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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 7(135)

Рубрика журнала: Социология

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Библиографическое описание:
Kozhukhov D. SOCIAL ACCOMPANIMENT FOR HOUSEHOLDS WITH CHILDREN IN BELGOROD REGION // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2021. № 7(135). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/135/204225 (дата обращения: 21.03.2025).


Kozhukhov Dmitrii

graduate student, Faculty of Social Science Belgorod National Research University

Russia, Belgorod

Elnikova Galina

научный руководитель,

scientific supervisor, Doctor of Social Science, Professor Belgorod National Research University

Russia, Belgorod


The article is devoted to the problem of introducing social accompaniment for households with children. It reveals the concept of "social accompaniment", examines the process of institutionalization of social accompaniment in Russia, and analyzes the activities of the MBU "Social rehabilitation center for minors" of the Belgorod region in the field of social accompaniment for families with children.


Keywords: difficult straits, social accompaniment for families with children, social assistance, social accompaniment.


Modern society can bring a lot of threats and risks to a child's life. And these threats and risks a young emerging personality cannot easily overcome on its own without consequences. Largely it applies to children of the "risk group".

According to A. A. Kiberev and I. V. Senchukova, most of risks and violations of the socialization process occurs in children from dysfunctional (maladapted) families. From families, where children are deprived of attention and care from their parents [3, 35]. In this case, it is very important to help not only the child, but also the whole family to overcome difficult straits. Currently, the main means of comprehensive assistance to families with children in our country is social accompaniment.

In accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation «On the basics of social services for citizens in the Russian Federation» dated December 28, 2013. No. 442-FZ, which put into force on January 1, 2015, social accompaniment is an activity to accompany citizens, including parents, guardians, trustees, and other legal representatives of minor children in need of medical, psychological, pedagogical, legal, and social assistance that is not related to social services, by involving organizations that provide such assistance on the basis of interdepartmental interaction [1].

Since 2008, the Foundation for accompaniment of children in difficult straits, which was founded by the Ministry of labor and social protection of the Russian Federation, has been a leader in helping children in difficult straits in our country. Prevention and early detection of child and family problems, mobilization of opportunities to preserve the child's family environment and activate the internal potential of the family are among the main priorities of the Foundation.

Simultaneously with the adoption and entry into force of the above-mentioned Federal law No. 442 in 2014-2015, the Fund for accompaniment of children in difficult straits organized a large-scale project to introduce social accompaniment for families with children. This project was made with the accompaniment of the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of labor and social protection of the Russian Federation, as well as the Executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation – project participants selected on a competitive basis. It was supposed to be implemented at the beginning in the Astrakhan, Kaluga, Novgorod, Pskov, Tver regions and the city of Moscow, and then, if this enterprise is successful, spread to other regions [4, 7].

The goal of this project was to improve the quality of social services for families with children, as well as the level of accessibility of social services and social assistance provided to them. With its implementation in Russia, the institutionalization of social accompaniment for families with children began [4, 6].

First of all, the project was aimed at: 1. Integration of social accompaniment for families with children in the above-mentioned regions; 2. Development of the legal basis as well as an informational and methodological documents and materials that ensure the integration of social accompaniment for families with children in the project's participating regions; 3.ensuring effective changes in the system of social accompaniment for families with children through the institutionalization of social accompaniment for families with children; 4. creating conditions for the formation of a sustainable model of sector-specific and cross sectoral interaction on social accompaniment for families with children.

Social accompaniment for families with children was supposed to solve such tasks as: 1. ensuring the prevention and / or overcoming of crisis situations in the families; 2. helping to create conditions for the successful adaptation and socialization of children as well as helping to strengthen the family; 3. ensuring the prevention of violence, abuse, violations of the rights and legitimate interests of children, including orphans; 4. improving the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents; 5. the use of effective technologies and methods of working with the family aimed at activating its internal resources and forming a sense of responsibility of parents for the upbringing of children [4, 6]. However, the main task that the introduction of social accompaniment was supposed to solve was to create conditions for reducing social orphanhood, returning children from foster and substitute families to state institutions, abandonment of children in the family and in maternity hospitals, and preventing the deprivation of parental rights [4, 6].

