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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 19(147)

Рубрика журнала: Социология

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Библиографическое описание:
Mikhalina А. COMMUNICATIVE SKILLS OF A LEADER: TECHNOLOGY OF THEIR DEVELOPMENT (FOR THE EXAMPLE OF THE ADMINISTRATION OF BELGOROD) // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2021. № 19(147). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/147/213720 (дата обращения: 28.03.2025).


Mikhalina Аnastasiya

student, Bachelor's degree, Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod


The article presents an interim analysis of the author's sociological research "Communicative skills of the leader", conducted in the Administration of the city of Belgorod. Department of Sociology and Organization of Work with Youth, Belgorod National Research University. One of the main methods of sociological research was a mass survey of employees of department heads, organized in March. Data collection continues. Based on the survey results, a linear analysis of quantitative information was carried out in terms of the attitude of employees and heads of departments of the communication skills of their leaders. It was revealed that employees are generally satisfied with the work and communication skills of their superiors, but there are a number of aspects that need to be corrected. These aspects include: rigidity in communication, lack of feedback, conflict situations that occur in a team. A number of measures have been proposed to address these aspects.


Keywords: communication, management, leader, leadership.


Communication is a vital aspect of a leader's life. Communication is the most important key to a leader's success. The leader is one of the employees with an exceptional set of skills and in a given situation, has the potential to take responsibility and mentor others who lack experience and skills, tries to instill skills, motivate them and help them achieve their individual, team and organizational goals.

There are a number of studies aimed at studying the communicative competence of a leader and at identifying the relationship between the effectiveness of leadership and communicative characteristics, by authors such as: O.A. Voronin, D.A. Dotsenko, R.R. Khalfirova. The communicative skills of the head of state and municipal administration were considered by A.V. Bychkov, E.A. Zaporozhets. Technologies for the development of managers' communicative skills are considered by such authors as: B.V. Zalivansky, V.F. Mukhamedzhanova, A.A. Obolesheva.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was formed by the provisions of the concept of state managementism, within the framework of which the communicative skills of the leader are considered.

For the analysis of the manager's communicative qualities, such methods were chosen as:

1. Leary's method of diagnostics of interpersonal relations;

2. Questionnaire "Assessment of communication skills";

3. Communication test card.

1. Leary's method of diagnosing interpersonal relations. The methodology was created by T. Leary (T. Liar), G. Leforge, R. Sazek in 1954 and is designed to study relationships in small groups. With the help of this technique, the prevailing type of attitude towards people in self-esteem and mutual esteem is revealed.

The results of testing the head of the internal and personnel policy department using the Leary Diagnostics of Interpersonal Relations methodology showed that the head of the internal and personnel policy department is characterized by dominance along the vertical axis, and hostility along the horizontal axis. According to the test result, it was revealed that the head of the department of internal and personnel policy of the administration of Belgorod is dominated by an authoritarian style of communication with the people around him.

The results of the survey of the head of the department of internal and personnel policy using the method of "Communicative minimum of the manager" showed that according to the results of the survey of the department staff, the head scored from 300 to 600 points, namely 495 points, special attention should be paid to some unsatisfactory aspects of communication, since they can significantly affect the effectiveness of management activities.

According to the results of the self-assessment of the head of the department of internal and personnel policy, he scored 39 points, which is a good result, which means that a friendly, relaxed atmosphere reigns in the team. All employees are interested in discussing the question raised. Opinions are actively expressed, options for solving the problem are proposed. There is no spontaneity.



  1. Voronin O.A. Communicative competence of a leader as the basis of his positive image (on the example of the system of higher professional education): materials of the conference / O.A. Voronin // Modernization of the domestic management system: trend analysis and development forecast, Moscow, November 21-22, 2013 - pp. 258-260.
  2. Zalivansky B.V. Formation of information and communication competencies of municipal employees / B.V. Zalivansky // Humanitarian research. - 2014. - No. 9. URL: http://human.snauka.ru/2014/09/7711.
  3. Manager's communicative minimum (questionnaire). - URL: http://hr-portal.ru/article/kommunikativnyy-minimum-menedzhera-oprosnik.
  4. Диагностика межличностных отношений (Т. Лири). – URL: http://testoteka.narod.ru/mlo/1/26.html.
  5. Zaporozhets E.A. Communicative competence of civil servants: structure, content, conditions of formation. - URL: http://vestnik.uapa.ru/ru/issue/2009/03/05/.

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