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Статья опубликована в рамках: LXXXIV-LXXXV Международной научно-практической конференции «История, политология, социология, философия: теоретические и практические аспекты» (Россия, г. Новосибирск, 02 октября 2024 г.)

Наука: История

Секция: Историография, источниковедение и специальные исторические дисциплины

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Библиографическое описание:
Satdykova N. SHANGERE CONTRIBUTION TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF KAZAKH CULTURE // История, политология, социология, философия: теоретические и практические аспекты: сб. ст. по матер. LXXXIV-LXXXV междунар. науч.-практ. конф. № 9-10(66). – Новосибирск: СибАК, 2024. – С. 46-51.
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Satdykova Nazeket

master of pedagogical sciences, History teacher at gymnasium №42 «Ak niet»,

Kazakhstan, Uralsk

The article considers the creativity and socio-political activities of Bukeev Shangerey, he was a classical poet, public figure, translator, thinker who has his own position in Kazakh history, and who made a significant difference in Kazakh literature. During his life, he built beautiful and elegant houses, madrasa, school, and mosque from wood and stone, where he paid attention to the education of his relatives' children. He’s the public figure who planted trees, cultivated gardens, cultivated crops and bred purebred cattle, paid special attention to art, science, education, and literature.

This poet translated the works of Russian classics such as M. Lermontov., GogolN.V. In addition to mastering the Russian language, Shangerey mastered the Persian, Turkish, and Arabic languages at the Muslim madrasah. The French language is the one that he knew well. In 1911-1913, when the issue of publication of the "Kazakhstan" newspaper was raised in Uralsk city by the organization of Kazakh intellectuals, it was Shangerey who was very excited, encouraged, and provided financial assistance.

In addition, Sh.Bukeev's contribution to the culture of the Kazakh people was his bringing the best of the technology of that time - the art of photography - to Bokei region already in the 19th century.

The relevance of the article: "Our history is a thick history, the textbook is thin and thin, but more" - our compatriot Kadir Myrzaliev would like to say, these days, while reflecting on the past of our country, which raised the flag of independence and equalized the window with others, the decisions of many historical figures return. returns to the mouth.

However, it is sad that today's generation does not know anything about them. Textbooks and special literature about the biographies of the heroes who protected the country, lived a long life in the land, and remained immeasurably quiet about many historical events, did not open their mouths, or they did not open their mouths because of the new ideology white grade was given.

The purpose of the article: Our goal in researching the work is to study, present and analyze the social-historical activity of the famous poet and thinker Shangerey Bukeev from the Bokei Horde in the end of the XIX century, the end of the XX century, and the beginning of the XX century through historical data. It is a comprehensive disclosure of the personality of Shangerey Bukeev.


Keywords: culture; kazakh; Bokei; father; country; Shangerei.



Shangerey Bukeev, was a classical poet, public figure, translator, thinker, who has his own place in Kazakh history, and who made a significant difference in Kazakh literature, is worth studying. Because, in the present period, there is a new impetus to study the activities and life paths of historical figures who tirelessly served the interests of the state and the nation in the era of unprecedented political exchanges at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century.

Research, presentation and historical data of the public-historical activity of the famous poet and thinker Shangerey Bukeev from the Bokei Horde of the end of the XIX century - the end of the XX century - the beginning of the XX century.

Shangerey Bukeev was born in 1847 in Zhaskus village. He lost his father at a young age and grew up without problems thanks to his grandfather's wealth. His father's younger brothers help him to grow into a man. Shangerey, who was fond of art and poetry since his youth, graduated from the Muslim madrasa in Uralsk and studied at the real school in Astrakhan. Later, he entered the cadet corps in Orenburg, where he studied Russian for two years [1,p. 45].

Due to the education he received in Orenburg, he worked with the people while working as a magistrate in Samara province, got involved in many social and political affairs, and stood out with his opinions. After some time, he left his post and returned to his native place. He bought an estate in a place called Kolborsy, in the border region with Russia, built luxurious and architectural houses, a madrasa, a school, a mosque there, and educated the children of his relatives there.

He is also engaged in planting trees, gardens and crops. Raises breeding stock. Living alone in his home, engaged in hut building and hunting, Shangerey focused on literature, art, science and education [2; p. 300].

Shangerey's work is not only in poetry, but also in his life, he does nothing without surprising others.

For example, the tradition of holding a fame piano. Physhormonia has been a familiar instrument in Kazakh soil until the thirties of this century. A century ago, Zhangir had a piano specially bought from Paris. Among the aristocratic and social-political figures who continued this tradition in the Khan dynasty is Shangerey Bukeev.

It is not a question whether this is an inheritance left by the grandfather, touched by Fatima's totash finger, or a worldly thing specially obtained from Petersburg, as it is said in the house. It is clear that the piano at the bottom of the Kоlborsy bush breathed new life into the Kazakh art of singing, the part of the music that was lacking in the dombra accompaniment was now completed with the help of this Indian instrument, and the tradition of chim-chimdap tape romance began to spread within the Kazakhs.

At the same time, kushanyy was a great support for the art of Kurmangazy, who poured out his soul with a marching rhythm that did not match the range of the dombra, and began to search for genre forms [3; p. 264].

Shangerey had the best musical ability. Even the poet wrote a song by himself.  According to Sholpanay Amanzholova's testimony, Shangerey's songs are currently being performed by Maryam Baikonurova, the daughter of the poet's Kalbergen Karambetov.

Most of Shangerey's poems come naturally to works performed by voice, such as therme and zeldirme. The main two types of poetry in these are the seven-eight-syllable poem and the eleven-syllable stanzas, which have a single melody. Another distinguishing feature of Shangerey poetry is the abundance of consonants and vowels in it, which is also used in songs.

