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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 4(174)

Рубрика журнала: История

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Библиографическое описание:
Zhimonova A. THE HISTORY OF MANKIND – THE HISTORY OF LABOUR // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 4(174). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/174/240306 (дата обращения: 20.03.2025).


Zhimonova Anastasiya

Student, Institute of Pedagogical, Belgorod State National Research University,

Belgorod, Russia


The article analyzes the fact that the countries where people worked harder and better at all times and in all spheres were dominatingin the world. The quantity and quality of labour are influenced by two types of public administration. Under collegial public administration, when there is a civil society and a decentralized method of governance is used, the quantity and quality of labour increases. Under one-man governance when a predominantly centralized imperative method of management is used, the quantity and quality of labour decreases.


Keywords: labour, collegial, one-man governance, property, industry.


Labour as a purposeful activity was one of the reason for man isolation from the animal world and its further development[2].During the Neolithic period, the Neolithic revolution which contributed to the transition of mankind from an appropriating economy to a producing one,led to revolutionary changes: the division of social labour, the emergence of agriculture, cattle breeding, handicrafts and trade; multiple increases in labour productivity, the emergence of the family, private property, state and right, the stratification of society into antagonistic classes.

Since its inception, different peoples and states have differed from each other by different levels of development depending on labor. Labour is divided into types [1] and in developed countries most of its types were developed, in backward countries some types of labour, for example, engineering, creative, scientific, were not developed and, accordingly, these countries did not reach great success in development.

There are two main methods of public administration sincethe inception of statehood: coercion and persuasion; in the management of the national economy, administrative and economic methods.In the mechanism of legal regulation, the above methods correspond to the methods of centralized imperative and decentralized regulation.An analogy can also be observed whenanalyzingtwo types of legal regulation, expressed by two formulas:1) "everything is prohibitedexceptit is directly permitted" and 2) "everything is allowed except it is directly prohibited in the law"[7,p.261-264]. The administrative command system of public government in the form of an anti-democratic political regimecan be established when the above-mentioned first methods dominate in the countryand with the dominance of the second methods, a democratic political regime is formed in the state, i.e. a democratic, rule-of-law state with a developed civil society functions.

Nowadays, there are about 40 developed countries in the world in North America, Western Europe, Asia, Australia, New Zealand, etc. such as the USA, Japan, Germany, Great Britain, etc. They are all democratic, legal states with a developed civil society. All the above-mentioned states are either parliamentary republics or parliamentary monarchies, but they are united by a single type of public administration – collegial public administration.

According to the method of decision-making, state and local self-government bodies are divided into collegial and single-headed. Depending on which bodies dominate in the state mechanism, collegial or single-headed, either collegial or single-headed state administration is carried out. Countries with one-man government are states with an anti-democratic political regime (authoritarian, totalitarian, etc.)

Collegial public administration is possible when there are two or three of following elements: 1) the election of the head of state or the head of executive power by the legislative body, the constitutional status of the real powers of legislative bodies to control the executive power; 2) the election and control of the heads of executive bodies of local self-government and heads of local public authorities by local representative collegial bodies; 3) functioning of jury courts, people's courts or other collegial courts in the judicial system.

Under collegial state administration, society is free. This freedom is realized through universal self-government, which is one of the main characteristics of civil society. With a real civil society, people themselves solve most of the problems in all spheres of their life directly and through the mechanism of collegial state management. The market economy and its laws, in particular supply and demand, competition, and the desire for profit, regulate the labour activity of society and direct people to a voluntary total solution of all problems and issues in all spheres of society.

Countries where labour is developed dominate the world in the economic, political, military, social, and spiritual spheres of society and establish appropriate policies. Therefore, history on Earth is created by countries where people work more and better.



  1. Types of labour and their characteristics [Electronic resource]. – Available at:https://xn--e1affbiffbbf9m.xn--p1ai/
  2. Huseykhanov M.,Radjabov O.R. The concept of human origin and evolution. - Concepts of modern natural science: Textbook. - [Electronic resource]. - Available at: http://www.gumer.info/bibliotek_Buks/Science/guseihan/16.php
  3. Ranking of the countries of the world by the level of gross national income per capita [Electronic resource]. – Available at:http://gtmarket.ru/ratings/rating-countries-gni/rating-countries-gni-info
  4. TatenovM.B, TatenovаM.B. The hierarchy of the sciences and human rights  [Text]/M.BTatenov, M.B. Tatenovа//CETERIS PARIBUS.– 2016–i.3.-p.58.-pp.261-264.

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