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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 14(100)

Рубрика журнала: Психология

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Библиографическое описание:
Gorodov D., Liholetova E. ROLE STEREOTYPES AS A BACKGROUND OF THE CONFLICT BETWEEN A TEACHER AND A STUDENT // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2020. № 14(100). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/100/175462 (дата обращения: 26.03.2025).


Gorodov Daniil

2nd year student of the Department of Sociology and Youth Work Organization, Belgorod State University,

Russia, Belgorod

Liholetova Ekaterina

4nd year student of the Department of social work, Belgorod State University,

Russia, Belgorod


This article presents the results of aresearch on the specifics of conflict between a teacher and students of secondary schools in the city of Belgorod. The authors offer the opportunity to get acquainted with the main causes of such conflicts from the point of view of teachers and students, with the most common forms of their manifestation, with the features of behavior in a conflict situation and ways to resolve conflicts.


Keywords: conflict, schoolchildren, teenagers, teachers, behavior, sociology, psychology, sociology of conflict, research.


The relevance of the chosen topic is due to the fact that conflict for teenagersis a mechanism by which they acquire and assimilate different points of view, develop new views and change their behavior patterns. A teenager, while studying in the middle classes, very much needs self-realization and self-affirmation, which can take the most unexpected forms. In the modern information world, where technology has surrounded the child from the moment of his birth, and access to any information is open for every user of the Internet network, there is anexplicit decline in the prestige of the educational institution in the eyes of the teenager.

The key hypotheses of theresearch were derived from this. Firstly, it is "The dominance of biased perception of the image of a teacher in the eyes of middle school students." Secondly, "The negative image of the student in the minds of modern middle-class teachers." And thirdly, "Teachers in resolving conflicts with students use the most rational resolution strategies."

In order to determine what the image of a modern teacher in the eyes of schoolchildren studying from fifth to ninth grades and the image of schoolchildren in the eyes of teachers has become, a survey was conducted of students in MBOU secondary school № 21 in the city of Belgorod using the method of Behterev’spersonal differential.

The objectives of the study are to analyze the primary information obtained through research, systematize the data and compile on their basis the image of a middle-class teacher in the opinion of students and the image of a middle-school student in the opinion of teachers, as well as determine the degree of conflict between modern middle-class teachers and their students.

The object of the study is intergenerational conflicts in modern society, and the subject is the conflict between teachers and middle school students.

Using the methodology of personal reference, the image of the teacher and student was evaluated in the eyes of schoolchildren and teachers. The data collected can be found in the table (see Table 1).

Table 1.

Respondent test results using the method of Behterev’s personal differential

The interconnection of the respondent with the object of study

The average value of the mark factor

Strength factoraverage

The average value of the activity factor

Student about student




Student about teacher




Teacher about teacher




Teacher about student





Pupils of the middle classes perceive themselves primarily as having emotional properties, secondly, they consider themselves to be active, and only in the last place consider themselves to be powerful. Based on this, it can be noted that there is a tendency towards a leading position of self-esteem of a person in comparison with volitional and communicative characteristics, i.e. coming to the forefront of desire for self-realization and self-actualization. All the values of the described factors fluctuate at a relatively high level, which is typical for adolescent schoolchildren, and speaks about the features of the individual’s self-esteem, the presence of an acute sense of self-worth and “particularity” in this age category.

Teachers, in turn, consider adolescents primarily as having activity, secondly, emotional properties and, thirdly, strength. This reflects the subjective image of the child through the eyes of the teacher. All values of the described factors are at the junction of the region of medium and low indicators. Based on the obtained values, it can be seen that the difference in the level of values, from the overestimated level of the value of the assessment indicator for schoolchildren with a borderline value for teachers, can serve as a ground for conflict. A teenager striving for self-actualization painfully reacts to the fact of insufficient reaction to his achievements, helping him to establish himself, and he perceives the teacher’s attitude towards him as not recognizing his importance, and this is a motivating force for conflict.

Teachers, characterizing their personal qualities, consider themselves primarily from the perspective of possessing strength, secondly, emotional properties, and then the activity factor. However, comparing the values of the strength indicator of teachers about themselves with the value of the strength indicator of students about teachers, there is a gap in the values where teachers have a high level, and students in the category are slightly higher than low. These values lead us to the idea that students and teachers are biased in their assessments of volitional qualities, which can talk about the characteristics of the human psyche that can provoke conflict situations. On the one hand, due to age, adolescents are not always capable of an objective assessment, on the other hand, due to the fact that the profession of a teacher involves direct and constant contact with unformed students, professional burnout or the formation of stable stereotypes of actions associated with any forms of reactions to adolescent behavior without taking into account a specific situational factor. The value of the assessment factor and the activity of students about teachers does not differ much from the values of teachers themselves, so these factors do not lead to a clear conflict situation.

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that two of the three hypotheses of the study were confirmed. Firstly, we can observe the hypothesis that the negative image of the teacher prevails in the eyes of the student at a low level of assessment of the teacher’s volitional qualities.

Secondly, the hypothesis about the negative image of the student in the minds of modern middle-class teachers can be confirmed by the high level of the assessment factor expressed in terms of the method of personal differential, which indicates a struggle between two aspirations for self-esteem - on the part of teachers it is realized through the requirement of respect, as a tribute to experience and their knowledge, on the part of schoolchildren is realized by requirements in respect for their “special” personal qualities.

The hypothesis of teachers choosing the most rational and effective conflict resolution strategies did not find confirmation, as teachers noted the resolution of problems as the most successful way to resolve the conflict, taking into account the individual and age characteristics of students. However, schoolchildren highlighted the prevention of conflict through the imposition of sanctions as the most common way to resolve a conflict by teachers. This phenomenon is confirmed by the level of the factor of high self-esteem by teachers, which indicates a certain biased trend in the minds of teachers to evaluate their own activities.

Thus, we can recognize the presence in the consciousness of teachers and students of certain role settings and expectations, which for teachersare determined by the specifics and experience of their work, and forstudentsbeing in adolescence and student status, which are the prerequisites for conflict situations.



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