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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 20(106)

Рубрика журнала: Технические науки

Секция: Энергетика

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Библиографическое описание:
Baymuratov I. OPPORTUNITIES AND PROSPECTS FOR THE USE OF BIOMASS ENERGY // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2020. № 20(106). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/106/181933 (дата обращения: 07.02.2025).


Baymuratov Ilkham

student, Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh,

Uzbekistan, Nukus


This article discusses the prospects for the use of biomass energy and the introduction of biogas plants, one of the fastest growing alternative types of energy.


Keywords: biomass, biogas, biomass composition, agricultural waste - animal and bird extracts, biogas properties, fermented liquid manure, microorganisms, methane, chemical composition.


One of the fastest growing alternative sources of energy is biomass, which is a way to produce biogas through biomass and the processing of various organic wastes, to produce methane gas, and then to generate heat and electricity allows you to set.

Biomass is a term that combines the origin of all organic matter in the flora and fauna. Primary biomass - plants, animals, micro-organisms, and others and other types of fuel after a long process secondary waste (biomass waste) and used throughout human and animal life products). In turn, waste is also given to primary, the primary biomass waste (hay, stalks and leaves, scrapes, spills, branches) to the hypocrites - physiological change of human and animal world products. These fossils are worth more than 800 billion tons. About 200 billion tones will be renewed annually and this figure will exceed 100 billion tones. Tons of oil.

On average, biogas (70% methane and 30 ° / <C02) can be obtained from annual waste. In turn, it is estimated that about 100 billion tons of fuel will be recycled. Besides, 150 to 180 thousand tons of high-quality fertilizers will be processed. It contains 6,25 thousand tons of nitrogen, 3,000 tons of phosphorus and 7.5 thousand tons of potassium fertilizers.


Figure 1. Biogas power plant


Use of biogas plants has the following advantages:

  • biogas is more fuel than S02, and its use can be attributed to the emission of organic waste in the atmosphere prevents the increase of methane gas emissions;
  • the value of fertilizers from fermented bass is much higher than that of the original raw materials;
  • environmentally friendly nutrients on farmers' lands and in the economically profitable method of secondary processing is rigid biomass fermentation biogas is an advantage;
  • human health will be improved by reducing pollution;
  • provides livelihoods even in remote villages;
  • increase land productivity;
  • to benefit from waste;
  • Releases energy dependence.

Therefore, there is a wide use of biogas in our country. The slow development of some non-traditional energy sources is that their production is more expensive than traditional energy production.

The following conclusions can be drawn from the research work and experience of developed countries.

1. The daily weight of livestock and poultry can be increased by 40% by means of daily waste treatment and physiological conditions in livestock, pigs and poultry farms.

2. Each hectare of bio silver cultivated increases the productivity of vegetables and melons by 3-4 times.

3. When used in irrigating liquid or semi-dry manure, the soil porosity becomes collagenous and the soil absorption is drastically reduced. Water leakage prevents leaching of mineral substances, stops soil erosion, and fertilizes most of the fertilizer by plants.

4. The essential nutrients contained in manure (protein, fiber, etc.) enrich the fertile soil because they play both habitat and nutrients for microorganisms in the soil. Microorganisms contribute to global processes not only in the soil, but also in the biosphere.

5. Green plants grown from manure fields have high protein content (about 1.5-2%). After irrigation, the amount of nitrogen and protein nitrogen increases by 1.5 times. The biogenic content of manure makes it possible to absorb mineral fertilizers, preventing soil erosion and contamination of ground water.

6. Soil fertilizer with applied manure allows to reduce soil, consume fuel and save energy consumed during cultivation (cultivation, plowing). As a result, the consumption capacity of the units is reduced by two times.

7. In case of soil erosion, water is washed away the most important substances in the soil - humus and mineral and organic fertilizers. The salinization level of humus-fertilized land is dramatically reduced and salinization is reduced.

8. In the field of agriculture, biogas (methanol) is a renewable fuel. But the introduction of biogas technology is not likely to bring any immediate economic returns. Big economic gains can be achieved by improving soil fertility, improving environmental performance, and refining low-cost and sufficient livestock and poultry waste.

In conclusion, the environmental value of biomass energy is of enormous importance, that is, million - million tons of waste is used without pollution of the environment, soil, water and air. Useful land is not occupied with waste. Wastewater will not be wasted, which will reduce the incidence of various infectious diseases and, as a result, increase the importance of biomass energy in the future. [1,2,3,4,5,6]



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