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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 12(140)

Рубрика журнала: Социология

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Библиографическое описание:
Garipova A. MOTIVATION OF STUDENTS' HEALTHY LIFESTYLE // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2021. № 12(140). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/140/206989 (дата обращения: 20.03.2025).


Garipova Alexandra

student, Department of Sociology and Organization of work with Youth, Belgorod State University,

Russia, Belgorod


The article considers a healthy lifestyle as an important component of every person 's life. The motivation of a healthy lifestyle is also defined, its types are determined. An analysis of the motivation of healthy lifestyle of students was carried out on the example of students of NIU «BelSU». The purpose of the article is study the main motives for leading a healthy lifestyle for young people. The method is questionnaire in Google form. The results are that the main motives and factors that affect the conduct of a healthy lifestyle by young people are highlighted. The conclusions are that one of the main for students of NIU «BelSU» is the motivation of improvement, which involves conducting a healthy lifestyle to improve physical fitness and maintain beauty; the motivation of self-preservation aimed at maintaining health at the proper level is also leading.


Keywords: health, healthy lifestyle, motivation, students, motives.



Health is one of the main components of the life of each person. When health is promoted and maintained at the proper level, it will ensure a long and active life for a person [1]. Human health is an indicator of quality of life and is largely determined by lifestyle. Based on data published by the World Health Organization, a person's health depends on his lifestyle by 50-55%. However, in new studies, lifestyle as a health factor is already 70% [2].

The problem of dependence of health level on factors was also dealt with by academician Lisitsyn [3]. He developed his own model of the dependence of the level of health of the population on social factors. The most influential factor, like WHO, Lisitsyn identified a lifestyle and living conditions - more than 50%. Hereditary factors and the state of the environment make up about 15-20%. The last factor is the work of health authorities and institutions, which is 10-15%.

Motivation is a factor that significantly influences healthy lifestyles. Motivation refers to the internal forces that motivate a person to act. According to the definition of T.V. Karaseva, motivation for a healthy lifestyle is a set of internal and external motives that encourage a person to work to preserve and strengthen health [4]. There are such types of motivation for healthy lifestyle:

1. The motivation of self-preservation involves a careful attitude to health and life, the desire to restore lost health and to maintain health at the proper level.

2. The motivation of self-realization – the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle for competitiveness in the labor market, compliance with professional qualities.

3. The motivation of self-improvement – beauty and good physical fitness.

4. Motivation for pleasure includes maintaining healthy lifestyle due to improved mood from classes sports, reduced stress and improved mental health.

5. The motivation of conformity is associated with imitation of friends, parents, idols, the desire to be an example for others.

A healthy lifestyle is especially necessary and significant in the student environment, since young people are the future generation. But student youth are at risk, it is they who are exposed to the influence of negative factors on health (bad habits, unhealthy nutrition, wrong day regimen). Also, students often lack time, funds, and internal motivation to conduct healthy lifestyle. It is necessary to involve young people in a culture of health and a healthy lifestyle.

Main part

The results of the study showed that most students define the concept a "healthy lifestyle" as a physically active life, balanced nutrition and abandonment of bad habits (Figure 1). At the same time, the main components of healthy lifestyle the students allocated sports (74%), proper nutrition (73%) and rejection of bad habits (72%).


Figure 1. The distribution of student answers to the question: "What do you think includes the concept "healthy lifestyle?"


All interviewed students have a positive attitude to a healthy lifestyle, but at the same time only 21% of respondents follow healthy lifestyles. 64% of respondents try to adhere to a healthy lifestyle, and 15% do not follow it. The main reasons for ignorance of healthy lifestyle by student youth are lack of motivation and free time (Figure 2). These reasons are quite natural, since most of their time young people spend on tuition at the university. And to allocate additional time for healthy lifestyle is problematic, since there is no motivation and interest in this area. Among the reasons for ignorance of healthy lifestyle, the presence of bad habits stands out. So, the most common bad habits are harmful eating habits (poor nutrition, fast food, overeating) - 56% of respondents. This is followed by alcohol consumption (15%) and smoking (14%). At the same time, 36% of respondents replied that they had no bad habits.


