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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 14(100)

Рубрика журнала: Социология

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Библиографическое описание:
Bobrovskaya M. CONFLICTS IN YOUTH ENVIRONMENT // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2020. № 14(100). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/100/175198 (дата обращения: 02.10.2024).


Bobrovskaya Maria

2nd year student, department of Sociology and Organization of Work with Youth, Belgorod State University,

Russia, Belgorod



Бобровская Мария Андреевна

студент 2 курса, кафедры социологии и организации работы с молодежью, Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет

РФ, г. Белгород



The article considers the emergence of conflicts as an objective and inevitable phenomenon. Life is a constant dialectical process of the emergence of problems with their subsequent solution. The relationship of people who do not have conflicts gradually fades away. Conflicts, in turn, generate responsibility and indifference, stimulate the renewal and improvement of relations between people. Therefore, the problem mainly lies not in the fact of the conflict itself, but in the nature of it and how it is solved. The youth environment can be emphasize by the frequency of the conflict situations. The youth people is a socially differentiated social-democratic community, which is characterized by specific physiological, psychological, cognitive, cultural, educational and other features. So, because of its essential features youth is a specific community, distinguishe from the representatives of the older generation and other age groups.


В статье рассматривается возникновение конфликтов как объективное и неизбежное явление. Жизнь – это постоянный диалектический процесс возникновения проблем с их последующим решением. Отношения людей, у которых нет конфликтов, постепенно исчезают. Конфликты, в свою очередь, порождают ответственность и безразличие, стимулируют обновление и улучшение отношений между людьми. Поэтому проблема главным образом заключается не в самом факте конфликта, а в его характере и способах его решения. Молодежную среду можно подчеркнуть частотой конфликтных ситуаций. Молодежь – это социально дифференцированная социал-демократическая общность, для которой характерны специфические физиологические, психологические, когнитивные, культурные, образовательные и другие особенности. Итак, в силу своих существенных особенностей молодежь представляет собой особую общность, отличающуюся от представителей старшего поколения и других возрастных групп.


Keywords: youth environment, interpersonal conflicts, intergroup conflicts, interethnic conflicts, intergenerational conflicts, conflicts between an individual and a group.

Ключевые слова: молодежная среда, межличностные конфликты, межгрупповые конфликты, межэтнические конфликты, межпоколенные конфликты, конфликты между индивидом и группой.


The environment is a combination of material and spiritual conditions that surround a person, and in which his life activity unfolds. Youth environment is the environment of youth activity. In general terms, it repeats the basic definitions of the social environment as such [1]. At the same time, the youth environment has its own specifics, determined by the status of youth - a special demographic group that has its own needs and interests, motives for activity and development. The study of the youth environment is one of the most relevant and promising topics of sociological, philosophical, political science research.

Among modern scholars who are actively studying conflicts among young people, A. O. Bondarenko, A. I. Kudrinova, N. P. Petrova, G. D. Kadzhikova, E. O. Kubyanina, N. V. Splavskaya, T A. Chizhevich and others. They gave the causes of conflict, especially manifestations, methods of prevention and correction. All of these scientists conducted research among the younger generation, the purpose of which was to identify the root cause of the conflict, as well as solutions. In addition, scientists offered their vision of the concept of “conflict” and measures to resolve it. And so, today the conflict is seen as a special type of interaction, which is based on opposing and incompatible goals, interests, types of behavior of people and social groups, which are accompanied by negative psychological manifestations. There are such types of conflicts as: interpersonal; intergroup; interethnic; intergenerational; between a person and a group [1]. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Interpersonal conflict - mutual, hostile and deliberate actions between partners in communication or interaction. Interpersonal conflicts in the youth environment, in particular, can be caused by: differences in the psychological characteristics of people (temperament, character, etc.) [2]. Scientists distinguish such a concept as a “false image of conflict” in which there is no conflict situation, but one person or all participants in the conflict believe that their relationship is of a conflict nature. This is due, in particular, to a false interpretation of thoughts, statements, actions of one person by another, lack of mutual understanding. One of the reasons for such a distorted view is lack of communication, and the other is psychological isolation, the difference in views and ideas, as well as the goals and interests of the conflicting parties [1].

Intergroup conflict is “a type of conflict in which not individuals, but groups act as subjects of interaction. The causes of intergroup conflicts are quite diverse and stem from their characteristics, i.e. from the interdependence of groups, the reward system used, status inconsistencies, etc. [3]. The interests of people involved in the conflict confrontation lead to increased group cohesion. However, this cohesion may immediately disappear after the end of the conflict [4].

Interethnic conflicts occur between individual representatives of social groups and ethnic groups. Ethnicity is driven by the need for self-preservation, the protection of their values and traditions. The most painful and emotionally saturated conflicts occurring as a result of infringement of the ethnos value. Value conflicts can take place in any area of society. But more clearly, the specificity of interethnic value conflicts manifests itself in contradictions associated with differences in culture, language, religion and other socio-cultural characteristics of ethnic groups [2].

Intergenerational conflicts are largely dependent on the age factor. Between generations, disagreements are perceived through a change in the values ​​and qualities of the individual. Since generations exist in time, the inevitable problem associated with the attitude of each generation to the past, present, future [3]. The rejection of the ideology of the past led to the breakdown of a temporary connection, a sense of involvement in the history of one’s state. The image of the Soviet period in public consciousness is recorded as a failure of the achievements and culture of previous times, negatively affects the self-consciousness of older generations, their modern existence and vision of the future. For young people, in which a holistic way of social life has not yet been formed, the disruption of society is quite dangerous [5].

