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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 39(209)

Рубрика журнала: Экономика

Секция: Менеджмент

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Библиографическое описание:
Gerasimova N., Morozov A. ENSURING NATIONAL SECURITY OF SECTORIAL POLICIES // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 39(209). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/209/272296 (дата обращения: 20.10.2024).


Gerasimova Natalya

student, National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering,

Russia, Moscow

Morozov Artem

student, National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering,

Russia, Moscow

Yudina Irina Ivanovna

научный руководитель,

scientific supervisor, lecturer, National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering,

Russia, Moscow



Герасимова Наталья Юрьевна

студент, Национальный Исследовательский Московский Государственный Строительный Университет,

РФ, г. Москва

Морозов Артем Витальевич

студент, Национальный Исследовательский Московский Государственный Строительный Университет,

РФ, г. Москва

Юдина Ирина Ивановна

научный руководитель, преподаватель, Национальный Исследовательский Московский Государственный Строительный Университет,

РФ, г. Москва



This article examines the features of ensuring national security of sectorial policies, the methodology of constructing the concept of national security on the example of financial, economic and social spheres, describes external threats affecting the national security of the branches of the state.


В данной статье рассматриваются особенности обеспечения национальной безопасности отраслевых политик, методология построения концепции национальной безопасности на примере финансово-экономической и социальной сфер, описываются внешние угрозы, влияющие на национальную безопасность отраслей государства.


Keywords: state, politics, industry, economy, security, threat.

Ключевые слова: государство, политика, отрасль, экономика, безопасность, угроза.


Ensuring security in the state is the main criterion for its successful existence and management of various industries.

State security is a very conditional concept, since it is quite difficult to separate the functions of state and public security.  State security presupposes a state of stability of the state mechanism, which, in turn, is possible with the combined stability of the absolute majority of public institutions: the economy, law and order, defense, international relations, and many others.

National security is understood as the security of its multinational people as the bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in the Russian Federation.

 The main security objects are:

• Personality - rights and freedoms

• Society - material and spiritual values

• State - its constitutional system, sovereignty and territorial integrity

The main subject of security is the state, which performs functions in this area through the legislative, executive and judicial authorities.

The improvement of the features of state security as a tool for the sectorial development of the country coincided with the beginning of the current presidential term of V.V.  Putin.  Their main goals from that time to the present are to improve the quality of life of citizens, increase the level of the country's economy and ensure security within the country and abroad at the border.  All federal laws related to national security must undergo an independent examination, which will determine the main provisions for the existence of certain norms and rules related to ensuring national security on the territory of the Russian Federation.  The Constitution of the Russian Federation is designed to ensure not only the rights of citizens in the field of national security, but also the main obligations related to ensuring the protection of the regions of the state.

In our opinion, both the object and the subject of national security are not so independent concepts that they can be studied as components of one large institution of national legislation, since there is a clear lack of both a normative and a scientific component in this area.

Ensuring national security is primarily based on the competent construction of the social policy of the state. For our country, overcoming the poverty threshold of its citizens has become an important aspect of the development of the social sphere.  At the moment, we are on the verge of lowering the inflation rate, which helps to increase the income and standard of living of the population.  If other mechanisms of poverty reduction are connected to the reduction of inflation, it is possible to significantly increase the level of social protection of citizens of the Russian Federation.  In addition to this category, our country in social and economic terms faces a number of tasks such as improving the defense capabilities of the state, improving the quality of healthcare and education, maintaining the inviolability of sovereignty, territory, improving the norms of legislative acts, social security of each citizen of the country, all this creates directions in social and economic policy of the country.

Analytical data has recently shown that the social sphere of Russian policy has a number of features that govern the relationship between different segments of the population, which improves their material base, includes the protection of labor, life and health of citizens, support for various categories of citizens, both with social as well as from an economic point of view.

A stable financial and economic policy of the state also ensures the security of national interests.

