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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 12(140)

Рубрика журнала: Социология

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Библиографическое описание:
Eliseeva E.S. STUDENTS' IDEAS ABOUT FAMILY AND MARRIAGE PARTNER // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2021. № 12(140). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/140/206937 (дата обращения: 03.10.2024).


Eliseeva Ekaterina Sergeevna

student, Department of Sociology and Organization of work with Youth, Belgorod State University,

Russia, Belgorod


The article presents the family values of youth, examines the qualities of marriage partners, age at marriage, factors of family stability. The aim of the study is analyze the orientations and values ​​of students in choosing a marriage partner. The object of the study is students of the National Research University "BelSU". Method: questionnaire in google form. The results: presents the main results on students' expectations regarding marriage and family life. Conclusion: each of the marriage partners is considered equal in contemporary society. The reasons for marriage are procreating, mutual support and love. The ideal age for marriage is 24-26.


Keywords: marriage, family, students, value orientations, questionnaire.



Problems in the field of family and marriage are a relevant direction of research in sociology. According to Rastatt for 2019, almost 917 thousand marriages were registered in our country, in the same year the number of divorced families was 528 thousand. That is 57% of marriages ends with a divorce. This area requires the study of specialists. It is necessary to pay special attention to young people when studying the problems of marriage and family. This socio-age group is more susceptible to strong influence on the part of society. Cardinal changes in Russian society, touched upon the traditional foundations and the institution of the family. The study of family values, of young people makes it possible to find out the peculiarities of family life with the future partner.

Main part

On the first question, students asked to express their attitude towards marriage. Most students are 82% positively to marry. The causes for marriage in men: continuation of the kind; the presence of a number of men who will always support or understand. The opinion of girls and young people in choosing the causes of marriage is almost the same. The difference is that the young women called the main reason - the presence of a person near a person who will always support or understand. Among the girls the continuation of the kind is not considered the main cause of marriage. Since after marriage women are less than the time for self-realization itself. Because you have to combine family and professional sphere, home affairs (chart 1.).


Chart 1. Distribution of students' responses to the question on the floor: «For what, from your point of view, people get married, go to the family?»


Students 65% believe that the roles are not divided into "Men's only" or "Men's only". If necessary each of the spouses can perform the domestic affairs of the other. This is not a reason for the conflict between partners. With this statement, 33% of the guys agreed and 32% of girls. The following table 1 shows the data on the distribution of students' responses.

Table 1.

The distribution of students' responses to the question: «Express or disagree with the following judgments»


The distribution of responses to the question of what qualities should be the perfect wife is represented in the chart 2. Most men believe that the ideal wife should have qualities: loyalty 68%, mind 60, love for children is 32%. The young women replied: loyalty is the most popular answer, it was chosen 52%, then 41% of the kindness, 35% sense of humor. Also the girl's preference was given to such qualities as the mind of 34%, love for children 25%, tenderness of 24%. Interesting is the fact that a number of men believe that the perfect wife should be modest 13%, and girls do not think so much 2%. According to men the perfect wife does not have to have a beauty of 5%, the ability to insist in its 3%, with 2% clarity. So the principal cause of marriage in men is the continuation of the kind. It is assumed that the perfect wife should have such quality as love for children.


Chart 2. Distribution of responses of students by the floor to the question: «How do you think, what qualities should the perfect wife be posted?»


Most women believe that an ideal husband must have such qualities: loyalty 63%, liability 52%, reliability 46%. Among men, the most popular answer is 59% reliability, 48% responsibility, 42% loyalty. An ideal husband, according to men: Must be able to insist on her 9%, while girls do not consider 1%. The same number of respondents is 7% guys and 7% of the girls noted that the perfect husband should be able to empathize. Of the qualities that have gained the minimum number of answers, according to men, it is a kindness of 6%, a decent of 4%.


Chart 3. Distribution of the responses of students on the floor to the question: «In your opinion, what qualities should the perfect husband have?»


If you compare charts 1 and 2, it turns out for women and man's loyalty is the most important character of the perfect spouse. The distribution of the attitude of the respondents to the question of what qualities should not be possessing the future husband and the future wife is represented in the chart 4. The greatest option in the opinion of the girls was gained answers: egoism 54%, rudeness 43%, laziness is 40%. According to men, rudeness is 40%, laziness is 33%, egoism 31%. The smallest preferences in the opinion of girls, they earned such answers as the cunning of 4%, bitch and spectacle of 2%, harmfulness of 1%. Among men trick is 6%, the chat is 5%, the cowardice is 2%. Thus, women noted the same qualities that the partner should not have.


Chart 4. Distribution of responses of students on the floor to the question: «Indicate, please, categorically unacceptable for you the features of the future husband and future wife»


Most of the respondents called the perfect age for marriage 24-26 years. At this age students plan to create a family. On the question of whether you allow your marriage alliance with a representative of another nationality. Тhe opinions of respondents were divided: 63% of respondents allow their marriage union, 37% this union is not allowed. On the one hand, this may be associated with misunderstanding or repayments from society and loved ones. On the other hand, maybe because of national customs and traditions. As for the religious denomination allowed its marriage union with a representative of another religious denomination of 56.2% of men and 43.6% of women. It was important to know family stability factors. Men think that the main factors providing family stability belongs: mutual understanding of the spouses is 40%, respectful relationship between spouses 29%. The same number of respondents answered - harmony in intimate relations 25% and mutual assistance of spouses 25%. Women believe that the key to family stability is a respectful ratio of 35%, mutual assistance of spouses 34%, mutual understanding of spouses 29%. Only 1%, guys and 3%, girls noted that the presence of children can be a factor that provides family stability. Also, 12%, men, indicated that independence is one of the important factors of family stability, and women do not consider only 7%, the respondents agreed with them. But the factor of material well-being supported a greater number of female representatives, so much 20% responded. Thus, according to men, the family should have mutual understanding, but at the same time there must be independence of the spouses. It was important that approximately for an equal number of harmony respondents in intimate relations, is considered the equally significant factor of family stability (сhart 5.).


Chart 5. Distribution of students on the floor to the question: «How do you think that family stability is provided?»



The study made it possible to formulate the following conclusions. Choosing a marriage partner is a complex process. In many respects, this choice depends on many factors and circumstances. For modern students, the choice of a marriage partner is only their personal decision. This choice can be called unique, as it is based on the individual characteristics of a person. Initially, problems arising in most cases when choosing a marriage partner can be prevented at the initial stage of relations. According to youth, each partner is considered equal in contemporary society. Therefore, with disagreements or quarrels, conversations and compromises will allow the family and marriage.



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  3. Tulastat [Electronic resource] / Tulastat // Access mode to ed.: Https://tulastat.gks.ru/storage/mediabank/press_Rellize(26).pdf36ob6ld - systems. Requirements: IBM PC, Internet Explorer

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