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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 18(188)

Рубрика журнала: Экономика

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Библиографическое описание:
Pozharskikh D. FORMATION OF THE HUMAN RESOURCES OF THE STATE CIVIL SERVICE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 18(188). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/188/252789 (дата обращения: 29.03.2025).


Pozharskikh Daria

Student 3nd year, Customs business, Department of Social Technologies and Public Service Institute of Economics and Management, Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod


This article discusses the concept of "career" and "career management". The stages of development of a civil servant's career are marked.


Keywords: career management, civil servant, qualifications, career development, professional education.


Recently, the term "career" is beginning to gain more and more importance. Russian civil servants understand that the process of career advancement is subject to accurate forecasting and management.

In our understanding, "career" is the development of personality at various stages of life. The State civil servant is no exception. Government organizations are very interested in the career growth of their employees. After all, with the development of employees, the organization itself develops. One of the key functions of HR management is career management, it includes career planning and development.

Career management is a set of measures for the organization, planning, motivation and monitoring of the employee's career growth. If we turn to the classics, we can see how they understood the meaning of the word "career". M. Weber called a career a gradual, rational process of moving employees across enterprises, branches of the economy or through the hierarchy levels of one organization. He described the career of civil servants as a special process of advancement in the hierarchical system of organizations and enterprises and characterized it at the same time as rational behavior and as part of social mobility.

Career development of a public civil servant is aimed at maintaining and improving the level of qualifications required for the proper performance of their official duties, and includes additional professional education and other career development activities.

The most important measure to ensure opportunities for career growth of employees is to hold a competition to fill vacant civil service positions and conduct qualification tests.

The personnel reserve is an effective means of forming personnel. Insufficient qualifications, problems of corporate culture, lack of financial resources of the state organization, which limit the possibilities for the use of material incentives for the employee's work, insufficient transparency of the system of promotion of a state civil servant to a higher position have an impact on career management.

Career development of a civil servant is a certain management process consisting of 4 stages: planning, organization, motivation and control. Career planning is necessary for the continuous development of the effective activity of the personnel and its management mechanism.

The organization of a career is based on a specific model, there are three most well-known models: a life cycle model, an organizational-oriented model, and a personality-oriented model. Motivation in the public service system can only be of an immaterial nature: gratitude, congratulations, organization of additional education. Career development control. A state civil servant acts as an organizer, choosing the most appropriate strategy, sets and solves professional tasks.

Today, civil servants face a number of problems that do not allow them to develop their potential, since training and retraining require the employee to be distracted from performing their duties. This leads to internal contradictions: the need for additional education and various prejudices about this, for example, the negative attitude of colleagues, especially the head. The resolution of this contradiction will be one of the determining factors in the formation and development of the career of a civil servant.

Thus, it can be concluded that:

Career management involves the dedication of a public civil servant to the interests of the authority, as well as an increase in productivity and labor quality. The most significant measures that provide opportunities for the career growth of employees are the holding of a competition for vacant civil service positions and a qualification exam. Insufficient qualifications of civil servants, problems of corporate culture, low prestige of the state as an employer, lack of financial resources of a state organization also have an impact on career management.



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