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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 23(109)

Рубрика журнала: Химия

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Библиографическое описание:
Targulova S.M., Gubaidullina G.M. ORGANOMINERAL FERTILIZERS BASED ON RECYCLED MATERIALS // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2020. № 23(109). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/109/184312 (дата обращения: 17.02.2025).


Targulova Svetlana Maratovna

1-year student specialty 7M07100-Chemical Engineering and Processes, Industrial Technology Institute, Higher School of Oil, Gas and Chemical Engineering, of West Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technical University named after Zhangir Khan

Kazakhstan, Uralsk

Gubaidullina Gulkhan Muratbekovna

Ph.D., associate professor, associate professor of the Higher School "Oil, Gas and Chemical Engineering of West Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technical University named after Zhangir Khan,

Kazakhstan, Uralsk


This article describes the main factors of the rational use of natural resources, environmental protection and economic development. It says that it is necessary to create a technological system for the efficient use of waste in production areas, to create low-waste production facilities and to reuse production waste using new scientific and technological achievements with a view to their disposal and recycling.


В данной статье указаны основные факторы рационального использования природных ресурсов, охраны окружающей среды и экономического развития. Фактически говорится о необходимости создания технологической системы эффективного использования отходов в производственных зонах, создания малоотходных производств и повторного использования отходов производства с использованием новых научно-технических достижений с целью их утилизации и переработки.


Keywords: organic fertilizers, complex fertilizers, bird droppings, secondary raw materials, waste, clean ecology, fertilizer manufacturing technology.

Ключевые слова: органоминеральные удобрения, комплексные удобрения, птичий помет, вторичное сырье, отходы, чистая экология, технология изготовления удобрений.


The rational use of natural resources and environmental protection are currently the main factor in sustainable economic development. Thousands of tons of industrial and agricultural waste per year are produced in Kazakhstan. In turn, the recycling of these wastes based on non-waste technology is one of the most pressing problems at present. In this regard, it is necessary to create a technological system of low-cost and secondary use of waste generated in production, using new scientific and technological achievements in order to effectively use waste in production areas, their disposal and processing.

Efficient use of waste as an additional raw material will reveal ways to solve many problems. The use of waste allows you to solve many problems associated with environmental protection, saving raw materials, electricity, the release of labor resources.

Sometimes many substances and materials are waste, in fact they can be used as raw materials for various needs or other industries. At the time, D. I. Mendeleev said that "There will be no waste in chemistry, there will only be unused raw materials". In addition, he recalled that the main goal of advanced technology should be aimed at obtaining a useful product from a useless one. Therefore, production and consumption waste consumed during partial or full processing can be considered as secondary material resources [2].

The annual waste volume of our national economy is about 1 billion tons. According to statistics, the volume of solid waste generated in our country amounted to 20 billion tons. Of these, 5.2 billion tons belong to non-ferrous metallurgy production property (4 billion tons are mining, 1.1 billion tons of processing plants and 105 million tons from metallurgical processing processes). In addition, a large amount of liquid waste was accumulated in various warehouses and sedimentation tanks of concentration plants [3].

70-75% of waste is generated from mining, 20% from enrichment enterprises and the rest from metallurgical enterprises. The main volume of waste comes from mining, metallurgical, chemical, oil and gas, woodworking, paper, building materials, agriculture and households.

If the issue of recycling production waste is resolved, then we will have the opportunity to release some of the land to be used in agriculture. If the waste is in economic circulation, it not only improves the environment, but also saves raw materials on the ground. Industrial production has led to a sharp decrease in the global raw material base. According to scientists, while maintaining the current level of exploitation, oil and gas reserves reach 80-170 years, reserves of zinc, nickel, copper up to 100 years, coal ores up to 1700 years [4].

Due to the limited reserves of natural resources, it is necessary to pay special attention to their integrated use, in particular, by creating low-waste or non-waste technologies and the widespread use of raw material waste in various sectors of the national economy, only 2-3% of useful elements and 97- 98% are thrown out as useless.

Significant raw materials include ash and garbage inside the waste. Currently only part of this valuable material is processed, not exceeding 20%. It is used as a filler of cement based on ash. Ash 1.3 tons of brown coal from flue gases covers 1 ton of cement. Due to the fact that brown coal ash contains 5-30% iron oxide, 30% lime and, to a large extent, coking coal waste, it is possible to use it in metallurgy to obtain iron concentrate [5].

