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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 23(151)

Рубрика журнала: Экономика

Секция: Маркетинг

Скачать книгу(-и): скачать журнал часть 1, скачать журнал часть 2, скачать журнал часть 3

Библиографическое описание:
Naumova D., Melnikova O. SUMMARY “18 OF THE BEST WAYS TO MARKET YOUR BUSINESS IN 2021” (Part1) // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2021. № 23(151). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/151/219444 (дата обращения: 09.10.2024).


Naumova Diana

Student, State University of Management Moscow,

Russia, Moscow

Melnikova Olga

Student, State University of Management Moscow,

Russia, Moscow


In this summary, a summary of the promotion methods relevant for 2021. The words of world experts in the field of marketing and technology are quoted.


Keywords: marketing, trends, promotion.


The author of the article «18 of the best ways to market your business in 2021» is Lisa Smith, a freelance writer who has observed the digital marketing industry for over a decade. In this paper Lisa Smith reports about the trendy marketing strategies of the year, that will help projects succeed.

The text is divided into 18 paragraphs, each of which is devoted to a new strategy.

Optimize for Google’s next update

In the first paragraph, Lisa Smith reports that in May 2021 Google will release new metrics for SEO, which sites must satisfy in order to be at the top of search results. These metrics will identify the site content that may be annoying to the user. The author quotes Lee Savery, the head of the content department at digital agency Ricemedia, who emphasizes that the long loading of page elements will lead to a drop in the site's SEO rankings.

2. Prepare for the end of third-party cookies

In the second paragraph, the author of the article announces two changes that will occur in 2022: there will be a third-party use cookies cessation and new privacy rules in California. The author declares that marketers will be preparing for these changes in 2021. Lisa Smith refers to the statement of the privacy expert Harry Maugans about the need to focus on data collecting using own advertising campaigns and the lack of usage third-party cookies. Penalties will be imposed for the use of third-party cookies.

3. Foster first-party relationships

Based on a statement from Houman Akhavan, Marketing Director at CarParts.com, the author conveys the idea that you need to build direct relationships with customers, save on the data that is currently coming from your site. This is necessary as the online space is more and more covered by advertisements of various brands. This work strategy helps to increase performance indicators.

4. Focus on customer retention

Lisa Smith claims that for the brands hit by 2020 events, it's wise to focus on existing customers. She reasons that satisfying existing customers is cheaper than finding new ones. It is proposed to use personalized push notifications on smartphones and encourage loyalty as tools for customer retention through mobile marketing. Also, by using SMS and even e-mail, you can maintain a direct connection between the brand and the buyer moreover avoid the involvement of third parties.

5. Start selling on social

Another emerging trend with potentially far-reaching consequences that the author mentions is social commerce. In 2020, Facebook launched stores for Facebook and Instagram, allowing users to shop directly on the platforms. The author points out that in 2021 more attention will be paid to social commerce, as well as the emergence of new marketplaces to shorten the customer path from search to conversion.

6. Follow statements of purpose with action

2020 was the year that consumers and brands alike took the same stance on social justice issues. To quote from digital marketing agencies, the author of the article conveys the idea that in the wake of George Floyd assassination and the global protest against human rights, companies and brands will need to continue their promises of engagement efforts and cultural competence, which they will do in 2021.

7. Build trust

The pandemic has exacerbated the trend in which consumers are looking forward to spending money on brands that not only share their values but brands they trust. To build trust, brands need to stick to their promises in their actions.

8. Grow communities

In addition to showing off that they are trustworthy, brands will be trusted by community loyalty in 2021. Brands need to invest more in customer loyalty and retention.



  1. The 18 Best Marketing Strategies for 2021 (From the Experts). Date Views 22.06.2021 www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2021/01/04/best-marketing-strategies-2021.

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