Figure 2. The distribution of student answers to the question: "If you do not maintain a healthy lifestyle, specify the reason or several reasons."


The main components of healthy lifestyle are sports, physical activity and proper nutrition. One of the tasks of the study was to identify the current level of healthy lifestyle management. So, 76% of respondents are engaged in physical education and sports independently with different frequencies, and 33% visit gyms. This indicates a high level of physical education among young people, since most are engaged in sports on their own. But the second component, proper nutrition, is adhered to by only 26% of respondents. At the same time, among the main disorders, eating fast food, fatty food, as well as eating at night are most common (Figure 3).


Figure 3. The distribution of student answers to the question: "If you do not comply, what is most common as a violation of proper nutrition?"


When identifying the internal motivation of students to follow a healthy lifestyle, it is worth noting that the predominant motivation is self-improvement, aimed at the desire to have a beautiful figure, a tightened body, and also easier to tolerate loads. One of the leaders is the motivation for self-preservation, which involves the maintenance of healthy lifestyle to maintain and maintain the current level of health at the proper level. Also, according to the answers of respondents, it is worth highlighting the motivation of pleasure, on the basis of which young people prefer to lead healthy lifestyle due to the fact that their mood improves and stress from sports is relieved (Figure 4).


Figure 4. The distribution of student answers to the question: "What motivates you to lead or adhere to healthy life?"


It should be noted that the study revealed that most students are ready for a healthy lifestyle (79%). This can be confirmed by the fact that most students who have bad habits are ready to abandon them. So, 19% of 26% of smokers agree to quit. 21% of 32% who have this bad habit agree to abandon alcohol abuse. And 50% of 80% of respondents are ready to abandon harmful eating habits (Figure 5). This indicates the orientation of young people to a healthy lifestyle, their readiness to begin to fully adhere to healthy lifestyle.


Figure 5. The distribution of student answers to the question: "Are you ready to abandon bad habits if you have them?"



In conclusion we admit that in today's world, the value of health is sidelined, leading to greater morbidity and low levels of health for the entire population. Modern youth are credited with an unhealthy lifestyle. As a student many young people try alcohol, smoking, and drugs. In addition, young age is a time of rapid addiction to addictive habits.

But despite all these common beliefs, the study proves that for many young people health remains one of the main values. Thus, one of the main motivations for maintaining healthy lifestyle is not only the motivation for self-improvement, but also the motivation for self-preservation, which involves a careful attitude to health and life, as well as the desire to restore lost health and to maintain health at the proper level.

Indeed, the study showed that young people understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle and are positive about it. But, unfortunately, students do not conduct healthy life completely for such reasons as lack of time and lack of motivation, interest. At the same time, most of young people are ready to conduct healthy lifestyle, which is a positive point. In general, 79% of respondents expressed their readiness to conduct healthy lifestyle, and most students who have bad habits are ready to abandon them.

Thus, health continues to be an essential component of every human being's life. It is of particular importance for young people, since it is they who are the future of the country. Young people must be healthy and healthy in order to perform their social functions successfully. Therefore, the actions of the state and educational institutions should be aimed at creating motivation for a healthy lifestyle.



  1. Vetkov, N.E. Human health as a value and its determinants / N.E. Vetkov // Science-2020. – 2016. – №5. – Pp. 126-142.
  2. Ermolaeva, P.O. The main trends of a healthy lifestyle of Russians / P.O. Ermolaeva, E.P. Noskova // Sociological research. – 2015. – №4. – Pp. 120-129.
  3. Lisitsyn, Yu.P. Public health and healthcare / Yu.P. Lisitsyn. - M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2010. – 512 p.
  4. Karaseva, T.V. The characteristics of motivation to follow healthy lifestyle / T.V. Karaseva, E.V. Ruzhenskaya // Problems of social hygiene, health care and the history of medicine. – 2013. – №5. – Pp. 23-24.

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