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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 39(125)

Рубрика журнала: Экономика

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Библиографическое описание:
Kamalutdinova N. STRATEGY OF TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN THE REGIONS OF RUSSIA // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2020. № 39(125). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/125/194112 (дата обращения: 21.10.2024).


Kamalutdinova Nuryana

Master's student, Department of Management Dagestan State University

Russia, Makhachkala

Abdullaeva Madina

научный руководитель,

candidate of Sciences in Philosophy Dagestan State University

Russia, Makhachkala



Камалутдинова Нурьяна Камалутдиновна

магистрант, кафедра «Менеджмент», Дагестанский государственный университет,

РФ, г. Махачкала

Абдуллаева Мадина Имимаевна

научный руководитель, канд. филос. наук, Дагестанский государственный университет,

РФ, г. Махачкала



The development of tourism in Russia requires an infrastructure corresponding to modern conditions. We need a developed material and technical base. In other words, these are the means of production of tourism services and the necessary production infrastructure, as well as, of course, specially trained professional personnel and progressive technologies that provide tourists with quality services that meet international standards.


Для развития туризма в России необходима инфраструктура, соответствующая современным условиям. Нужна развитая материально-техническая база. Другими словами, это средства производства туристических услуг и необходимая производственная инфраструктура, а также, конечно, специально обученные профессиональные кадры и прогрессивные технологии, обеспечивающие туристам качественные услуги, соответствующие международным стандартам.


Keywords: tourism on Russia; the tourist and recreational sector; educational tourism; the domestic tourism market.

Ключевые слова: туризм по России; туристско-рекреационный сектор; познавательный туризм; рынок внутреннего туризма.


Tourism is a branch of the economy of the non-production sphere, which is designed to meet the needs of the population (tourists) in material and non-material services, i.e. create opportunities and a basis for rest and recreation for them. Tourism is the temporary movement of people from their permanent place of residence to another locality or country in their free time in order to receive health-improving, educational services, as well as to enjoy and rest.

In the economy of a large number of countries, the tourist and recreational complex plays an increasingly important role. Tourism is the main specialization of a number of countries in the world. It is the fundamental foundation of the economy of many developed and developing countries of the world. Nowadays, it has literally become a world-class industry. Today, among the sectors of the economy, tourism is in third place in the world after the trade in oil and oil products and the export of cars. Tourism has long been regarded as one of the most intensively developing and most profitable sectors of the world economy. This is evidenced by the fact that tourism today accounts for more than 10% of the world's gross national income.

The impact of tourism on Russia is still insignificant. Today, it is adequate to the state's contribution to the development of the industry and is constrained mainly by an undeveloped tourist infrastructure, an insufficient number of hotel rooms and a shortage of qualified personnel, a low level of hotel service and a lack of real public and private investments in this industry. A long and rather stable myth about Russia as a zone of high risk (criminally, politically and economically unstable) ultimately led to the fact that at present our country accounts for only 1% of the world tourist flow.

However, each region of the Russian Federation is characterized by the peculiarities of the state of the tourist complex.

In the middle lane and in the south of Russia, the priority areas of tourism in the country remain: recreation in resort areas of Russia (Sochi, Gelendzhik, Dagomys, etc.), educational tourism in cultural and historical centers of Russia ("Golden Ring of Russia" Moscow, St. Petersburg, Karelia). Along with them, more expensive and elite species are being developed and introduced - ecological and safari tours based on the rich recreational resources of the Smolensk, Kaliningrad regions, Karelia, the coastal regions of the Baltic and White Seas. The emergence in recent years of new tourist products in the regions of the North, the Urals and Siberia along with traditional tourist regions enhances Russia's competitive advantages. Tourism trends in the world show that as the world becomes more explored and fewer new tourist centers appear, the trend towards travel to more distant, less known and inaccessible places will increase.

A significant impetus to the development of tourism for a number of regions was the holding of the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi (2014), the FIFA World Cup (2018) and other significant cultural and sports events.

At the same time, it should be noted that the unique natural resources and cultural heritage possessed by our country cannot be considered as the only and sufficient condition for ensuring the successful development of tourism in the country, since they are only one of the elements of the tourist offer. In the world there are a number of examples of countries that are extremely successful in the development of tourism, which have natural or cultural resources that are relatively comparable to Russia, but at the same time have a developed high-quality tourist infrastructure.

