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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 39(125)

Рубрика журнала: Экономика

Секция: Менеджмент

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Библиографическое описание:
Shakhshaeva R. INFLUENCE OF COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF ECONOMY AND MANAGEMENT // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2020. № 39(125). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/125/193990 (дата обращения: 04.03.2025).


Shakhshaeva Roza

2rd year student of magistracy, direction: «Management», Dagestan State University,

Russia, Makhachkala

Abdullaeva Madina

научный руководитель,

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Economic faculty, Dagestan State University,

Russia, Makhachkala


This article describes essence of informational and communicational technologies. The role and necessity of application of informational and communicational technologies (ICT) in modern management systems and in the development of the digital economy are investigated. In finish, conclusions are drawn about the necessity to solve the problems of ICT formation and their role in management system.


Keywords: information technologies, communications, ICT, management, management system.


Currently, communication technologies have the absolute ability to completely change all the mechanisms of functioning of each institution, as well as the entire state.

High rates of development of the sphere of communication technologies are mainly due to the process of formation of the information economy.

Communication technologies have a significant potential for economic development by increasing labor productivity, activating innovative processes in the economy, and increasing the efficiency of the economy.

The emergence of new communication technologies indirectly and directly affects all economic and managerial processes. The use of communication technologies in Economics and management consists in collecting, analyzing, storing and transmitting large amounts of economic and managerial information.

The processing of economic information takes place according to certain and pre-defined algorithms that you need to be able not only to use, but also to understand their correct meaning and purpose. Economic information can be stored in different volumes and on different media [3, p. 111]. At the same time, you can transmit information today at any distance, in the shortest possible time.

The integration of information and telecommunications systems leads to the improvement of traditional industries, the emergence of new branches of the economy, services and goods, as well as meeting the needs of modern society.

Information and communication technologies have become a tool for developing modern methods of enterprise management, which give completely different qualitative results, both at the level of the organization and at the level of the economy as a whole [4, p.174].

Modern communication technologies in comparison with previous traditional technologies have a certain number of differences, due to which their impact on economic growth and development of the national economy is qualitatively different. First of all, this is the global nature of the spread of communication technologies - they are used in almost all industries where productivity and efficiency can be increased, including in the field of management.

The high speed of development of communication technologies is associated with extremely low marginal costs of their distribution and use, which is reflected in a significant reduction in prices for products of the communication technology industries.

Thanks to all this, the total effect of using new technologies in the economy can be obtained much faster and in a larger volume than from any other traditions.

Communication technologies provide a special economic effect, since they are associated with the analysis and exchange of information, which plays a primary role in the modern economy [1, p.173].

Considering the role of modern communications, it is necessary to take into account the different level of technology and infrastructure, information training companies to introduce new technologies and other factors contributing to uneven development of communication technologies in international, regional and branch sections.

As a result, developing countries have minimal benefits from the production of technology products, which in turn contributes to economic growth and encourages the necessary structural changes.

The use of communication technologies can significantly reduce the time for processing information, increase its accuracy, content, reliability and stability, and increase its value.

Every day there are more and more branches of the economy and enterprises that have long been based on information not only as a resource, but also as a product of production [4, p.138].

The most important criteria for optimizing organizational structures based on communication technologies are the following characteristics:

- speed of decision-making;

- flexibility;

- complexity;

- reliability;

- ability to integrate quickly;

- determination.

In General, the process of improving the enterprise management system based on communication technologies can be reduced to the processes of global integration both within the corporate network of suppliers and in the relationships of elements of the supplier-consumer network, i.e. communication technologies should ensure the transformation of corporate structures into network structures. In turn, the network structure must be easily integrated into a virtual chain of supplier-customer, enter into business alliances and withdraw from them.

Thus, the formation of a national Informatization system, the introduction and use of modern information technologies, computer equipment and telecommunications in all spheres of the economy and society, the most complete satisfaction of the growing information needs of the population, the organization of favorable conditions for entering the world information community and expanding access to world information resources are among the most priority tasks for the development of the sphere of communication technologies in the economy [5, p. 5]



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