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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 21(149)

Рубрика журнала: Социология

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Библиографическое описание:
Zakharova A., Gorodov D. ASSESSMENT OF THE QUALITY OF EDUCATION DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN EXPERIENCE // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2021. № 21(149). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/149/216696 (дата обращения: 26.03.2025).


Zakharova Anastasia

student, Department of Sociology and Organization of Work with Youth, Belgorod state University,

Russia, Belgorod

Gorodov Daniil

student, Department of Sociology and Organization of Work with Youth, Belgorod state University,

Russia, Belgorod


Education, being an important channel of socialization, plays a significant role in the life of any person. And the issue of the quality of education is systemically important in the politics of any country. The article discusses the main approaches to the definition of the category "quality of education" and its assessment, proposed in Russia and abroad.


Keywords: education, quality of education, education system, quality management, quality of knowledge.


Education has a high personal and social significance, being the most important channel of human socialization, creating conditions for personal and professional development and self-expression of the individual, forming the intellectual and cultural state of society. In this regard, the requirements for improving the quality of education, which is one of the priorities of state policy, cannot fail to increase.

Many domestic and foreign researchers in the field of sociology, pedagogy, public administration, and economics have been dealing with the quality of education.

Abroad, this problem is considered in the works of E. Hanushek, L. Wessman, D. D. Kimko, P. Jinns, M. Prosser, S. Barry, D. Woodhouse. Thus, in the article "The Role of Education Quality for Economic Growth" E. Hanushek and L. Wessman explore the role of education in economic well-being, paying special attention to the role of education quality [8]. M. Rosen, M. Nagdi and E. Ortiz-Ospa in their work "Quality of Education" compare indicators of education quality on the world stage. The authors assess the average academic performance, the ratio of learning outcomes to GDP per capita, the share of top students who successfully passed international student achievement tests, etc. [9]

In Russia, researchers such as S. I. Arkhangelsky, B. A. Zhigalev, N. A. Selezneva, V. P. Bespalko, V. A. Bolotov, etc. are engaged in the problem of education quality, whose works pay considerable attention to the methodology and system of education quality assessment, trends of education system development in Russia and its efficiency.

An important characteristic of the education system, which reflects its effectiveness, is the quality of education. V.A. Bolotov defines the quality of education as "the degree of compliance of the real achieved educational results with the regulatory requirements, social and personal expectations" [5].

А. M. Moiseev understands the quality of education as a set of results of the educational process that meet the needs of all the participants of the educational process and the state [6].

Foreign researchers S. Sahni, D. K. Banvet, and S. Carunes define the quality of education as a multiple category, which includes the quality of contributions to the educational process of students, teachers, staff of educational institutions and infrastructure; the quality of processes of educational and pedagogical activities and the quality of results in the form of graduates with a high level of knowledge [10].

Thus, the concept of "quality of education" is multidimensional. It includes a set of essential properties of education, corresponding to the modern requirements of the pedagogical theory, practice and capable of satisfying the educational needs of an individual, society and the state.  The notion of education quality includes three blocks:

- The quality of the basic conditions of the educational process.

- The quality of the educational process.

- The quality of the results of the educational process.

Abroad, education quality is often defined as the quality of the educational process results. In this context such indicators are considered as:

  • PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) educational test results;
  • the average score of students in classes on the science assessment and the TIMSS mathematics test;
  • average grade point average in math and science;
  • availability of a representative national assessment of learning outcomes;
  • learning outcomes: minimum and high achievement;
  • national average learning outcomes;
  • PISA scores among the best and worst students by country;
  • Percentage of students who achieved high, intermediate, and minimum learning outcomes;
  • Percentage of students in elementary school who achieved minimum reading proficiency;
  • Percentage of students with the highest PISA scores in math: male and female;
  • proportion of top students, etc. [9]

In addition, there are economic characteristics of the quality of education, among which are: average learning outcomes in total per capita education expenditures; average learning outcomes compared to GDP per capita; average PISA reading achievement and average spending per student; the proportion of students who did not achieve or achieved minimum learning outcomes in total per capita education expenditures.

At the moment there is no unified system for assessing the quality of education in Russia. Thus, S. D. Ilyenkova proposes the following indicators of the quality of education:

  • quality and motivation of the teaching staff;
  • the state of the material and technical base of the educational institution;
  • the quality of curricula;
  • quality of infrastructure;
  • quality of knowledge;
  • professional achievements of the graduates.

One of the approaches proposed by A. I. Adamskiy implies the use of three blocks of indicators: process, results and resources (Figure 1) [1].

To summarize, the following conclusions can be made:

1. The quality of education is a characteristic of an educational institution or an educational system at municipal, regional or national level, which determines the result of educational process, the degree of satisfaction of participants of educational activity and the state with this result, as well as the economic efficiency of expenses in the sphere of education.

2. A great number of education quality indicators are used abroad, which are primarily related to the quality of students' knowledge and economic effect of education costs.

3. In the Russian Federation the general system of education quality assessment is in its infancy, but there are many approaches to study this category. Thus, Russian researchers in the field of education quality consider such indicators as: quality of knowledge, material and technical equipment of educational institutions, demand for graduates of vocational education institutions, accessibility of education, etc.



  1. Adamsky A. I. What is the quality of education? М., 2009.
  2. Arkhangelsky S. I. The educational process in higher school, its legitimate bases and methods. М., 1980.
  3. Bespalko V.P. Quality of Educational Process // School Technologies. 2007. №3. С. 164-177.
  4. Bolotov V. A. About an estimation of quality of education // Upbringing of schoolchildren. 2007. №3. С. 2-6.
  5. Bolotov V. A., Kovaleva G. S. Experience of Russia in the field of evaluation of educational achievements of schoolchildren // Innovative projects and programs in education. 2011. №5. С. 3-11.
  6. Moiseev A. M. How to Create a School Governing Council: Educational and Methodological Materials. М., 2007.
  7. Indicators of the quality of education [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: http://www.elitarium.ru/kachestvo-obrazovaniya-pokazatel-vypusknik-rynok-rabota-sistema-znanie-prepodavatel-obuchayushchijsya-uchebnaya-programma.
  8. Hanushek E. A.; Woessmann L. The Role of Education Quality for Economic Growth [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/7154.
  9. Roser M., Nagdy M., Ortiz-Ospina E. Quality of Education [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: https://ourworldindata.org/quality-of-education'.
  10. Sahney S., Banwet D. K., Karunes S. An integrated framework for quality in education: Application of quality function deployment, interpretive structural modelling, and path analysis // Total Qual. Manage. 2006. №17. P. 265-285.

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