The integration of social accompaniment in the Astrakhan, Kaluga, Novgorod, Pskov, Tver regions and the city of Moscow was successful [4, 120], and in the middle of 2017, social accompaniment appeared in the Belgorod region.

In this region, social accompaniment has been provided through various social service organizations, such as: MBU "Social rehabilitation center for minors" of Belgorod district, MU "Complex center of social service of the population" of Belgorod district, MBU "Center of social aid to family and children "Family" in Korochansky district, MBU "a Multidisciplinary center of social aid to family and children "Family" in Veydelevsky district, SMBPASS "Krasnoyaruzhskiy social rehabilitation center for minors" and others.

In some of them, for example, in MBU "Social rehabilitation center for minors" of the Belgorod district (hereinafter-MBU "Srcdn"), special departments of social accompaniment for families with children were later created.

In this article, we have analyzed the activities of this institution in the field of social accompaniment for families with children.

The Department of social accompaniment for families with children in MBU "Srcdn" of the Belgorod district appeared in February 2019, and today it consists of the head of the Department and specialists in social work. The specialists work as curators for families, helping them to solve psychological, medical, pedagogical, social and legal problems, as well as to improve their quality of life, the level of social service. They also work to prevent and overcome family problems, and preserve the family for the child.

The types of families that have an opportunity to receive social accompaniment in the region vary depending on the specific institutions, but mostly they are: foster families; families raising children with disabilities; families raising children with disabilities under the age of 3 years; large families; mothers with newborn children who intend to abandon the child; low-income families; single-parent families raising minor children; families in a socially dangerous situation; families of forced migrants, refugees; families with minor children where one or both parents are addicted to alcohol or drugs.

The Department of social accompaniment for families with children of the MBU "Srcdn" operates in the Belgorod district of the Belgorod region in such localities as: Pushkarnoye village, Razumnoye village, Krutogskoye rural settlement, Novosadovskoye rural settlement, Khokhlovskoye rural settlement, Belomestnenskoye rural settlement, streletskoye rural settlement and Pushkarnoye rural settlement.

Below we present analytical information for all the work of the Department of social accompaniment for families with children of MBU "Srcdn" of the Belgorod district from the moment of its Foundation until June 2020. This information is from the report to the Department of social protection of the population of the Belgorod region [2].

Table 1.

Analytical information for 2019-the first half of 2020 of the Department of social accompaniment for families with children of MBU "Srcdn"

The amount of the accepted families for social accompaniment

From them:

Who are in a difficult life situation

Who are in a socially dangerous situation

Who were Removed from accompaniment.

Of them:

Transferred to state agencies

Deprived or restricted of parental rights

Have an improvement of the situation in the family








Based on the table data, the fact that 40 families were accepted for social accompaniment from only 6 settlement in year and a half indicates the high relevance of this service. Because in order to get social accompaniment, a family member who is interested in improving the situation (usually the mother or father), has to write an application and sign a contract. That is is usually done when social work specialists visit a family, that is potentially in need of social accompaniment, in order to conduct an act of assessment of housing conditions.

In addition, 11 families were removed from social accompaniment, among which 7 were removed directly in connection with the improvement of the situation, and 3 were deprived of parental rights and restricted in them. This directly indicates the usefulness and significance of the Department's work. Also, according to the Department's management, in the 2nd half of 2020, by November 15, 4 families have already been removed due to the improvement of the situation, and 3 more will be removed in the very next month. Moreover, there are no plans for deprivations and restrictions of parental rights in this half-year.

For comparison, in 2017 (at the beginning of the introduction of social accompaniment for families and children) in the Belgorod region, there were 288 children whose parents were deprived of parental rights and 64 children whose parents were restricted in parental rights [5].

Unfortunately, the website of the Federal State Statistics Service does not provide statistics on deprivation and restrictions in parental rights in 2018-2020. However, according to the reporting information of the Astrakhan, Kaluga, Novgorod, Pskov, Tver regions and the city of Moscow, as well as one specific Department of social accompaniment in the Belgorod region, we can talk about the success and high importance of social accompaniment for families with children, including in our region.



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