Conflicts between an individual and a group can arise in any team. This type includes conflicts between an individual and a group of people. The reasons may be: the difference of views, the principle of position, various kinds of disagreements, the individual’s non-responsibility to the rules and principles of the group [1].

A study was conducted using a self-developed questionnaire. The purpose of the questionnaire is to identify young people's attitudes toward conflict. The questionnaire consists of 10 questions, where up to 4 answers are proposed for each. The study involved 100 students of Belgorod State University, aged 17 to 24 years, of which 46% were men and 54% were women. 38% of the respondents are the only children in the family, 32% have a brother or sister, and 30% are from large families. Today 64% of the student of the Institute of Social Sciences and Mass Communications study, and 36% of students manage not only to study, but also to work.

To the first question “What conflicts, in your opinion, most often occur among young people?” The results are that 35.3% of young people enter into intergroup conflicts, 41.2% interpersonal conflicts, 47.1% conflicts between an individual and a group, 35.3% inter-generational and 29.4% inter-generational (Diagram 1). Most often, young people enter into a conflict situation through disagreements in the views between the individual and the group, and less often because of different nationalities.


Diagram 1. Distribution of answers of the respondents to the question: “What conflicts, in your opinion, most often occur among young people?”


If we consider the subject with whom the younger generation most often come into conflict, then we can distinguish a study group (47.1%) and friends (41.2%). These groups are the most common among young people, as they spend almost all their time at universities and colleges. To a lesser extent, conflicts occur in the family (35.3%), the work collective (29.4%) and between nations (11.8%) (Diagram 2).


Diagram 2. Distribution of answers of the respondents to the question: “What conflicts of the social group do you most often encounter?”


The nature of the conflict in which respondents entered the last time in 23.5% of cases was intergroup, 47.1% interpersonal, 11.8% conflicts between an individual and a group, 5.9% intergenerational and 11.8% interethnic. That is, the inconsistency of personal claims is much more pronounced than irritability in terms of nation, religion and age.

Among the respondents to the question: “What role do you play in the conflict?” 41.2% act as a mediator trying to understand the causes and circumstances of what is happening, to stop, prevent or resolve the conflict. Others simply observe the situation (11.8%), act as an accomplice (helps with advice) - 23.5%. Unfortunately, there are those who act as the instigator - 5.9% and the organizer - 17.6%.

According to respondents, the majority of conflicts occurring among young people arise due to infringement of dignity or ambition (58.8%), as well as leadership in a group or organization (47.1%), which is associated with the age characteristics of young people. Such factors as inability to communicate, a primitive type of communication (29.4%), as well as psychological incompatibility (35.3%) are less expressed. No one answered the “other” answer option (Diagram 3). This is not surprising since students really want to be the first and respected people in their group, but such a struggle is not always liked by other team members, and therefore leads to a dispute. We agree to accept authority only if it is fully deserving of this place.


Diagram 3. Distribution of answers of the respondents to the question: “What, in your opinion, is the main cause of conflicts in the youth environment?”


In resolving conflicts, young people use avoidance - 17.6%, compromise - 46.1% and cooperation - 17.6%. To a lesser extent expressed adaptation - 6.9%, rivalry - 11.8%. That is, mutual concessions are the most frequent case of overcoming this situation.

Thus, in the youth environment, the occurrence of conflicts has long been not uncommon. Among all kinds of types, the most particular is interpersonal conflict and conflicts between an individual and a group. These include the teacher-student relationship system and the newcomer to the group. The least widespread among young people is the ethnic conflict, which suggests that for students in communication there is no barrier to nationality, religiosity, religion, etc., humanity and interest in the individual are important. If we consider it more concretely, the majority of the conflict arises between friends who walk in the same company and study group, because they have no opportunity not to see each other. The reasons for such a conflict can be a difference of opinion, disrespect for a member of the group and much more. Students often seeing the conflict of the parties try to find understanding and solve the problem by means of negotiations, where they will find a compromise, and in their case when they become parties to the conflict, they try to get out of it democratically, find a solution that will suit all parties. As in any environment, there are inflammatory students who are eager to provoke a negative attitude from the side of one person to another or the whole group in relation to a single person. Each member of the youth environment tries to be the first, which causes indignation in his direction, such a struggle for primacy can be recognized only in the case of an ambitious person, authority, deserved in the course of various actions. Otherwise, the manifestation of leadership will lead to a loss of respect from the side of classmates at all.



  1. Bondarenko, A. O. Conflicts in the youth environment // Symbol of science. – 2016. – №. 27. – P. 10 – 16.
  2. Kadzhikova, G. D. Сonflict prevention in the youth environment of multiethnic communities // Bulletin of the Institute for Integrated Studies of arid territories. – 2016. – №. 8. – P. 22 – 29.
  3. Kubyakin, E. O. Microstructural conflicts in the youth environment of multi-ethnic communities // Theory and practice of social development. – 2010. – №. 15. – P. 8 – 2.
  4. Splavskaya, N.V. Features of the prevention of interethnic conflicts in the youth environment // State and law in the XXI century. – 2015. – №. 4. – P. 31 – 37.
  5. Chizhevich, T. A. Interethnic conflicts in the youth environment // Society: philosophy, history, culture. – 2017. – № 2. – P. 9 – 14.

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