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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 18(146)

Рубрика журнала: Социология

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Библиографическое описание:
Shafigullin Yu. THE PHENOMENON OF DEPENDENCE ON SURFACTANTS IN MEN // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2021. № 18(146). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/146/211937 (дата обращения: 21.10.2024).


Shafigullin Yuri

Student, Belgorod National State Research University

Russia, Belgorod



Шафигуллин Юрий Владимирович

студент, Белгородский национальный государственный исследовательский университет,

РФ, г. Белгород


The deterioration of the mental health of the nation, associated with the growing number of people suffering from chemical and other types of addictions (addictions), is a serious threat to national security for any country in the world. The economic damage associated with these problems from the gross national product in Russia is approaching 20%.


Ухудшение психического здоровья нации, связанное с ростом численности лиц, страдающих химической и другими видами аддикций (зависимостей), является серьезной угрозой национальной безопасности для любой страны мира. Экономический ущерб, связанный с упомянутыми проблемами, от валового национального продукта в России приближается к 20%.


Keywords: among the reasons for the use of psychoactive substances (surfactants) with harmful consequences are depression, financial problems, the degree of satisfaction with work, the degree of satisfaction with interpersonal relationships.

Ключевые слова: среди причин потребления психоактивных веществ (ПАВ) с вредными последствиями называют депрессию, финансовые проблемы, степень удовлетворения работой, степень удовлетворения межличностными отношениями.


Among the reasons for the use of psychoactive substances (surfactants) with harmful consequences are depression, financial problems, the degree of satisfaction with work, the degree of satisfaction with interpersonal relationships.

The factors that determine dependent behavior are the impact of the environment or the impact of an individual on himself, which cause an overstrain of the adaptation mechanisms in the absence of the possibility of full recovery of adaptive capabilities. The factors that determine dependent behavior are new and uncharacteristic internal and external agents that exceed the level of adaptive capabilities of a person. It creates the possibility of personality and body disorders, which are expressed in specific forms of the disease (including the formation of dependence on surfactants).

The transition from health to disease is a process of gradual decline in the ability to adapt to changes in the course of the development of the person and the environment, including social, educational, and professional.

By determining the predictors of the formation of dependence on surfactants, you can reduce or eliminate their activity. The effectiveness of the approach based on the analysis of risk factors is confirmed by studies conducted during the implementation of appropriate prevention programs. These studies prove that programs aimed at reducing the activity of risk factors have good results in preventing the use of surfactants.

Addictions are often a way to achieve in the desire to escape from reality through a special change in their mental state and manifest themselves in the form of some gambling activity that has gone out of the control of the individual and is associated with the reduction of interpersonal emotional relationships in everyday life. A distorted perception of reality in this case arises as a result of taking substances that affect the psyche (alcohol, tobacco smoking, drugs) or fixing and focusing on certain objects and activities (addiction to gambling, abundant food, hypersexuality, computer and gaming addiction, shopping, workaholism, etc.).

The main factors determining dependent behavior are considered to be biological (heredity, trauma, etc.), social (socio–economic stability, social moral guidelines, values, traditions, etc.) and personal (the degree of perfection and development, adaptive capabilities, etc.). A mature and sufficiently socialized personality is more resistant to various kinds of stressors, while a poorly organized and, according to many authors, neurotic needs "third-party" "artificial" relief.

Thus, the catalyst for the emergence of certain prerequisites for the formation of any form of addictions is currently psychoemotional instability and tension associated with an intense increase in the pace of life, an increase in the number of stressful factors and even an increase in the level of man-made stress on the human body. And the most susceptible to these adverse factors is the youth due to its psychophysiological immaturity and sensitivity to these risk factors. Thus, according to the conducted studies of the adaptive capabilities of the body of students of various universities, 55% of them were characterized by a low level of satisfactory adaptation, a complication of the socialization process and insufficiently stable motivation for activity against the background of a general decrease in the functional state.

