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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 23(193)

Рубрика журнала: Науки о Земле

Секция: География

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Библиографическое описание:
Shcheglov A.A. THE USE OF COMPETENCE-ORIENTED TASKS FOR THE FORMATION OF COGNITIVE ULA IN GEOGRAPHY LESSONS // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 23(193). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/193/259467 (дата обращения: 06.02.2025).


Shcheglov Andrey Alekseevich

Master's student, Department of Informatics, Natural Sciences and Teaching Methods, Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod


The relevance of this research is to explore the possibilities of the school geography course for the use of competence-oriented tasks for the formation of cognitive universal learning activities (ULA).

The aim of the study is to trace the dynamics of the formation of cognitive universal educational actions of students when using competence-oriented tasks in geography lessons.


Keywords: competence-oriented tasks, cognitive universal educational actions, school geography course.



1. To analyze the methodological literature on the problem of using competency-oriented tasks for the formation of universal educational actions of students.

2. To conduct an experimental work on the formation of cognitive universal educational actions, trained at the geography lessons.

3. To determine the dynamics of the formation of cognitive universal educational actions, studying at the geography lessons.

As a hypothesis of the study, it was suggested that competence-oriented tasks increase the level of cognitive ULA of students.

Methods: theoretical (generalization, analysis, synthesis), empirical (study of methodological literature and educational-methodical documentation), pedagogical experiment, statistical methods.

The study made it possible to establish the school geography competence-oriented tasks potential in the formation of cognitive ULA.

A fast bypassing processes and transformations in various fields of human activity characterize modern world. Dynamics in modern social relationships specifies a number of challenges and requirements, realization of which is a fundamentally important part of human socialization, and finding a place in the modern society structure.After only first two decades we are used to realize a person, who can work with the arrays of data, are capable of make their own research and data processing of various sources, confident PC user etc., under the image of the successful, educated and competent person. In the Federal state educational standard of base common education, every listed criteria and quality of person are contributed by ULA.

Since the moment of Federal state educational standard of base common education enactment, successful ULA formation become actual subject for every Russian school and every practicing teacher.

Implementation of modern educational technologies, interactive methods and forms of studying are contributes the formation of whole list of universal educational actions, including cognitive. One of different tasks, contributing the formation of ULA is a competence-orientated task. This is action-related task, which includes subject skills, data processing skills, aim achieving skills, researching skills, verbal and written communication, which requires the usage of accumulated knowledge in practice to solve the specific task.

To define the impact of competence-orientated tasks usage on the formation level of cognitive ULA, in 2020-2021 academic year, we conducted an educational experiment among the 5th grade students in geography school course. 154 Students of the 5th grade took part in the experiment. Experimental (5 D) and control (5 A) classes were selected. In the experimental class were used the competence-oriented tasks, which had the following structure: stimulus, task formulation, task, source of information, answer form.

Let`s make an example of using the competence-oriented tasks at the «Methods of orientation on the area» lesson. Studying the photos of specialists of such professions, where knowledge of rules and principles of orientation is a main condition, became the stimulus. There was a description of an imagined situation, where class got lost in the woods, and there are no available tools (such as compass, maps, and navigator) and students must find their way out to the nearest settlement. Kids must tell what actions they will take in this situation. Series of replies from the students confined to the most simple orientation skill by the way of using the qualities and signs of living organisms. Next thing dedicated to students was the text, with the famous traveler notes. On the text basis, personal knowledge and textbook material and other materials prepared by the teacher, student had to fill up the table.

Table 1

Answer form for the «basics methods of orientation» task

Objective: Carefully read the text, given by teacher and find out how the famous traveler found the way home without using the compass or map. Some methods you already know, so you can add up the information by yourself. Also, use the p.30-32 of textbook, atlas and cards with pictures


Essence of method

1. …


2. …


5. …



At first, on the stage of ascertaining experiment, was identified the 5th grade students level of cognitive ULA, exactly, the level of development of different universal logic actions and skills of formulation and solving the problem. To diagnose the cognitive ULA were used methods from diagnostic album of Semago N. I., Semago M.M., initial diagnostic showed us, that in first two classes, participating in pedagogical experiment, prevailing the average level of cognitive ULA formation.

In December and May was held the intermediate control of cognitive ULA formation in these classes. Tables 2 and 3 shows trends of monitoring students cognitive ULA. Analyzing tables, we can see, that quantitative indicators shows the start of stagnation in the process of development cognitive ULA of the 5th A students.

Indicators doesn’t get worse, but they doesn’t get better either, this is explained by the fact that completed process of students adaptation in December finally formed certain strategies that unites student with the similar level of ULA. Data of the final monitoring in 5th D, on the contrary, prove the success of the experiment. At the end of academic year, almost 73% of class mastered the basics cognitive ULA on high level.

Table 2

Monitoring results of identifying the 5th A students level of cognitive ULA formation

Composition of cognitive ULA


Monitoring indicators




Universal logic actions


10 (33%)

10 (33%)



16 (53%)

16 (53%)



4 (14%)

4 (14%)


Forming and solving the problem


11 (37%)

11 (37%)



17 (57%)

17 (57%)



2 (6%)

2 (6%)



Table 3

Monitoring results of identifying the 5th D students level of cognitive ULA formation

Composition of cognitive ULA


Monitoring indicators




Universal logic actions


19 (63%)

22 (73%)

+3 (10%)


10 (33%)

7 (23%)

-3 (-10%)


1 (4%)

1 (4%)

+1 (+4%)

Forming and solving the problem


20 (66%)

21 (70%)

+1 (+4%)


9 (30%)

8 (26%)

-1 (-4%)


1 (4%)

1 (4%)



As an extra argument, for the benefit of active competence-oriented tasks using for the development of cognitive ULA of students can be quality of development of geographical knowledge. The indicator was calculated on the results of initial, intermediate and final control. The changes that have occurred demonstrated in the figure. Quality of 5th D students’ knowledge showed a sustainable growth, and during academic year, the quality of development geographical knowledge was increased for more than 2 times.


Figure 1. Dynamics of geographical knowledge development, %


Thus, use of competence-oriented tasks for the development of students cognitive ULA, shows a good dynamics in the formation of last, it is also had a positive effect on the students’ knowledge of geographical science.



  1. Competence-oriented tasks. Design and application in the educational process / Ed. N.F. Efremova. - M.: Publishing House "National Education", 2013. - 208 p.
  2. Federal state educational standard of basic general education. - M.: Education, 2014. - 48 p.

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