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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 16(186)

Рубрика журнала: Экономика

Секция: Маркетинг

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Библиографическое описание:
Pomazkova U.A. RESEARCH OF THE MAIN INDICATORS OF THE CHOCOLATE MARKET (DEMAND, PRICE, SUPPLY) // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 16(186). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/186/250457 (дата обращения: 28.10.2024).


Pomazkova Uluana Alexandrovna

Student, Department of Sociology and Organization of Work with Youth, Belgorod State University,

Russia, Belgorod


The article examines the study of customer satisfaction of chocolate as a necessary element in marketing. The purpose of the work is to evaluate the consumer preferences of chocolate. Methods and objects of research: the method of data collection is a questionnaire conducted using a Google form among students of the National Research University "BelSU". Results: the level of students' satisfaction with the chocolate product was determined. Conclusions: the chocolate market is quite crowded with its products. To date, the top 15 popular chocolate brands include: Lindt, A. Korkunov, Victory of taste, Dove, Ritter Sport, Babaevsky, Russia Generous Soul, Eco Botanica, Milka, Alyonka, Nesquik, Nestle, Airy, Schogetten, Alpen Gold. All products are unique in their own way, each has an individual style and a certain advertising. The purchasing power of the target audience is quite high, almost every third student buys one chocolate bar per week.


Keywords: satisfaction, chocolate, chocolate products, students, advertising.



Marketing research of the main market indicators is a necessary component in the improvement of the product itself, which is represented by an enterprise or organization. Also, marketing research allows you to study the behavior of customers and their attitude to the product. Chocolate is among the most popular products all over the world, occupies a leading place in the lists of sweets. The demand for chocolate among the population is growing every year, as well as the number of competitors in the production of marketable products is growing.

In order to identify the level of satisfaction of students with chocolate products of Belgorod State University, a study was conducted in which 100 people took part (second-year students of the National Research University "BelSU", aged 16 to 30 years). A questionnaire conducted using a Google form was used as a method of collecting information. The objectives of the study were to determine the level of satisfaction of students with a chocolate product.

The main part

The results of the study showed that only 1\4 is neutral about chocolate and does not buy it at all, 34% buy chocolate once a week, 16% of students consume chocolate every day. The next question showed that 68% of the surveyed students prefer milk chocolate, 10% buy bitter and 22% turned out to be lovers of white chocolate. You can notice the dominance of milk chocolate over other types, because this product contains cocoa, which perfectly helps to cheer up and get extra energy. If you lead an active lifestyle or do sports, there should always be a milk chocolate bar in your bag. With its help, you will quickly regain strength in case of physical or mental exhaustion (this is a real salvation for students during the session). The third question was aimed at identifying the purpose of purchasing chocolate. 88% of respondents buy a chocolate product for weekly consumption, 6% buy chocolate as a gift. The next question showed the "favorites" in the chocolate market. They became trademarks: Milka\Alyonka\Alpen Gold\Ritter Sport. After reviewing the statistics among chocolate, buyers highlight several advantages of each chocolate, namely: Ritter Sport is the best design, invigorating and refreshing fillings among dark chocolate brands, Milka is the most delicate, rich assortment.


Summing up the above, we can conclude that the chocolate market is quite crowded with its products. To date, the top 15 popular chocolate brands include: Lindt, A. Korkunov, Victory of Taste, Dove, Ritter Sport, Babaevsky, Russia Generous Soul, Eco Botanica, Milka, Alyonka, Nesquik, Nestle, Air, Schogetten, Alpen Gold. All products are unique in their own way, each has an individual style and a certain advertising. The purchasing power of the target audience is quite high, almost every third student buys one chocolate bar per week. The demand for goods is influenced, of course, by the price. Thanks to promotions and discounts on goods, the company increases the demand for its chocolate products.



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