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Статья опубликована в рамках: LXXX Международной научно-практической конференции «Естественные науки и медицина: теория и практика» (Россия, г. Новосибирск, 12 марта 2025 г.)

Наука: Биология

Секция: Зоология

Библиографическое описание:
Yusupova Sh.Kh., Badriddinova S.X. BIOECOLOGICAL FEATURES OF THE SCOOPS (NOCTUIDAE) OF THE AGROBIOCENOSIS OF CHICKPEAS OF NORTHERN FERGANA // Естественные науки и медицина: теория и практика: сб. ст. по матер. LXXX междунар. науч.-практ. конф. № 3(57). – Новосибирск: СибАК, 2025. – С. 30-33.
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Yusupova Shoirakhon Khasanbaevna

Doctor of fhilosofy (PhD) in biological sciences, head teacher, Namangan state university,

Uzbekistan, Namangan

Badriddinova Sugdiyona Xusniddin kizi

Graduate student, Namangan state university,

Uzbekistan, Namangan

UDC. 595.786.


В статье представлены сведения о распространении и биоэкологии 6 видов семейства Noctuidae в агроценозах нута Северной Ферганы. В частности, упоминаются виды Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner, 1805), Agrotis segetum (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775), Agrotis exclamationis Linnaeus, 1758, Spodoptera exigua (Hubner, 1808).


The article presents information on the distribution and bioecology of 6 species of the family Noctuidae in Chickpea agrocenosis of northern Fergana. In particular, the species mentioned are Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner, 1805), Agrotis segetum (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775), Agrotis exclamationis Linnaeus, 1758, Spodoptera exigua (Hubner, 1808).


Ключевые слова: нут, агроценоз, фитофаг, специализированный фитофил, полифаг, Helicoverpa armigera, Северная Фергана.

Keywords: chickpea, agrocenosis, phytophagus, a specific phytophile, the polyphage, Helicoverpa armigera, Northern Fergana


Background. Lepidoptera (Lepidoptera) is a species-rich genus of insects. 180,000 species belonging to 4,200 genera from 128 families have been registered in science. A significant part of the taxa form the noctuidae family, which currently includes about 35,000 species. Representatives of several genera of moths are widespread in legume agrobiocenosis, in particular, gamma moth, large wax moth, burdock. The insect fauna of vegetable and melon crops was periodically studied in the Fergana Valley. Including T. Tursunkhodjaev in 1960-70s on the territory of Eastern Fergana [3; pp. 49-54.], Although I. Zakirov compiled a list of species for the Central Fergana region, pea agrobiocenosis was not included in this list  [1; pp.41-51.].

Methods. The research materials were collected in the period 2010-2023 from chickpea plants grown on farms and household plots in all districts of Namangan region and adjacent territories located in the northern part of the Fergana Valley.

Result. Nevertheless, phytophages collected in pea agrocenosis of Northern Fergana were recorded and counted at different times of the year.

As a result of research conducted in 2010-2023, it was found that in the agrobiocenosis of pea in Northern Fergana there are 44 species of insects belonging to 6 genera of 21 families of 36 order. Of these, 6 species were representatives of moths. Their classification list, distribution, feeding peculiarities are given below.

Helicoverpa Hardwick, 1965

Distribution: Widespread in all regions of the Earth's surface.

36(1) Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner, 1805).

Place and time of detection: Pop district (Bеruniy, Chodak, Chorkеsar,

20-25.04.2018, 2019, 2021, 2022); Uychi district (Gʻayrat, Birlashgan, Qizilrovot, 15-20.04.2018, 2019, 2021, 2022); Kosonsoy (Sharq yulduzi, Isparon, Ququmboy, 18-20.04.2018, 2019, 2021, 2022); Chust district (Axcha, Karkidon, Varzik,

22-25.04.2018, 2019, 2021, 2022); Namangan district (Xasanobod, Tеpaqoʻrgʻon, 20-25.04.2018, 2019, 2021, 2022); Toʻraqoʻrgʻon (Axsi, Kumidon, 22-2404.2018, 2019, 2021); Uchqoʻrgʻon (Guliston, Chorvador, Yangiyеr, 22-25.04.2018, 2019, 2022).

Bioecology: specialized phytophile. Broad polyphagous, feeds on green parts of plants, gnaws fruits [1; PP.41-51.,2; PP. 51-52, 3; PP. 49-54., 5; 117 p].

Agrotis Ochsenheimer, 1816

Distribution: representatives of the genus are distributed all over the world. It is considered to be unique to the regions of North America and Europe.

37(1) Agrotis segetum (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775).

