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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 11(181)

Рубрика журнала: Социология

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Библиографическое описание:
Chernova A. MORAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL CLIMATE IN STUDENT GROUPS // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 11(181). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/181/244645 (дата обращения: 04.03.2025).


Chernova Alina

student, Department of Sociology and Organization of Work with Youth, Belgorod State University,

Russia, Belgorod



Чернова Алина Евгеньевна

студент, кафедра социологии и организации работы с молодежью, Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет,

РФ, гБелгород



The purpose of the article is to study the moral and psychological climate and develop a structure to increase cohesion in student groups. The data collection method is a survey conducted using Google forms among students to determine the level of satisfaction with the moral and psychological climate in student groups. Respondents have quite tense relations in student groups.


Целью статьи является изучение морально-психологического климата и разработка рекомендаций по повышению сплоченности в студенческих группах. Методом сбора данных является анкетирование, проводимое с помощью Google-формы среди студентов для определения уровня удовлетворенности морально-психологическим климатом в студенческих группах. У респондентов достаточно напряженные отношения в студенческих группах, что способствует появлению конфликтов.


Keywords: Belgorod, moral and psychological climate, student groups, students, conflicts.

Ключевые слова: Белгород, морально-психологический климат, студенческие группы, студенты, конфликты.


Student life occupies no small part of a person's life, so it is important to have all the comfortable conditions for observation in student groups. One of the main reasons is the moral and psychological climate in the team. It has a great influence not only on personal achievements, but also on the performance of the group as a whole. What moral and psychological climate prevails in the group, such will be the activity of students. This is different from the mood and health of the individual, his performance and activity in general.

It is important to remember that the moral and psychological climate affects the nature of interpersonal relationships in a student group. It is necessary to build relationships in such a way that the atmosphere is not evil and does not oppress the student, but on the contrary, it is caused by the impetus of his social and educational activities.

The results of the study show that the students surveyed believe that the moral and psychological climate includes such concepts as: friendly atmosphere, mutual assistance, diligence (73%) and creative atmosphere, high responsibility (65%). However, there were those respondents who noted that the quality of the moral and psychological climate includes the desire to work alone. This state of emergency for a person in this environment is very closed and associated with discomfort.


Figure 1. Distribution of answers to the question: “What qualities, in your opinion, are presented to the moral and psychological climate?”


Students also rated the cohesion of their group from 1 to 5, where 1 is not cohesive, and 5 is a cohesive group. Most of the respondents answered "4". It is a shock that the students consider the group to be quite cohesive, but they would like to have their relationship corrected.


Figure 2. Distribution of answers to the question: "Assess the cohesion of your group"


It should be noted that it is important to influence the ability of the student team to provide precisely the moral and psychological climate, which includes many elements, the achievement of their normal manifestation.

The students surveyed are aware of the excessive moral and psychological climate and try to do everything possible to improve it. But some students visit themselves disadvantaged among their fellow students, do not include affiliations in the student group.

In this situation, recommendations were made to increase cohesion in student groups:

1. Have meetings outside of the learning experience, because it helps to relax and get to know each other outside of the established rules.

2. Share time and conduct psychological training aimed at trusting relationships within the student group.

3. Try to resolve conflicts with the world way, without hurting other interests of classmates.

Thanks to this recommendation, students choose themselves better.



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