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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 18(146)

Рубрика журнала: Социология

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Библиографическое описание:
Khareba N. RELIGION AND FAITH IN THE ASSESSMENTS OF THE YOUTH OF BELGOROD // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2021. № 18(146). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/146/211859 (дата обращения: 21.12.2024).


Khareba Natalia

student, Bachelor's degree, Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod


The article presents the interim results of the author's sociological study «The attitude of the youth of Belgorod to religion and religiosity», conducted on the basis of the laboratory «Sociology of Religion, Culture and Communication» of the International Center for Sociological Research of the Department of Sociology and Organization of Work with Youth of the Belgorod National Research University. One of the main methods of sociological research was a mass survey of young people, which was organized in March. Data collection continues. According to the results of the survey, a linear analysis of quantitative information was carried out in terms of the attitude of young people to religion and faith. It was revealed that in general, the youth of Belgorod have a positive attitude to religion, religiosity and faith, but the negative image of the Russian Orthodox Church prevails in the minds of young people. In addition, it was revealed that the religious self-identification of young people differs from the real level of their religiosity as a «complex of behavioral practices». To verify the level of religiosity of young people in the city of Belgorod allowed clarifying and verifying questions concerning public and private religious practices of young people.


Keywords: religion; religiosity; faith; values; youth.


The process of secularization, which has been present in our country for a long time, has led to the emergence of a new religious situation in the country: it has entailed not the elimination of religion, but a change in its structure and role. Despite the fact that the study of the religiosity of Russians based on mass sociological surveys began in the late 80s, the study of the attitude of society, young people in particular, to religion and religiosity does not lose its relevance today and is due to the transformation of the institution of religion in a post-secular society.

The research group of the laboratory "Sociology of Religion, Culture and Communications" of the International Center for Sociological Research of NIU "BelSU" (head - S. D. Lebedev, performer - N. V. Khareba) in March 2021 initiated a sociological study "Attitude of Belgorod youth to religion and religiosity." To study the attitude of young people in Belgorod to religion and religiosity, three empirical methods of research were used: a mass survey of young people, interviews with young people, and expert interviews. Sociological research has not yet been completed, data collection is ongoing, interim results are presented in the article.

By belonging to faith, young people were divided into those who consider themselves a believer (61.5% of respondents), who fluctuate between faith and disbelief (15.4% of respondents), who do not consider themselves a believer (7.7%), as well as atheists (7.7%). To the question "What does faith mean to you?" most respondents found it difficult to give an answer. Of the proposed answer options, most often young people chose such as "Help in difficult situations," "Meaning of life."

According to confessional grounds, young people mainly classified themselves as Orthodox believers (61.5% of respondents). 12.8% of young people consider themselves believers, but they cannot attribute themselves to a certain denomination.

According to S. D. Lebedev, "cognitive self-esteem of religiosity is too weak a sign, insufficient to state the fact of religiosity of the subject." The prevailing religiosity of the population is characterized by persistent manifestations in the behavior of a person/group. Forms of such manifestations include public and private religious practices. Public religious practices include religious holidays and rites. Another of the most common and popular indicators of "institutionalized religiosity" in the sociology of religion is a visit to the temple (mosque, prayer house) in order to participate in organized collective worship. The indicator here is the frequency of such a visit. Private religious practices include private (home) prayer; reading religious literature (sacred books); Compliance with established religious provisions.

Verifying the level of religiosity allows clarifying and verifying questions that help to understand how religious self-identification is conscious, supported by certain actions.

We also asked respondents the question "How do you feel about public manifestations of religiosity in public places outside the church, mosque, synagogue, etc.? (for example, when in public places someone next to you prays, is baptized, etc.). " An equal number of respondents (35.9% each) chose a neutral and positive attitude to the public manifestation of religiosity, 28.2% of young people feel awkward.

A separate block of questions in our questionnaire was a block on the attitude of young people to the activities of the Russian Orthodox Church. We asked the respondents the question "Do you approve of the activities of the Russian Orthodox Church?." The majority of respondents (35.9%) do not approve of the activities of the Russian Orthodox Church. To the question "Has your attitude towards the Russian Orthodox Church changed over the past few years?" 33.3% of respondents noted the answer options "yes, changed for the worse" and "remained unchanged," 30.8% found it difficult to answer this question. We also asked respondents the question "Do you think that the Russian Orthodox Church has an impact on the public life of the country?." The majority of respondents (35.9%) believe that the Russian Orthodox Church has an impact on public life, "has a weak influence" noted 20.5% of young people. Some chose the answer option "Other" and gave their answers: "They create a mess," "They shake money from people seeking help in the church."

The interest of researchers in the study of religion and religiosity is due to the strengthening of their role in all spheres of public life. But the difficulty of studying these categories lies in the absence of an unambiguous approach and a unified theoretical and methodological basis for the study. Despite the fact that many works have been written on religious topics, to this day disputes do not subside, discussions are held, various points of view are expressed about the essence of religion and the prospects for its development. An important study for sociological science is how deeply occurring changes in the religious sphere affect the consciousness of young people, their views and behavior; the attitude of young people to religion; how many young people identify themselves as believers, Orthodox, church-dwellers.



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