government website.

In other countries, they mainly introduce preventive psychological programs than issue special laws.

In conclusion, it should be said that it is necessary to reduce the percentage of teenage suicides. Parents and teachers should support children, they need it. Prevention of bullying cases is the main task of the whole society, since cruelty towards children leads to the emergence of cruelty towards society.



  1. Monitoring of the economics of education: 2020: in 2 volumes / comp. N. B. Shugal; National research University "Higher School of Economics". – M.: NRU High School of Economics, 2021.
  2. Project "WE BELIEVE". "Russian schoolchildren about bullying and patriotism in the new realities". [Electronic resource]. URL: https://m-p-a.ru/proekt-myi-schitaem.-percentC2percentABrossijskie-shkolniki-o-bullinge-i-patriotizme-v-novyix-realiyaxpercentC2percentBB.
  3. How children abroad are helped to fight bullying / Skyeng magazine / [Electronic resource]. URL: https://magazine.skyeng.ru/deal-with-bullying/.
  4. WHO. Suicide rate estimates, age-standardized. Estimates by country [Electronic resource]. URL: https://apps.who.int/gho/data/node.main.MHSUICIDEASDR?lang=en
  5. Report on the activities of the Commissioner for the Rights of the Child under the President of the Russian Federation for 2021 [Electronic resource]. URL: http://deti.gov.ru/detigray/upload/documents/August2022/OucV7OrXsDXYb6xBrHFF.pdf

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