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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 35(121)

Рубрика журнала: Экономика

Секция: Маркетинг

Скачать книгу(-и): скачать журнал часть 1, скачать журнал часть 2, скачать журнал часть 3

Библиографическое описание:
Valiyeva K. BENEFITS OF SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2020. № 35(121). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/121/191078 (дата обращения: 01.10.2024).


Valiyeva Komila

student, Department of «Iinternational marketing», Yeoju Technical Institute,

Uzbekistan, Tashkent

Meyliyev Nurbek

научный руководитель,

Candidate of Sciences in Economics, Professor of Department of «Iinternational marketing», Yeoju Technical Institute,

Uzbekistan, Tashkent



Валиева Комила Дилмуродовна

студент, кафедра «Международный маркетинг», Технический институт ЁДЖУ,

Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

Мейлиев Нурбек Хайруллаевич

проф. кафедры «Международный маркетинг», Технический институт ЁДЖУ,

Узбекистан, г. Ташкент



In article the main instruments of internet marketing are reflected. Possibilities of internet marketing are systematized and proved, advantages of his use in comparison with traditional instruments of marketing are disclosed. The relevance and need of use of social marketing for marketing activity of the company reveals.


В статье отражены основные инструменты интернет-маркетинга. Систематизированы и обоснованы возможности интернет-маркетинга, раскрыты преимущества его использования в сравнении с традиционными инструментами маркетинга. Раскрывается актуальность и необходимость использования социального маркетинга в маркетинговой деятельности компании.


Keywords: Internet Marketing; internet marketing tools; social networks; social media marketing.

Ключевые слова: интернет-маркетинг; инструменты интернет-маркетинга; социальные сети; социальный медиа-маркетинг.


Today, SMM is becoming a separate science - science in the literate and effective promotion of business in social networks. Social media marketing is a tool for social group dialogue and company marketing subject. SMM is a direct work in communities that cover a target group of users. Social media platforms are a modern tool for interaction with the target audience. Today, the audience of social networks is comparable to the audience of television channels, only it is more attentive and active.

Social media marketing is located at the junction of journalism, sociology, advertising, trade marketing, public markets. SMM has more in common with PR than with advertising. The attention of consumers can be received and bought using advertising. The trust of the target audience cannot be bought, it can only be earned. Social marketing has more from journalism than from "blogging or posting." These are tools for direct and open or hidden interaction with the target audience, and not "falling out" with the audience of what is interesting and important to the company or the writer of the posts.

Tasks that can be solved with SMM:

• PR;

• branding, brand promotion;

• mass non-personal advertising with elements of social significance, in order to ensure advertising coverage;

• Trade marketing - stimulating activities among the social community;

• social and online support for offline marketing activities;

• social support for online marketing activities;

• group dialogue with a group of active consumers of adherents of the company's marketing subject;

• social dialogue with the audience interested in solving problems and discussing problems, problems and prospects close to the subject of marketing;

• social promotion - popularization of the social significance of the marketing subject of the company and the company itself;

• cross-promotion with non-competitive companies and brands, within the framework of their common social target group;

• verification of social community views and aspirations with brand and company plans and strategies;

• increased attendance of the company's Internet resources.

Modern man is overloaded with advertising. She falls on it from all sides: from the TV, from the printed media pages, billboards and posters in transport. The Internet is one of the most aggressive new environments in terms of advertising. As a result of postefoamy human brain produces special antilt filters. In online media advertising me is even the term "banner blindness": this is when a person enters the site, and his brain blocks the perception viewing some sections of the page because there banners are usually placed. As a result, all this affects the effectiveness of advertising. In the case of social media anti-advertising filters are not enabled. The fact is that SMM is not uses the advertising format. Main mechanism interactions - this communication is relevant for user theme and distribution of interesting for it content. Naturally, both communication and conthe tent contains a mandatory binding, but with this, unlike advertising, is of value for the user. I must say that representatives of large business one of the first to realize the potential of social networks and began to actively use them for their advances [1].

Through social media big business usually solves strategic long-term marketing tasks: branding, raising awareness target audience, increased loyalty and trust riyah to brand products, opinion tracking and buildings among CA; determine which system will be ma support. Among the features of SMM campaigns of a large business carrying can be noted a large coverage, work at once multi-site and interactive nikation. To do this, use communities, blogs, applications in social networks, systematic work the one with the most loyal opinion leaders (created so-called "brand lawyers"). Also serious attention of large companies work with reputation, in particular, monitoring and neutralizing negativity. The greatest complexity is usually lo, performance analysis and ROI calculation (factor -return on investment). Since often dethe activities of these companies are connected with a wide network distribution, it is problematic to track how certain actions have an impact on non-medium sales. Therefore, for each campaign it is necessary to develop its own system of metrics, leveraging web analytics capabilities. High activity on social networks Representatives of the following large business sectors: developers and developers, manufacturers, banks and other financial institutions, film studios, Network service operators, retail chains.

Medium and Small Business In recent years, SMM work has dropped sharply entry threshold, and massive social media inflow SMB continues still. In most cases, they are more relevant tools that allow you to quickly solve tactical tasks: increasing sales, announcing night discounts, user incentives for repeat purchases. To do this, usually resort to both to create your own sites and to work with already existing, close in subject matter. More than others on social networks are represented The following industries:

• Trade;

• local manufacturers;

• services (beauty salons, fitness clubs etc.);

• tourism sector.

Traditional social media marketing tools:

• group dialogue - creation, design, content (maintenance) of the blog;

• social dialogue - informational messages in thematic communities, support of discussions, answers to questions and comments;

• Trade marketing - stimulating activities among the social community;

• hidden marketing - work on popular thematic platforms: launch and support discussions in the format of an influence agent;

• direct marketing - dialogue on behalf of the company;

• direct advertising in thematic communities and on the pages of popular bloggers;

• viral marketing;

• monitoring of positive and negative information. Creation of a positive information background;

• optimization of the company's Internet resources for social media (SMO).

Thus, social networks open access not only to users, but also for business representatives, demonstrating good opportunities for its management and development, as well as results when promoting products or the company itself. Especially considering that the fact that Internet company audiences can grow daily as

The information on the WAN is distributed at great speed [2]. Subject to the correct promotion of an account on a social network, the company can achieve not only increased profits, due to increased sales of products, but also increased credibility, Manage your reputation, attract new target visitors and buyers products.

SMM is effective for promoting small, medium and large businesses, for online companies and the b2b sector [3]. But at the same time, despite the huge opportunities for promotion of products on the Internet, it is important to take into account the fact that success largely depends on from the scope of the company itself, the specifics of the products offered by it, which should be interesting and relevant for users of social networks.



  1. Khalilov D., Social Media Marketing, Moscow, 2013
  2. Amirova D.R., Advantages of using Internet marketing tools for modern companies // Economics and Business: Theory and Practice.– 2018. – № 2. – С. 14–17.
  3. Umanskaya M.V., Petrov S.V., SMM as an element of enterprise development strategy // International Journal of Humanities and Natural Sciences.– 2018. – Т. 2. – № 6. – С. 104–106.

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