The main external factors influencing the financial and economic security of the Russian Federation are: the country's dependence on a wide range of imported products, the predominance of commodity exports, a large number of customs crimes, and an increase in external debt.  The foreign economic activity of the country is dependent on the supply of hydrocarbon raw materials.  This is due to the large volume of exports of oil and natural gas to other countries.

In 2022, according to official statistics, the main exports were mineral goods (43.8 percent), metals and metal products (12 percent), chemical industry (5.5 percent), and other goods (22.8 percent).  Today, one of the most obvious threats to the economy in the Russian Federation is the threat of a decrease in the volume of oil and gas supplies to other countries.  This is due to the imposition of sanctions against our country and the conduct of a special operation on the territory of Ukraine.  The main direction of ensuring the national security of the economic sectorial policy of the Russian Federation is currently the development of the non-resource sector, that is, shifting attention from the oil and gas industry to other areas, which will help solve many structural problems and increase the level of manufacturability.  At the same time, one of the main conditions for building an optimal structure of economic sectors is to overcome high import dependence.

Projects for ensuring national security of sectorial policies in the Russian Federation are gaining momentum.  Officially, the program of national projects was launched in 2019 for a period until 2024.  In July 2020, a decision was made to defer certain milestones until 2030 and adjust the program to reflect changing circumstances. According to pre-crisis forecasts of the Ministry of Economic Development, national growth as a result of the implementation of national projects should have been 3 percent per year from 2021.

The main advantages of implementing national projects in the field of ensuring the security of industry policies are:

1. Funds allocated within the framework of national projects form the basis of state financing.  They are used, among other things, for financial assistance to large families, as an allocation of maternity capital.

2. In the first half of 2020, the plan for lagging national projects was implemented, among which the majority were such projects as "Digitalization of the Economy", "Road and Main Infrastructure 2024", "Employment of the Population 2021", "Environmental Safety".  But to date, environmental safety and digitalization programs have not been implemented at the proper level.

3. We have noted the incompletely fulfilled level of execution - 90.6 percent.  But against the background of a low level of execution of budget expenditures (93.8 percent), this fact is acceptable.

4. Since mid-2020, the level of implementation of national projects has increased.  We especially note the high growth in the implementation of health programs, which is probably related to the pandemic during this period.  29 percent of all planned expenditures for the national project "Demography", as well as 34.3 percent of the costs within the framework of the national project "Housing and Urban Environment".

5. Since mid-2020, many tasks of national projects have been revised.  This is due to the increasing role of socialization politics and healthcare today.  The goals of the development of the national economy until 2030 are to increase the overall life expectancy, overcome the poverty threshold of the population, finance the educational, environmental and scientific sectors, and invest in infrastructure development.

6. There has been an increase in spending on the national project "Health", which is associated with the spread of coronavirus infection.

In the course of the study, we have found out all the pros and cons of implementing national projects while ensuring the security of sectorial policies.

One of the main disadvantages is that in 2019, about 9 percent of the funds allocated from the budget for the implementation of national projects were not used. This amounted to approximately 155 billion rubles.

The Regional Budget Commission reports that about 350 billion rubles from the state budget have been allocated to ensure national and financial and economic security. We believe that they are the key national projects of the country and the implementation of these projects is of great importance for the country.

On the other side, the Ministry of Defense did not spend almost 15 percent of its budget (or 53 billion rubles) allocated to applied military research, as follows from the data of the Ministry of Finance.  The budget has not mastered more than 94 billion rubles under the non-transparent subsection “Other issues in the field of national security and law enforcement”. In the section “National economy”, almost 50 percent of the expenses (36 billion rubles) in the category “Research and use of outer space” turned out to be unspent.

In conclusion, it should be said that the policy of ensuring the national security of the state should be aimed at ensuring geopolitical interests, financial and economic stability of foreign and domestic policy, and the stability of the social sphere of life within the state.  In general, when developing and implementing the policy of state management of national security, the main attention should be focused on strategic planning, which should be characterized by strict pragmatism and precise calculation in the direction of realizing national interests, primarily those that determine the priorities of state building.

The problem of ensuring the national security of various branches of policy in the state must have a well-developed strategy aimed at preventing and resolving external and internal threats.



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