Place and time of detection: Pop district (Bеruniy, Chodak, Chorkеsar, 10-12.04.2019, 2021); district (Gʻayrat, Qizilrovot, 13-18.2029, 2021, 2022); Kosonsoy (Sharq yulduzi, Isparon, Ququmboy, 10-13.04.2018, 2019, 2022); Chust district (Axcha, Karkidon, Varzik, 08-12.04.2018, 209, 2021); Namangan district (Xasanobod, Tеpaqoʻrgʻon, 15-17.04.2019, 2022); Toʻraqoʻrgʻon (Axsi, Kumidon, 05-, 2021); Uchqoʻrgʻon (Guliston, Chorvador, Yangiyеr, 10-13.04.2019, 2021, 2022).

Bioecology: specialised phytophile, polyphagous, feeds on gnawing leaves and other green parts of young shoots [1; PP.41-51.,2; PP. 51-52, 3; PP. 49-54., 5; 117 p].

38(2) Agrotis exclamationis Linnaeus, 1758.

Place and time of detection: district (Bеruniy); Uychi district (Gʻayrat); Kosonsoy (Sharq yulduzi); Chust district (Varzik); Namangan district (Tеpaqoʻrgʻon); Toʻraqoʻrgʻon (Kumidon); Uchqoʻrgʻon (Guliston).

Bioecology: specialised phytophile. polyphagous, feeds on green parts of plants [1; PP.41-51.,2; PP. 51-52, 3; PP. 49-54., 5; 117 p].

Spodoptera Guenée, 1852

Distribution: representatives of this genus are distributed on all continents, except for cold climatic regions of the Earth (Siberia, Canada, Alaska, Antarctica) and are considered one of the serious pests. An important representative of the genus, Cardrina has a wide distribution range, inhabiting the range of 48-570 northern and 35-400 southern latitudes. In equatorial direction it spreads over the whole surface of the Earth.

39(1) Spodoptera exigua (Hubner, 1808).

Place and time of detection: Pop district (Bеruniy, Chodak, Chorkеsar,

18-23.04.2018, 2019, 2021); Uychi district (Gʻayrat, Birlashgan, Qizilrovot,

20-25.04. 2018, 2019, 2021); Kosonsoy (Sharq yulduzi, Isparon, Ququmboy,

24-27.04.2018, 2019); Chust district (Axcha, Karkidon, Varzik, 23-26.04. 2018, 2019, 2021); Namangan district (Xasanobod, Tеpaqoʻrgʻon, 25-30.04.2018, 2019); Toʻraqoʻrgʻon (Axsi, Kumidon, 23.04-25.04.2018, 2019); Uchqoʻrgʻon (Guliston, Chorvador, Yangiyеr, 27.04-03.05.2019, 2021, 2022);

Bioecology: Specialised phytophile. Broad polyphagous. Feeds on green parts of plants [1; PP.41-51., 4; PP: 121-123., 5; 117 p].

Heliothis Ochsenheimer, 1816

Distribution: representatives of this genus completely inhabit the territories of North America, Europe and Australia, partially Asian and African continents.

40(1) Heliothis peltigera (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775).

Place and time of detection: Pop district (Bеruniy, Chodak, Chorkеsar,

05-10.05.2018, 2019, 2022); Uychi district (Gʻayrat, Birlashgan, Qizilrovot,

28.04-3.05.2018, 2019); Kosonsoy (Sharq yulduzi, Isparon, Ququmboy, 04-07.05.2019, 2021); Chust district (Axcha, Karkidon, Varzik, 03-07.05.2018, 2021, 2022); Namangan district (Xasanobod, Tеpaqoʻrgʻon, 05-10.05.2019, 2021, 2022); Turakurgan (Axsi, Kumidon, 30.04-05.05.2018, 2019); Uchkurgan (Guliston, Chorvador, Yangiyеr, 27.04.-05.05.2019, 2021, 2022);

Bioecology: Specialised phytophile. polyphagous. Feeds on green parts of plants, leaves and pointed parts of growths [2; PP. 51-52, 5; 117 p.].

Syngrapha Hübner, 1821

Distribution: It is considered to be a typical Eurasian species.

41(1) Syngrapha circumflexa (Linnaeus, 1767).

Place and time of detection: Pop district (Bеruniy, Chodak, Chorkеsar, 05-07.05.2018, 2019, 2021); Uychi district (Gʻayrat, Birlashgan, Qizilrovot, 03-07.05. 2021, 2022); Kosonsoy (Sharq yulduzi, Isparon, Ququmboy, 10-14.05.2019, 2021, 2022); Chust district (Axcha, Karkidon, Varzik, 08-10.05.2018, 2019); Namangan district (Xasanobod, Tеpaqoʻrgʻon, 05-08. 05.2021, 2022); Turakurgan (Axsi, Kumidon, 10-12.05.2019, 2021); Uchkurgan (Guliston, Chorvador, Yangiyеr, 10-12.05.2019, 2021, 2022) districts

Bioecology: specialised phytophile polyphagous, feeds on green parts of plants [2; PP. 51-52, 3; PP. 49-54., 5; 117 p].

Conclution. Studies show that all species from the Noctuidae family found in the chickpea agrocenosis belong to the group of specialized phytophiles that infect the green parts of the plant and harvest organs.



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