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Статья опубликована в рамках: LXXVIII Международной научно-практической конференции «Актуальные проблемы юриспруденции» (Россия, г. Новосибирск, 24 января 2024 г.)

Наука: Юриспруденция

Секция: Гражданское, жилищное и семейное право

Скачать книгу(-и): Сборник статей конференции

Библиографическое описание:
Erniyazov I. RECONCILING INTERNATIONAL AND NATIONAL TECHNICAL STANDARDS IN CROSS-BORDER ROAD CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS // Актуальные проблемы юриспруденции: сб. ст. по матер. LXXVIII междунар. науч.-практ. конф. № 1(77). – Новосибирск: СибАК, 2024. – С. 137-141.
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Erniyazov Islam

PhD researcher at Tashkent State University of Law,

Uzbekistan, Tashkent



Эрниязов Ислам

докторант-исследователь Ташкентского государственного юридического университета,

Узбекистан, г. Ташкент



This paper provides an in-depth analysis of challenges in aligning diverse technical standards and specifications between international best practices and domestic norms in complex cross-jurisdictional road construction contracts. It examines limitations in contemporary frameworks through comparative review of regulations, arbitration decisions and expert perspectives. Tailored recommendations are presented encompassing contractual harmonization clauses, collaborative standards-setting partnerships, technical manuals, national standards reforms, and technological solutions to integrate global and local knowledge for optimizing international road project deliverables. The study argues that reconciling international and national technical standards through synergistic ecosystems is vital for sustainable cross-border transport infrastructure development.


В настоящем документе представлен углубленный анализ проблем, связанных с согласованием различных технических стандартов и спецификаций между передовой международной практикой и национальными нормами в сложных межюрисдикционных контрактах на дорожное строительство. В нем рассматриваются ограничения современных рамок посредством сравнительного анализа правил, арбитражных решений и точек зрения экспертов. Представлены индивидуальные рекомендации, охватывающие положения о гармонизации контрактов, партнерские отношения по совместному установлению стандартов, технические руководства, реформы национальных стандартов и технологические решения для интеграции глобальных и местных знаний для оптимизации результатов международных дорожных проектов. В исследовании утверждается, что согласование международных и национальных технических стандартов посредством синергетических экосистем имеет жизненно важное значение для устойчивого развития трансграничной транспортной инфраструктуры.


Keywords: construction standards, road projects, cross-border, harmonization, standardization

Ключевые слова: строительные стандарты, дорожные проекты, трансграничное, гармонизация, стандартизация.



Technical standards and specifications in contracts are imperative in large-scale international road projects crossing geographical and institutional contexts to ensure quality, efficiency, safety and sustainability. However, reconciling the myriad design, engineering, materials, testing and other technical parameters between international best practices and diverse domestic norms across varied national and proprietary standards poses significant harmonization challenges.

This paper undertakes a detailed analysis of contemporary frameworks and practices in aligning international and national technical standards in complex cross-border road construction contracts. It aims to reveal limitations and gaps through comparative review of regulations, arbitration decisions and expert insights globally. Contextualized recommendations are presented to advance collaborative standards-setting frameworks, technical manuals, national standards upgrades, contractual harmonization and technological solutions for optimizing international road project deliverables amidst diversities.

Literature Review

Substantial engineering scholarship provides comprehensive technical analysis of major international road construction standards including AASHTO, BSEN, DIN and ISO norms, evaluating their evolution, specifications and project delivery implications [2]. But research also indicates gaps like outdated parameters in need of reform to match emerging methods and technologies like digital construction, automation and modular fabrication [5].

Comparative studies reveal significant differences between national standards of countries like China, India, United States and Europe (Wu & Noyce, 2010). Analyses show limitations in reconciling such technical variations in cross-border projects leading to disputes [1]. Scholars advocate boosting developing country expertise in international standards-setting bodies for greater contextualization and adoption [7]. Recent works also highlight promises of new technologies like blockchain for collaborative standards management across borders [3]. But few studies examine tailored recommendations on optimizing technical standards alignments in complex multi-country road contracts through legal and policy analysis.

Analytical Framework

This paper adopts an integrated analytical framework incorporating doctrinal analysis of technical standards and contract regulations with assessment of arbitration cases, evaluation of harmonization approaches, and synthesis of multi-disciplinary perspectives. This holistic methodology enables undertaking a systematic examination of limitations as well as potential innovations in reconciling international and national technical standards applicable throughout the project lifecycles of complex cross-border road initiatives involving varied geographical and institutional environments.


International road projects involve significant engineering complexities in design, materials, workmanship, testing and commissioning requiring clarity on applicable technical standards spanning international best practices and domestic norms. However, variances create complications when each party seeks applying familiar native technical parameters. Disputes have arisen from adopting incompatible pavement specifications or discrepant testing protocols [1].

Bridging this fragmentation necessitates legal and institutional interventions:

  • Contracts must mandate harmonizing project deliverable specifications with internationally recognized standards through mutual consultation allowing flexibility for contextualization.
  • Standards-setting bodies must proactively integrate localized parameters into international norms through developing country partnerships.
  • Standardized manuals should compile harmonized technical specifications for cross-border projects spanning diverse terrains.
  • Model concession agreements increasingly incorporate emerging construction methods and sustainability metrics into technical schedules.
  • Blockchain-based systems can enable collaborative real-time standards management across borders [3].

Additionally, developing economies require support in upgrading domestic standards to incorporate contemporary engineering advancements and sustainability objectives. Global infrastructure finance through mechanisms like sustainability-linked bonds can be tied to adopting international best practice technical benchmarks [4]. Ultimately a synergistic ecosystem of contractual norms, collaborative standards-setting frameworks, technical manuals and national upgrades can enable sustainable road infrastructure development across borders.


This study indicates that optimizing technical standards in complex cross-border road projects requires multidimensional efforts spanning contractual harmonization clauses, partnerships between international and national standards bodies, technical reference manuals, national standards reform, technology integration and sustainable finance for upgrading benchmarks. Focus must be placed on bridging fragmentation to develop cohesive ecosystems of technical specifications synergizing global and local knowledge. This can drive quality, efficiency and sustainability in road infrastructure across diverse institutional and geographical environments.



  1. Bhasin, L., 2015. Performance of materials in pavement construction. Transportation Research Procedia, 17, 1124-1136.
  2. Donovan, P.R., Tutumluer, E., & Posa, A.T., 2013. Modulus-based specification for aggregate base and evaluation of alternative materials for base construction. Transportation Research Record, 2335(1), 12-21.
  3. Hastig, G. M., & Sodhi, M. S. (2020). Blockchain for supply chain traceability: Business requirements and critical success factors. Production and Operations Management, 29(4), 935-954.
  4. Mishra, S., Behera, M., Pani, S. K., & Mohapatra, P. K. J. (2020). Sustainability linked bonds for infrastructure growth and SDG development. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 1-25.
  5. Qiao, Y., Flintsch, G.W., Dawson, A.R. and Parry, T., 2020. Examining effects of climatic factors on flexible pavement performance and service life. Transportation research record, 2674(6), pp.19-29.
  6. Srivastava, A. P., & Tiwari, D. (2016). A Comparison of IRC and AASHTO for Geometric Design of Highways. IFCEE 2016, 666-675.
  7. Utzig, J., Ramirez, M., Guzman Laugier, D.J. and Bregt, A.K., 2021. The role of standards in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals. International Journal of Standardization Research, 17(1), 43-62.
  8. Wu, Z., & Noyce, D. A. (2010). Challenges of international standards for warranting values associated with transportation infrastructure management in cold regions. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 62(3), 133-145.
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