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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 39(125)

Рубрика журнала: Экономика

Секция: Менеджмент

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Библиографическое описание:
Abdulkhalikova Kh. MOTIVATION OF LABOR STAFF AT THE ENTERPRISE // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2020. № 39(125). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/125/194131 (дата обращения: 04.03.2025).


Abdulkhalikova Khamis

2rd year student of magistracy, direction “Management”, Dagestan State University,

Russia, Makhachkala

Abdullaeva Madina

научный руководитель,

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Economic faculty, Dagestan State University,

Russia, Makhachkala


The article analyzes such categories in personnel management as “motivation”, “motivation system”. The concepts, methods and forms of labor motivation are given, the main tasks of motivation are considered.


Keywords: motivation, stimulation, staff, employee, methods of motivation, forms of motivation, material motivation, intangible motivation.


Currently, the company attaches particular importance to the personnel, which is its main resource, since the development and prosperity of the company is determined by the attitude of employees to work and how they perform their duties. Successful work and achievement of the company's goals largely depend on ensuring the effective performance of personnel. To do this, the employer must motivate the staff, make employees want to actively take actions that bring the company closer to achieving the set goals [2, p.52].

The results of the organization's activities depend on the effectiveness of employees' work, therefore one of the main tasks is to develop a system of motivation [6, p.363].

Motivation is a necessary and integral part of the management system, the main factor in increasing the efficiency of personnel and the activities of the enterprise as a whole.

Labor motivation is the process of motivating an employee to act, a set of factors that make him behave in the necessary way [1, p.122]. Its main purpose is to stimulate labor, to combine the interests of the employee and the enterprise. Since staff motivation affects labor productivity, the main task is to direct the efforts of employees to achieve the goals of the organization. Labor productivity is one of the most important economic indicators that characterize the efficiency of personnel use, its increase largely predetermines the change in the performance indicators of the enterprise [3, p.137].

The main task of personnel management is to achieve the set goals, to attract and retain employees who are valuable for the organization and to increase their efficiency, motivation and stimulation of personnel labor are necessary [5, p.134].

A person's activity is influenced by a large number of factors, therefore, in order to achieve effective motivation, the employer must constantly monitor the process of applying the available methods of material and non-material incentives. The first is expressed through the provision of material remuneration to the employee for work, and the second, respectively, non-material. In practice, the growth of motivation is provided mainly due to material rewards, it can be noted that the general and main incentive for employees is wages. Thus, an increase in wages contributes to an increase in the motivation of workers, which in turn ensures an increase in labor productivity, since there is a direct relationship between productivity and wages: the higher the wages, the higher the labor productivity indicator. There is a so-called economic law, according to which the rate of growth of productivity must outstrip the rate of growth of wages.

Satisfaction with the level of wages is a very important criterion for assessing the effectiveness of the current labor incentive system in the company. In order to strengthen the motivational interest and responsibility of each employee in improving the quality of work performed, increasing their volume and increasing the efficiency of activities, if funds are available, it is necessary to introduce bonuses to employees based on the results of work for half a year.

Let's briefly reveal the ways of material motivation of labor: wages, social benefits, bonuses, discounts, training at the expense of the company. Methods of non-material motivation for work: praise, addressing employees by name, additional rest, the prospect of promotion, the opportunity to express one's opinion and be heard, a board of honor, corporate parties, creating a bank of ideas [6, p. 366]. They are all good in their own way.

In order to create an effective system of motivation, to apply certain methods of material or non-material motivation of labor, the head must first investigate those with whom he is going to work. That is why, in motivational management, research is more important than impact.

At the heart of motivational management is the understanding that successful motivation must be individualized. The manager needs to motivate each employee so that he understands that his own well-being and confidence in the future depends on the financial condition of the organization, its customers and its image. This is facilitated by the strengthening of group motivation in combination with individual.

The main problem with correct or incorrect labor motivation is to find the optimal balance of material and non-material motivation for the work of the organization's employees. Only their balanced system makes it possible not only to maintain the efficiency of personnel, but also to reduce costs, achieve the implementation of the company's strategy, and reduce resistance to changes and innovations. For example, if material motivation prevails, then after reaching a certain “saturation level”, 365 individual for each employee, it is very difficult to motivate staff in the same ways to work better. A further increase in monetary remuneration will no longer lead to an increase in labor efficiency. Ultimately, labor motivation is associated with the solution of the following tasks: to ensure stability in the payment of wages, to establish the relationship between labor results and the cost of labor in the labor market; create conditions for the employer under which he will be able to receive financial results and pay the staff a decent wage [4, p.284].

Thus, in conclusion, it should be noted that the modern system of labor motivation of the enterprise personnel should be aimed at increasing their labor productivity. The use of various forms and methods of incentives allows you to form an effective motivation for effective activity, which, in turn, will contribute to the functioning and development of the enterprise.

The employee, achieving material satisfaction from work, begins to pay more attention to professional growth, which is a positive factor for the company. Determination of the relationship between the final results of work and the system of its payment, including the possibility of receiving bonuses for various achievements in professional activity, is an important direction of personnel labor motivation [2, p.55].



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