For the most part, the tourist preferences of both foreign and domestic tourists are associated with a high level of service and a reasonable ratio of price and quality. These conditions now and in the near future will be preferred when choosing tourist trips. The general trend is the polarization of tourist preferences, on the one hand, characterized by the strengthening of the position of mass tourism in developed tourist countries, and on the other, by an increase in demand for an individual or specialized tourist product.

The systemic problem is that, while maintaining the existing level of Russia's competitiveness in the global tourism market, the possibilities for developing the domestic tourism market will be insufficient to improve the standard of living and increase employment of the population, to meet the growing demand for high-quality tourism services.

An analysis of the competitive advantages and weaknesses of the Russian Federation in the inbound and domestic tourism market shows the need for active action, primarily on the part of the state, aimed at creating conditions for sustainable tourism development in Russia.

Based on the foregoing, the main directions of the strategy for the development of tourism in the regions of the Russian Federation is the formation of a modern effective competitive tourism market that provides ample opportunities to meet the needs of Russian and foreign citizens in tourist services, increase employment and the level of income of the population.

As measures to achieve sustainable and comprehensive development of tourism in the regions of Russia, which will strengthen the country's international authority and, most importantly, improve the quality of life of the population, we suggest:

1. creation of a favorable competitive environment for the development of tourism of small and medium-sized businesses;

2. improvement of regulatory legal regulation in the field of tourism: the main directions of improvement of regulatory legal regulation in the field of tourism involve the development of legal acts relating to all sectors of the development of the tourism industry. These include issues of improving federal and regional legislation, stimulating investment activity, improving the quality of tourist services, and state support for domestic tourism.

3. development and improvement of tourist infrastructure, including accompanying (transport, catering, entertainment industry, etc.), improvement of the condition of beaches, their arrangement for tourists.

The development of social infrastructure must meet high standards of service, because a tourist, remote from his permanent residence and freed from everyday worries as much as possible, requires effective service in his free time. Here, an important place belongs to tourist accommodation establishments, catering, consumer services. It is they who can create quality parameters of a person's personal consumption.

The public catering system is formed at the expense of restaurants of different classes, bars, cafes and canteens, fast food and self-service points.

Accommodation facilities for tourists occupy an important place in the provision of services. Major such establishments include hotels and similar establishments, commercial and social accommodation establishments and specialized accommodation establishments. In the tourist infrastructure, a significant segment is the transport system formed from the road network, vehicles, devices. The road transport network in tourist regions is mainly complex, because there are multipurpose links - production, labor, tourist, created on the basis of railways, motorways, waterways, air roads.

4. creation of new priority tourist centers;

5. advertising and information image promotion of Russia as a country favorable for tourism in the world and domestic tourism markets;

6. improving the quality of tourist and related services, improving the sanitary and ecological state of tourist facilities;

7. improving the visa policy, including in the direction of simplifying the conditions of entry into our country for tourists from countries that are safe in terms of migration;

8. providing conditions for the personal safety of tourists;

9. unification of the quality of tourist services in the country, bringing them in line with international standards.

The development of the tourist and recreational sector of the economy in the regions of Russia necessarily presupposes the creation of a modern tourist and recreational infrastructure, new competitive tourism products and integration with the tourism market of neighboring countries. It is necessary to implement such projects as the creation of modern recreational and health centers based on thermal mineral springs and curative mud; creation of a beach tourist area, etc.

Based on this, for the successful development of tourism in our country, an adequate tourism industry with a well-developed material and technical base is needed. In other words, these are the means of production of tourist services and the production infrastructure necessary for them, as well as, of course, specially trained professional personnel and progressive technologies that provide high quality services for tourists that meet international standards.


Список литературы:

  1. Атаева Т.А. Маркетинг территорий как инструмент социально-экономического развития региона // Теория и практика общественного развития. 2014. № 16. C. 81-86
  2. Атаева Т.А. Маркетинг территорий как инструмент социально-экономического развития региона // Теория и практика общественного развития. 2014. № 16. C 134
  3. Журнал «Туризм: практика, проблемы, перспективы» №100 с. 15-20
  4. Стратегия развития туризма в России: понятие, цели и задачи//[Электронный ресурс]//URL:https://studopedia.ru/
  5. Атаева Т.А.//Научная статья «Формирование и развитие туристско-рекреационного кластера РД» 2018 //Электронный ресурс - Cyberleninka// URL:https://cyberleninka.ru/

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