The main source of plant nutrition is air and soil. As a result of photosynthesis in the body of carbon plants, the content of carbon monoxide (IV) in the air is obtained. A small amount spreads through the root of the soil. Hydrogen is released from the water. All other plants are obtained from dissolved mineral salts contained in the soil. As fertilizer, three elements transferred to plants occupy a special place: phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium (Fig. 1) [6]


Figure 1. Classification of fertilizers


The development of the production of mineral fertilizers is accompanied by the accumulation of industrial waste, which leads to environmental pollution. It is recommended to use the final product - a humus-like substance as an effective and safe agricultural fertilizer, which is used not only to increase land productivity, but also to restore polluted lands. The elimination of harmful effects on the environment and the reduction of its impact is the most important task of our time. An effective way to solve this problem is the direct use of these wastes in the production of mineral fertilizers. [7] The work is intended to study calcium carbonate - waste products of nitroammophos. Bird droppings exceed nutrient content and is a fast-acting, highly concentrated fertilizer.

The bird mark (hereinafter referred to as the BM) refers to hazardous substances of the third category. According to estimates, the average poultry farm in the Russian Federation annually produces more than 20 thousand BM, which are practically not processed and stored in a garbage warehouse, thus creating difficult environmental conditions. The article outlines the problems of poultry farming in the issues of utilization and processing of chicken manure. The authors studied existing methods for processing poultry manure and recommended an alternative guide consisting of using a biological preparation based on microorganisms modified with cluster silver to ensure complete and safe treatment of BM.

Compared with similar alternatives, the developed biological preparations have the following main advantages: reduction of harmful effects on human health; improving the environmental quality of products; reduction of the time for processing organic waste up to 10 days while maintaining consumption efficiency (on average, the enterprise costs 45,000 liters per year); the possibility of restoring contaminated land; the possibility of using fertilizers in individual fields in order to increase crop yields and an additional source [8]. Field experiments were carried out to study the use of organic ash-containing wastes (impurities of joint ventures and ashes of wood wastes in the ratio of 1: 0.5) as a fertilizer for crops for medium ash and slag soils. Moreover, as a result of each annual observation, as directed by the author, in the third year, a positive effect on the content of mobile phosphorus and replaced potassium in the soil was established; the largest increase was 12 - 20 mg / kg and 22 mg / kg, respectively, refers to the control. The change in soil acidity under the influence of ash was insignificant. Impurities obtained from the application of ash: barley - 0.15-0.49 t / ha and flaxseed during the study are no less effective in applying a mixture of unilateral mineral fertilizers [9].

Taking into account modern requirements for fertilizers, a method for producing granules from a litter-mineral mixture has been developed and patented [10]. The method involves the production of complex organic mineral fertilizers from cheap mineral components - mainly with the addition of industrial waste based on bird droppings. To implement this approach, a fertilizer production technology was developed, which should become an important link in the overall technological chain of all poultry enterprises [11].

When organizing the production of organic mineral fertilizers, it is necessary to take into account the volume of raw materials, their range, methods of processing and transportation of finished products to the place of manufacture. An important role in the production of fertilizers is played by the level of mechanization of technological processes, their coordination. These indicators significantly affect the quality and cost of fertilizers. In conclusion, recycling is currently one of the most pressing problems in the world. The experience of the leading countries of the world shows that there is a full possibility of an optimal solution to this problem.



  1. A. Anarbaeva. Kabylbekova B. "Development of a technology for the production of complex sulfur-containing fertilizers from production waste"
  2. Grinin A. S., Novikov V. N. Industrial and household waste: Storage, disposal, processing. M: FAIR-PRESS, 2002.
  3. Yakovlev D. V. “The Efficiency of Using Ash as a Product of the Thermal Processing of Organo-Containing Wastes as a Fertilizer of Crops on Soddy Underground Soils”
  4. Infoindustry magazine "Physical and mechanical properties of fertilizers" 12-15 pp., 2015
  5. Zapevalov M. V., Zapevalov S. M. “Technology for the preparation of organic mineral fertilizers based on bird droppings”
  6. Usanboev N., Yakubov R. Ya., Namazov V.S., Beglov V.M. / Organomineral fertilizers based on brown coal. Chemical industry, 2005
  7. Piskaeva A. I., Ph.D "Kemerovo Institute of Food Science and Technology" Kemerovo, Russian
  8. Patent for invention No. 2189962. A method for producing granules from a litter-mineral mixture.
  9. Smagin A.V. Criteria and standards of ecological urban soil resources. Ecological Bulletin of the North Caucasus, 2008
  10. Timoshina N. A. "The influence of new organic fertilizers on the growth and development, productivity and quality of potatoes in the conditions of sod-podzolic sandy loam soil"
  11. Usanovich M.I. From the history of chemistry. Almat, 2004

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