Thus, addictive behavior is considered as the initial stage of self-destruction, self-destruction of a person. It is the component of addiction, when the habit of using a particular psychoactive substance (or a connection with a particular object of addiction, an addictive agent) it is also localized at the level of individuality, being associated with values, with meanings, with motivation.

Dependent behavior is the next stage of self-destruction of a person, when the habit takes on pathological forms, being localized at the so-called biological level of the personality organization, represented by temperament, attitudes, that is, the habit "settles" deeper in the person's personality, forming dependence at the level of physiology, when a person is unable to refuse to use this psychoactive substance (can not break the connection with the object of addiction, with the addictive agent), and this use passes from the level of conscious motivation (from the level of individuality) to the lower level of vital needs (the individual level), becoming the goal of existence. In this case, there are not enough means of persuasion and persuasion, and the person needs medical intervention, as well as the use of methods of medical and psychological influence (forms of psychotherapy) at the level of suggestion and programming.

Therefore, surfactant-dependent behavior is a complex integrative formation, a type of deviant behavior that consists in leaving, avoiding a real situation, turning to various addictive agents and then changing them, launching an addictive implementation that leads to a change in the state of consciousness, the appearance of specific sensations and emotions.

Within the framework of the psychoanalytic approach, Z. Freud, considering the prerequisites of dependent behavior, speaks of the resolution of personality conflicts through regression, as a departure from the existing problem by returning, turning to the ways of behavior of earlier stages of age-related development and choosing inadequate ways to solve difficulties. Moving away from the existing real problem, a person uses appropriate mechanisms to repress or suppress unacceptable information from consciousness, which at the same time does not completely leave the person anywhere, and is actually transferred to the unconscious. From time to time, breaking into the sphere of the subconscious or conscious, the repressed information will create mental tension in the person and interfere with the main activity. To relieve tension, a person can turn to addictive realization. Thus, avoiding the problem can lead to dependent behavior.

One of the central concepts of another psychoanalytic theory – the individual psychology of A. Adler-is "the pursuit of excellence" as " ... a constant movement towards personally significant goals...". Achieving these goals not only increases a person's self-esteem, but also helps them find their place in life. If a person does not have a sufficiently developed sense of community, it is reduced (or absent) striving for perfection, then he will not be able to cope with problems and will be inclined to escape from a difficult life situation. The consequence of this may be the choice of dependent behavior.

Addictions in the psychological sense are understood as a special type of forms of destructive behavior, which are expressed in the desire to escape from reality through a special change in their mental state.

There are various forms and behavioral addictions in the form of any addiction to "hobbies", which are often pathological in nature.

Any form of dependent behavior in one way or another negatively affects both the physical and mental health of a person. The most dangerous and rapidly progressing forms, of course, are addictions associated with the use of psychoactive substances.

Possession of this or that addictive agent (the object of addiction) changes not only the attitude of a person to himself, to other people, to activity, but also his consciousness and subconsciousness. Sometimes this or that addictive agent does not bring the expected effect, and the person adds others or changes it to get more pleasure, to support the corresponding emotions in order to forget, to get rid of the existing tension. The desire to experience certain emotions increases. To possess them, a person systematically needs a specific addictive agent, the connection with which will each time lead him to an even greater separation from reality. This process occurs at the first stages in parallel with the main activities, and then begins to replace them, the person in this case is increasingly striving for the possession of an addictive agent.

The study of dependence on surfactants is conducted by both foreign and domestic scientists in various areas. The main approaches to the study of addiction are the activity and system approaches, whose proponents focus on the leading types of human activities and their role in the development of addictions and addictive behavior, as well as on the system of value orientations of the individual, the deformation of which leads to the transformation of identity and the formation of addictions and addictive behavior;

Dependent behavior is a complex integrative formation, a type of deviant behavior that consists in avoiding reality, using psychoactive substances (connection with an addictive agent, possession of it) and changing consciousness to maintain certain emotions, as well as a certain period of addiction to a substance (object, addictive agent), increment, plexus and transition of one habit, addiction to others.


Список литературы:

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