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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 19(189)

Рубрика журнала: Экономика

Секция: Реклама и PR

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Библиографическое описание:
Afanaseva V. THE ESSENCE AND SPECIFICS OF THE INSTAGRAM PLATFORM // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 19(189). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/189/253234 (дата обращения: 21.10.2024).


Afanaseva Vladislava

Student of Institute of Social Sciences and Mass Communications, Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod

Bogachev Roman

научный руководитель,

Scientific advisor, Docent, Belgorod State National Research University,

Belgorod, Russia,


The relevance of the research lies in the study of advertising in magazine periodicals.

Advertising occupies an important place in the life of each of us. It largely determines the image and lifestyle, inevitably influences our views, attitude to ourselves and the world around us. Advertising shows us ready-made forms of behavior in a given situation. Determines what is good and what is bad. We buy what we are told or "advised".


Keywords: advertising, magazine.


Advertising material occupies a special place in print media and not only. Its main purpose is to generate demand, stimulate sales and sell goods. Advertising is the most effective way to attract the consumer's attention to goods or services. It helps regulate customer behavior and create a positive image of the company.

Advertising in the press is one of the most effective and most common means of advertising. Readers, getting acquainted with the news in newspapers, view both the ads placed there and advertising reviews. The advertisement reflects the essence of the advertiser's commercial offer ("offer", "sell"), as well as the main properties of the advertised product, information about the company and the terms of sale.

Advertising also differs in its artistic design: black-and-white, one-tone, two-tone, multi-color, text, with illustrations, photos, inverted, non-standard. Within the division there is its own 6 gradation. For example, newspaper advertising is divided into modular and rubric.

Advertising in newspapers and magazines has become widespread and has the greatest effectiveness – advertising in the press occupies about 70% of the advertising market.

The advantage of advertising in the press lies in its high selective ability. People with different interests will read literature devoted to the sphere of life that interests them. Thus, thanks to newspapers and magazines, advertising appeals affect a certain consumer group. The specifics of advertising in the press dictate special approaches to its creation and placement. When creating it, you need to take into account that advertising is perceived purely visually, which means you need to pay special attention to the visual part. That is, the design should attract attention and interest, and the semantic load should hold and push the consumer to action. In this case, the creators must take into account the color, the size of the letters, the reality of the depicted, the style of treatment, as well as, for example, that a photo is better than a drawing; that one large illustration works better than many small ones, and much more.

The newspaper is a means of information that almost everyone uses, it has great flexibility, and the thought expressed in writing is remembered. However, newspapers have their drawbacks, which include: lack of selectivity of the audience, relatively short life, poor quality of printing and reproduction, fierce advertising competition, the impossibility of guaranteed placement of advertising in a given print space, overlapping circulation. Despite this, the newspaper remains one of the leading conductors of news and advertising for the population.

In turn, magazines have other advantages. By their nature, they are the most selective of all the mass media. They have flexibility, both in relation to the circle of readers and in the presentation of advertising. They can work with color, have excellent 8 printing capabilities, and are also prestigious and have a margin of trust on the part of readers. And all this at an acceptable cost. However, their release period is often much longer, it is difficult to get the necessary coverage and frequency with their help, and advertising competition in magazines is even more acute. In addition, the cost of advertising in some publications is very high. When choosing magazines for advertising, it is necessary to take into account the circulation, audience, cost and technical capabilities. The advertising rates of the magazine can be determined by several factors: the primary and secondary readership, the number of subscribers and retail sales, as well as the ratio of guaranteed circulation against real.

The fundamental means of advertising is a newspaper or magazine publication. Its advantages are timeliness, wide coverage of the market. However, newspaper advertising differs from magazine advertising by higher efficiency. Newspaper advertising, in addition, has great opportunities, compared to magazine advertising, to penetrate into all social groups of the population. Magazine advertising is characterized by a relatively long duration of operation, higher technical capabilities of reproduction and use of color printing. But magazine advertising differs from newspaper advertising by higher labor costs and preparation time. Traditions and habits of a particular people play an important role here. The form of an advertising appeal must correspond to the culture and worldview of the advertising audience to which it is directed.



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  3. Shandra V.A., (2008) Efficiency of the press. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg, – (368).

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