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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 18(188)

Рубрика журнала: Политология

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Библиографическое описание:
Sapargali S.N. INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN CORPORATION // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 18(188). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/188/253539 (дата обращения: 29.03.2025).


Sapargali Salamat Nurlanuly

Undergraduate, University of International Business

Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty


State sovereignty turns into national sovereignty, and rights and freedoms are fully possessed not by a person (sovereign), but by a group of people (bourgeoisie). The Rubicon between these eras was crossed in 1648: the signing of the Treaty of Westphalia at the end of the Thirty Years' War and the Eighty Years' War.

The Westphalian system of international relations, which flourished in the 20th century, fixed certain rules of the game in the world order, which, with certain amendments and modifications, according to Professor S.V. Kortunov, are still working:

The Westphalian system did not prohibit, but allowed wars, including aggressive offensive ones, the beginning and conduct of which it attributed to the legitimate right of a sovereign state.


Keywords: humanitarian corporation, national sovereignty.


We defined international humanitarian cooperation as activities aimed at ensuring and observing the right of the individual, including the priority natural right of a person to life, its worthy conditions, and the provision of assistance when it is important. Traditionally, international humanitarian cooperation involves relations in the media, science, education, culture, sports, tourism, etc. International humanitarian cooperation is the department of international relations and international law.

The very term "humanitarian" has been part of the international legal and registries lexicon since the signing of the signing of the Geneva Acceptance. Within the framework of foreign policy, humanitarian diplomacy is the “soft power” potential of the state. Some of them are called international humanitarian cooperation humanitarian diplomacy.

We find the origins of humanitarian activity even at the stage of illness in a person of a hostel (the inviolability of ambassadors and heralds, the preservation of life for captives). During the Middle Ages there were humanitarian "organizations" served by Christian monastic orders, monasteries, churches. The emergence and flourishing of humanistic ideas during the steel of the Renaissance, expressed in attachment to the notion of man and his freedom as the highest value, the rejection of the medieval worldview, the Reformation, the commitment not to the flourishing of the steel of humanitarian activity, but only an increased politicization of views on discourse through a conservative check on Reformation - Counter-Reformation, later the former Thirty Years' War, which was accompanied by an increase in the flexibility of the world population. 

There was no institutionalization of mechanisms for maintaining sociality. Renaissance ideas about a person in the political sphere were transformed into the idea of ​​state sovereignty, where only the sovereign, or sovereign, was recognized as a human individuality, it was his life and freedom that were the highest value.

This approach turned the people subordinate to him into an object of rational (in terms of politics) and autocratic decisions. Transatlantic travels of the 15th century give rise to territorial expansion, expressed in the establishment of national control over resources (including human resources), which leads to political globalization. In this context, humanism is manifested by the non-interference of one state in the internal affairs of other states.

A person is perceived here as a resource that is expendable, renewable and gives competitive advantages to the state within the framework of developing capitalist relations (turning the indigenous people of Africa into slaves, the extermination of the indigenous population of only open America). The era of empires is being replaced by the era of nation-states, where the main subject is the national bourgeoisie.

State sovereignty turns into national sovereignty, and rights and freedoms are fully possessed not by a person (sovereign), but by a group of people (bourgeoisie). The Rubicon between these eras was crossed in 1648: the signing of the Treaty of Westphalia at the end of the Thirty Years' War and the Eighty Years' War.

The Westphalian system of international relations, which flourished in the 20th century, fixed certain rules of the game in the world order, which, with certain amendments and modifications, according to Professor S.V. Kortunov, are still working:

The Westphalian system did not prohibit, but allowed wars, including aggressive offensive ones, the beginning and conduct of which it attributed to the legitimate right of a sovereign state.

The Westphalian system did not prevent, but in fact, contributed to the consolidation of the law of the strong in international law.

The Westphalian system approved in international law the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of other sovereign states, following the normative maxim formulated by J. Bodin: "Sovereignty is the absolute and permanent power of the state over subjects and citizens."

From the point of view of humanitarian diplomacy, the institutionalization of which will take place a little later, namely with the development of emancipation and the awareness of ever larger sections of the population of their own competence, the Peace of Westphalia consolidated the responsibility of the secular authorities (bourgeoisie) for the well-being of the population living in the territory under its control.

By the middle of the 17th century, thanks to the development and strengthening of the bourgeoisie as a class in Europe, civil society also developed as a sphere of organizations autonomous from state interference, for example, French and English movements and initiatives that opposed the slave trade, which did not go unnoticed by the ruling circles: in 1807 d. the British navy suppressed the slave trade in accordance with the Slave Trade Act.

Thus, if the Westphalian system was the result of the institutionalization of international relations, then the institutionalization of humanitarian norms refers to a later period - the Vienna (1815–1856), Paris (1856–1870) and Frankfurt (1870–1914) systems of international relations, each of which was the result of major military upheavals (the defeat of Napoleon by a coalition of European powers, the Crimean War of 1854–1856, the Franco-Prussian War of 1870–1871, respectively).

In 1899, at the suggestion of Nicholas II, the International Peace Congress was held in The Hague, where the Hague Conventions on Minimizing the Negative Consequences of Wars were signed. And in 1907, in The Hague, also on the initiative of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II, 14 conventions were signed, which became one of the important stages in the development of international humanitarian law. Despite the coverage of a significant range of areas, at the beginning of the 20th century, war and the mitigation of its humanitarian consequences became the main one.

The development of international humanitarian cooperation at the dawn of its development was inseparable from the development of international law, the latter became the basis for the creation of various kinds of international humanitarian organizations.



  1. http://fgp.msu.ru/mezhdunarodnoe-gumanitarnoe-sotrudnichestvo/
  2. https://fireman.club/inseklodepia/mezhdunarodnoe-gumanitarnoe-sotrudnichestvo/
  3. https://textbooks.studio/uchebnik-mejdunarodnie-otnosheniya/mejdunarodnyie-gumanitarnyie-organizatsii.html

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