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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 14(142)

Рубрика журнала: Экономика

Секция: Маркетинг

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Библиографическое описание:
Zhuravlev K.M. EXPLORING SAMSUNG'S MARKETING ENVIRONMENT // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2021. № 14(142). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/142/208031 (дата обращения: 08.10.2024).


Zhuravlev Kirill Mikhailovich

student, Department of Sociology and Organization Of work with Youth, Belgorod State University,

Russia, Belgorod


In this article, the author examines the marketing environment of Samsung, and also gives the results of his research. The article assesses certain aspects of Samsung itself and its products. In order to study the marketing environment of Samsung on the example of its flagship devices "Samsung Galaxy" in November 2020, a sociological survey was conducted among residents of Belgorod in Google-form. The purpose of the survey: to reveal the attitude of consumers towards the brand and Samsung Galaxy devices, as well as to study the main criteria of respondents, based on which they choose devices for their use.


Keywords: marketing, company, Samsung, market, consumers.



The marketing environment of a company is a complete set of all factors and conditions in which the company carries out and plans its activities and which affect its marketing activities. It includes all the forces that in one way or another act on the company and are associated with the establishment of links with the market of this company.

Samsung is a South Korean group of companies founded in 1938. It is a world-renowned brand engaged in the production of high-tech products for most areas of human life. At the same time, Samsung is one of the largest and leading companies in the mobile device market. Every year the company releases new flagship and budget devices that are popular with consumers as well as companies.

Samsung has a huge scale of development, their devices and equipment are sold all over the world, which is why the marketing research of this company and brand is relevant and significant for the modern world. Giants like Samsung deserve due attention and scrutiny.

Shevchenko M. N. is studying the marketing environment of the mobile devices market [3]. They study the companies on the smartphone market, their technologies and capabilities. The article presents the data of a sociological study conducted by the author, on the basis of which she concludes that each company should improve the level of production technologies of its devices and the technologies of the devices themselves, as well as form modern trends in the development of the company for its promotion.

Main part

The survey involved residents of Belgorod city, of different sexes and ages. The sample consisted of 43 people, including people using Samsung Galaxy smartphones, as well as users of other smartphone brands.

According to the survey, 51.2% of men and 48.8% of women took part in it. Based on the data obtained in the question about age, we can say that 41.9% of respondents are in the age range from 15 to 20 years old, 32.6% of respondents are in the range from 21 to 30 years old, and the percentage of respondents over 30 years old is 25.6%.


Figure 1. Distribution of respondents 'responses to the question:" Specify your age»


After the socio-demographic bloc in the form, questions related to the Samsung Galaxy product begin. When asked "Are you familiar with Samsung?" 100% of the respondents answered “Yes, I am.”, which indicates significant brand awareness among the surveyed respondents. To the question "Are you familiar with Samsung's flagship smartphones" Samsung galaxy "?" 79.1% of respondents answered that they are familiar with the range of these smartphones, and the remaining 20.9% of respondents said that they are not familiar with these smartphones. Based on the data obtained in this question, it can be concluded that the majority of those surveyed are aware of the Galaxy line.

The next question was aimed at identifying users of Galaxy smartphones: "Do you use Samsung galaxy smartphones?" Survey data show that 41.9% of respondents are users of Samsung Galaxy smartphones, while the remaining 58.1% prefer smartphones from other brands. Based on these data, it can be concluded that Galaxy smartphones have a serious weight in the market, since they are used by almost half of the surveyed respondents.

To the question "What is the main thing for you in choosing a smartphone?" respondents were asked to choose no more than 2 answer options. The first place in importance among respondents with a result of 51.2% is the build quality of the device; the second is the fact that the prices were fixed; the third place with a result of 34.9% is for technical characteristics, followed by the country of origin (20.9%) and the status of the device (16.3%).


Figure 2. Distribution of respondents 'answers to the question:" What is the main thing for you in choosing a smartphone?»


The respondents were also asked the question: "If there is a slight increase in the price of Samsung Galaxy smartphones in the future, will you buy yourself a new smartphone?" 76.7% of the respondents answered “Yes, I will.”, the remaining 23.3% answered “No, I won’t.”. This suggests that the authority of Samsung in the market is present and people are ready to pay extra for its products.

When asked "How did you find out about Samsung Galaxy smartphones?" 58.1% of respondents answered that they learned about Samsung Galaxy smartphones from the Internet, 41.9% learned about them from advertisements on TV, and 11.6% learned about these smartphones from friends and consultants in the store. This suggests that advertising for smartphones works best through the Internet and television.


Figure 3. Distribution of respondents 'responses to the question:" How did you learn about Samsung Galaxy smartphones?»


At the end of the form, an open-ended question was offered in which respondents could express what they dislike about Samsung Galaxy smartphones. 44.2% of respondents are satisfied with everything, 27.9% are not satisfied with the operating system, 9.3% are not satisfied with the camera, 14% are not satisfied with the smartphone interface, 2.3% are not satisfied with the size, 2.3% are not satisfied with everything.


Figure 4. Distribution of respondents 'responses to the question:" What do you dislike about Galaxy smartphones?»


Based on the data obtained during the survey, certain conclusions can be drawn. Samsung is very popular in the Belgorod market, the loyalty of users of smartphones of this company, as well as users of devices from other companies to the Samsung brand is positive to a greater extent. Among the surveyed respondents, there are more of those who use Samsung products, therefore their opinion is significant, since they understand this issue. Also, several problems were identified that are present in Samsung products in the opinion of respondents: the operating system, the stability of the smartphone and its interface occupy a leading position among the list of problems for Samsung smartphones, the secondary ones are the camera and design.

Summing up, it can be said that Samsung is one of the world's leading brands in the mobile device market. It enjoys great popularity and loyalty among mobile users. That is why market research of such giants as Samsung is an excellent opportunity to obtain important and useful information.



  1. Site of the Federal State Statistics Service. GDP in Q1 2019 - first estimate. - Electronic source. - URL: https://rosstat.gov.ru/folder/210/document/12993 (date of access: 24.11.2020).
  2. Site of the exchange Author 24. - The concept of the marketing environment of the enterprise. - Electronic source. - URL: https://spravochnick.ru/marketing/marketingovaya_sreda/marketingovaya_sreda_predpriyatiya/(date of access: 24.11.2020).
  3. Shevchenko, M.N. Analysis of the marketing environment of enterprises [Electronic resource] / M.N. Shevchenko // Mode of access to ed.: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/analiz-marketingovoy-sredy-predpriyatiy - System. requirements: IBM PC, Internet Explorer.

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