Sh. Bukeev’s cultural contribution to the Kazakh people was to bring the best of the technical work of that time - photography art to Bokei land as early as the 19th century. Taking photo - at that time was advanced, included in the category of new art forms. Nicholay II, Lev Tolstoy was one of the first in Russia to be seriously interested in the art of photography. In 1901, during his visit to the royal palace in St. Petersburg, Shangerey received one such photo device from the hands of representatives of the royal authorities.

After arriving in the country, the poet quickly learned this art and produced the picture sitting in a separate room specially equipped by himself. It is not easy to print a photo in the field, where there is no direct current source, and the plate relies on the power of light. Of the photographs taken by Shangerey, there are now about ten available, but each of them is very well preserved, as the chemical requirements were precisely met, and they were copied on video quality, thick white paper.

Shangerey's skill in this field was superior to that of many photographers of his time, compared to the fact that his own image, taken by another photographer during the poet's hiding time, could not stand the test of time and was not suitable for revival. According to her cousin Madina, she keeps guests and relatives in front of the small black box for some time. This is the life of a person who thinks that photography is not a profession, but an art.

This is because, as the skill matures, the photographer expresses his own attitude towards the object through the photo-video.

Thanks to Shangerey's photography, today we have the opportunity to feel the breath of time a century ago and study examples of nomadic and sedentary culture, such as the Summer Horde and the Kymyz Horde.

What a pleasure it is that the precious images of our figures such as Bakytzhan Karataev, Zhansha Seydalin, Gumar Karash, Gabdolkakim Bukeikhanov and Makar Zhaparulysiklyd artists are forever copied on paper! [2; p. 301].

Taking photo is the beginning of the road that led to large-scale holographic imaging in the world, that is, to today's television. According to Sh. Amanjolava, TsarNicholay himself gave Shangerey the photo apparatus [1, p. 302].

At the end of the century, there was also a big upheaval in clay art - the American inventor Thomas Alva Edison in 1877 invented a device that records and reproduces sound using magnetic tape.

This sound recorder, called "phonograph" by the inventor himself, opened the way for the first time in the history of music culture to record an Indian artistic work on tape and distribute it in several versions.

Shangerey, the first professional photographer on our national soil, immediately responded to this news - he got a phonograph, which few people in the world can afford, and brought it to the village. According to anecdotal evidence, Shangerey used to teach and record the voices of his family, songs, and even works he translated into Kazakh from Lermontov on the phonograph. Therefore, Makar, Alikey along with healthy mountain runners, the singers-drummers like Seyit of Utemis, Iskender of Kashkar, Iskender of Shyntas, Gendashi of Myshai, and Iskagy of Zhakyp, who are competing in the same region, will be able to hear the tunes and songs of the clowns like Shomat and Keset. Thus, the non-musical direction of phono culture, which teaches artistic speech, records theatrical scenes, and complete compositions, is optimally used.

In a short period of time, Shangerey and Gumar used the opportunity of the phonograph to collect instructions for oral literature, and thus to create the "Literacy Archive" as they called it, compared to the systematic publication of textbook collections that were relevant for their time, such as "Shayr", "Kokseldir" [3; p. 268].

The most valuable part of the poet's phono-culture for today's generation is, of course, related to the collection and mastering of our musical heritage. If the Shangerey phonograph had been preserved, today's generation would have heard the natural voice of well-known representatives of the clay art, music researchers would have found the default performance of many of our songs, and the phonograph we would have been the connecting link between the skilled producer-performer and the listener have understood how much he was able to influence the style of performance, how the song, which was sung before, and how it changed before recording. Chaliapin's and Caruso's voices, which were once recorded in countries with advanced culture, would be cleaned and copied into stereo sound, creating a new sound space.

No matter, the source of our national phonograph culture - the Shangerey Phonograph was once owned by P. I. Pashina, A. Zhemguzhinov, A. F. Eichhorn, V. A. Mashkov, G.I. The instruments used by researchers like Giesler to record Kazakh songs are not available to us today.

In 1917, when the tsar abdicated and the political will of the people came to power, Alikhan Bukeikhan also had one idea to make Shangerey the head of the country, and perhaps make him a khan. It is not known how the poet himself viewed this intention. However, from the point of view of scientific-factual comparison, the time when Shangerey was most actively involved in public affairs corresponds to the last period of 1909.


Although Shangerey Bukeev's works have reached us, we can see that the poet was a great representative of our written literature, even though his small legacy. Shangerey is a great lyricist who wrote mostly love and nature lyrics. He is a poet who was nourished by the rich heritage of oral literature of our people, Russian Tatar literature.

Shangerey Bukeev was a teacher, adviser, thinker of many cultural and political figures, sympathizer, support of his relatives, and most importantly, he was a secretive, talented poet, great thinker who worked hard for the country.

The researchers estimated that Shangerey's unique feature, that he kept away from society, gathered only artists in his neighborhood, and spent his life alone in his own place, was called "individualism".

Shangerey Bukeev wrote about life, longing for the old times, science and education, love, friendship, hut, natural phenomena, his own life: "Brother, you are more intelligent", "One day, my heart is young", "Kheyilatypkuliya", "Kosayak", There are poems "The passage of life", "Deceitful liar".

 In his poems, the poet Sh. Bukeev, urging young people to study science, wrote:

Science is a bit more extreme,

Every inexhaustible branch has fruit.

Every art is a result of that fruit.

Edison was the scientist who did it

A lazy person who cannot read is not as ignorant as us.

Many people are hungry from the bottomless river.



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